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Electricity Price Hike

Major Rushen

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Right now in Cornwall. Stayed with a friend the other night. He has solar panels on his garage and on a dull morning in early March he was selling his surplus electric to the grid. His solar setup cost about 12k.

If we all did this then much of our problems would be solved. I genuinely think it is criminal that it is not compulsory for all new builds not to have some solar incorporated. All those houses in ballasalla - what a lost opportunity. 

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12 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

Solar panel farms and Wind Turbine Fields have a massive set up cost that has to be borrowed and paid for. There is no cheap electricity in Scotland with lots of wind and Hydroelectric.

That’s because of the way the UK pricing market works though. In very broad terms, it works like so:

Each supplier will bid for the minimum rate they will sell electricity at, and it keeps increasing until load is met. But all bidders get paid the full rate. 

So for example, base load plants, like nuclear, will bid low, they can’t turn up and down easily, so will sometimes even bid 0p per unit. They want to be selling electricity regardless.

Then you get the renewables like wind and solar, they might bid say 10p per unit. They’re tied to wind or sun though, so aren’t something you can depend on. 

But then you get the gas plants, they can ramp up and down very easily. So they come in with the highest bids, because they’re the ones that can fill that gap. Say they bid 20p for their contribution.

Everyone in that chain gets paid 20p per unit, and the gas, even if it’s a minority of the power being produced, sets the price. 

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18 minutes ago, NoTail said:

Right now in Cornwall. Stayed with a friend the other night. He has solar panels on his garage and on a dull morning in early March he was selling his surplus electric to the grid. His solar setup cost about 12k.

If we all did this then much of our problems would be solved. I genuinely think it is criminal that it is not compulsory for all new builds not to have some solar incorporated. All those houses in ballasalla - what a lost opportunity. 

In  the IOM they only give a very low price per unit  when you try to sell them  the electricity you generate ..

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2 minutes ago, mad_manx said:

In  the IOM they only give a very low price per unit  when you try to sell them  the electricity you generate ..

I get 4p from OVO so you're not alone.

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26 minutes ago, NoTail said:

Right now in Cornwall. Stayed with a friend the other night. He has solar panels on his garage and on a dull morning in early March he was selling his surplus electric to the grid. His solar setup cost about 12k.

If we all did this then much of our problems would be solved. I genuinely think it is criminal that it is not compulsory for all new builds not to have some solar incorporated. All those houses in ballasalla - what a lost opportunity. 

Other than being seen as eco friendly I don’t there are any incentives to installing solar over here.

Still tempted to get an electric car for the half price tariff over night though, combined with a power wall you should be able to store enough electricity at off peak rates to last you most of the day.

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3 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Other than being seen as eco friendly I don’t there are any incentives to installing solar over here.

Still tempted to get an electric car for the half price tariff over night though, combined with a power wall you should be able to store enough electricity at off peak rates to last you most of the day.

Electric heating  tariff is cheaper than the electric car tariff . 

You also need to factor in the cost of installation of the home charging  point if you want the EV tariff..

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6 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

Other than being seen as eco friendly I don’t there are any incentives to installing solar over here.

Still tempted to get an electric car for the half price tariff over night though, combined with a power wall you should be able to store enough electricity at off peak rates to last you most of the day.

One thing - you'll generally have excess electricity, I use mine to run a fan heater (save on oil).

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1 hour ago, Venus said:

My electric bill is already over this. And I am in a small household of 2 and do try to keep the electric bills down. Mine averages around £100 a month, what are other people's bills like?

About the same, and I live alone, mainly. It isn't so much about no of people, a light still lights the same no matter how many are in the room, same with room heaters, fridges, freezers etc.   It's more about stuff kept on standby that I will be looking to reduce. 

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It's the knock on to retail that's the worrying thing, nobody is going to receive a 60% pay hike to compensate for this so people have to consolidate and prioritise. That hits the "luxury" and nice to have markets and not just local. One might wonder how Amazon sales and carriage to the Island might be hit for instance?

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