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Electricity Price Hike

Major Rushen

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1 hour ago, Annoymouse said:

Still tempted to get an electric car for the half price tariff over night though, combined with a power wall you should be able to store enough electricity at off peak rates to last you most of the day.

How about if you just got the cheapest electric bike off Aliexpress or something? I don't mean an electrified mountain bike, but a proper road-registered thing resembling a moped/scooter.

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2 hours ago, CallMeCurious said:

What are the predicted savings on standard tarifs for green energy?  You know like some actual independent calcualtions have been done or is the 'salesman said' scenario?

Would be nice to know as presumably there must be a business case other than 'save the planet'.    

Simple answer is.... there won't be any savings.

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

 It's more about stuff kept on standby that I will be looking to reduce. 

Three or four years ago when the electricity price was maybe 0.18/Kwh (?) I checked the consumption of one of the computers I use .

The difference between "suspend" and "off" (but not at the wall socket) was £10 per year, assuming that was the state for the whole year.

The difference between "off" and really off at the wall socket was £23 per year - again assuming that state for the whole year.

The savings now will be greater but are offset by the fact that the computers are on all day during the time I am at home anyway.

Apart from that I could not see any savings to make. Sit in the dark? Cook the chicken for half the recommended time? Go to the pub, drink beer and use their electricity?


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Current domestic rate is 22p after July this will be 34p -54.54% increase.

Current EV home charge is 12p per kWh After July this will be 24p a 100% increase.

For outside vehicle charging it is 24.7p per kWh after July 36.7p increase of 48%.

In summary EV home charging is getting the biggest increase. Bad news if you are running you dishwasher, dryer etc overnight.

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17 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Three or four years ago when the electricity price was maybe 0.18/Kwh (?) I checked the consumption of one of the computers I use .

The difference between "suspend" and "off" (but not at the wall socket) was £10 per year, assuming that was the state for the whole year.

The difference between "off" and really off at the wall socket was £23 per year - again assuming that state for the whole year.

The savings now will be greater but are offset by the fact that the computers are on all day during the time I am at home anyway.

Apart from that I could not see any savings to make. Sit in the dark? Cook the chicken for half the recommended time? Go to the pub, drink beer and use their electricity?

Before getting solar panels I was using an Intel NUC instead of i5-8600K + GTX 1070 GPU ==> Massive difference.

Turn down the brightness on monitors you don't need to red text on.

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5 minutes ago, Major Rushen said:

Current domestic rate is 22p after July this will be 34p -54.54% increase.

Current EV home charge is 12p per kWh After July this will be 24p a 100% increase.

For outside vehicle charging it is 24.7p per kWh after July 36.7p increase of 48%.

In summary EV home charging is getting the biggest increase. Bad news if you are running you dishwasher, dryer etc overnight.

But  it's still 30%  cheaper than running them at daytime  (24p vs 34p).

So if someone has the ev tariff they are still better off running  these at night..

Edited by mad_manx
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5 minutes ago, mad_manx said:

But  it's still 30%  cheaper than running them at daytime  (24p vs 34p).

So if someone has the ev tariff they are still better off running  these at night..

Prepayment customers with gas will be paying 34p, no comfy heat or ev tariffs 

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27 minutes ago, mad_manx said:

But  it's still 30%  cheaper than running them at daytime  (24p vs 34p).

So if someone has the ev tariff they are still better off running  these at night..

Agree they bumped the EV by 100% to catch the dishwasher, dryer, washing machine etc.

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Didn't here any mention of an increase in the tarrifs for the supply of home generation back to the grid or an uplift in limits for commercial installations.

A Tesla Power Wall 2 is around £18,000 installed. Which would be the equivalent at the highest tarrif in July of 34p/kWh means you need to save 53,000 kWh of electricity to cover the cost before you start to see any benifit to your bank balance. The UK average household  is 4,600kWh per annum (£1,500).

So banking the cost of a battery installation would pay an average homes electricty bills for 11 years. So even if you magically reduced your consumption by 50% by storing free home generation to use when in occupation and dropped to 2,300 kWh you'd be looking at 22 years to payback.

With a lifespan of 20-25 years, you might get a few years of savings before having to do it all over again. And thats not including the cost of the wind trubine/heat pump/solar panels.

Basically another virtue signalling exercise until the environazis decide to ban the sale and repair of fossil fuel boilers and ration electricity use to acheive the zero carbon targets.  



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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

Apart from that I could not see any savings to make. Sit in the dark? Cook the chicken for half the recommended time? Go to the pub, drink beer and use their electricity?

This. After cutting things to the bone there are no more savings to make for the domestic consumer, short of candles and a washing stone down at the nearest river.

God help businesses that are electricity dependent, workshops etc. It's not difficult to foresee another flurry of business closures, Rates rises from LAs and increases from Govt Depts to the taxpayer.

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12 minutes ago, WTF said:

if they are giving you 8.2p and selling it for 30+ p i suspect they would rather you produced it for them at your expense and wear and tear rather than them make it.

They don't want it because they have no control over it. They have to manage generation to meet the demand which is variable enough as it is (the boiling kettles during the world cup half-time break) and then add onto it a fluctuating supply from homes dotted all over the place. It makes no practical difference to the capacity that has to be available 24/7 so 100kW of random unreliable domestic generation isn't going to mean you can have a 100kW less generation capacity.

It'll still be the same with the white elephant turbines and solar farms, we still need base load capacity on standby. We don't need renewable until we have reliable first. The next project will then be to build a massive battery somewhere on the main network to try to store excess renewable capacity to try ot smooth out the variability.

Adding more and more complexity and vulnerability to a system when we could (and have) simply laid a cable to the UK or Eire to tap into a massively more resilient and established source of green energy and nuclear power that is already there.  Preumably the MUA already get bulk rates from the interconnector and we could jsut expand on that with more capacity from diverse sources.

But what do I know I'm just some guy who could care less about global warming and more about qulaity of life.    



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