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Katrina Visits "big Easy"


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thanks for link lonan




it states


'The estimated cost of rebuilding New Orleans and its environs is at least $26 billion (to finish the levee projects would have cost $208 million, of which the Bush Administration sent $10 million).'


thats quite an expensive headache for a nation and especially their present govt. Hard luck george. Has aid from Cuba been accepted yet? In addition i wonder if the late US objections to UN reform will be quite so vigorous around the bartering table in light of recent assistance offered by the UN?

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thanks for link lonan




it states


'The estimated cost of rebuilding New Orleans and its environs is at least $26 billion (to finish the levee projects would have cost $208 million, of which the Bush Administration sent $10 million).'


thats quite an expensive headache for a nation and especially their present govt. Hard luck george.  Has aid from Cuba been accepted yet? In addition i wonder if the late US objections to UN reform will be quite so vigorous around the bartering table in light of recent assistance offered by the UN?

Compared to the amount being spent slaughtering Iraqs it's a drop in the ocean (no pun intended).

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As if they wouldn't have it bad enough already down there and now this:


Jackson writes song for hurricane


Michael Jackson has written a song for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, his spokeswoman said on Tuesday.


She said he hoped to record the track - tentatively titled From the Bottom of My Heart - with other artists and release it as a charity single.


From Beep News


Genuine concern or tasteless but clever attempt to relaunch a career - you decide...

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Has aid from Cuba been accepted yet?


I'm not sure but I can guess that it hasn't.


I don't understand why the US is the only country with a problem with Cuba.There is a lack of political parties, freedom of expression and totally free elections but in many ways Cubans are well looked after. The finest health care and education, for example. Good levels of literacy and quite equal standards of living. And of course it's a most beautiful country. The best thing about the place though is it's the only place in the world free of American enterprise - no McDonald's or American tourists!


However, because Castro refused US offers of aid for their recent hurricaine it's probable the Americans will do likewise.

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The Cubans are, however, unlikely to read any Forum posts, if only because:


"private citizens are prohibited from buying computers or accessing the Internet without special authorization; foreigners may access the Internet in large hotels, but are subject to firewalls; some Cubans buy illegal passwords on the black market, or take advantage of public outlets to access limited email and the government-controlled "intranet" (2004)"

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As if they wouldn't have it bad enough already down there and now this:


Jackson writes song for hurricane


Michael Jackson has written a song for the victims of Hurricane Katrina, his spokeswoman said on Tuesday.


She said he hoped to record the track - tentatively titled From the Bottom of My Heart - with other artists and release it as a charity single.


From Beep News


Genuine concern or tasteless but clever attempt to relaunch a career - you decide...



when I read this on Sky News this afternoon my reaction was totally tasteless as you know he's just using it as an excuse to turn public perception of him around. Quite frankly, the man makes me nauseous and I dont ever want to hear the song.


Bloody nora, just read what I wrote and never realised just how much i didn't like the guy :huh: Never did see what anyone ever saw in him, I must be the only one who didn't buy the Bad album in the 80's.

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when I read this on Sky News this afternoon my reaction was totally tasteless as you know he's just using it as an excuse to turn public perception of him around.  Quite frankly, the man makes me nauseous and I dont ever want to hear the song.


Bloody nora, just read what I wrote and never realised just how much i didn't like the guy  :huh:  Never did see what anyone ever saw in him, I must be the only one who didn't buy the Bad album in the 80's.


Many other musicians have performed special "Katrina" concerts or released songs so I don't see how Jacko is any different. He may be doing it for his own good but we don't know (and I don't care). He was cleared of all charges relating to child abuse so however weird you think he is (and he is) we should accept that he's not a child abuser - just a weirdo!


I've never bought any of his music either.

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Cuba has always upest the yanks (well since they & their multinationals were thrown out!)


What - a country where everyone has access to a really good healthcare system?

Have too keep that quiet in case the yanks might want to have the same sort of treatment!


It's one of the very few "unspoiled" places left on Earth - as cheesemonster says - no MacDonalds, no American tourists, no Pepsi, no Coca Cola - really good rum (not the Bacardi yank rip-off)!


I would seriously recommend anyone, if they have the means to visit this beautiful country in the next couple of years, as Castro probably doesn't have many years left to live, when he dies, the place will be crawling with yanks and it will just become a hell hole like many of the other Caribbeam Islands.

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when I read this on Sky News this afternoon my reaction was totally tasteless as you know he's just using it as an excuse to turn public perception of him around.  Quite frankly, the man makes me nauseous and I dont ever want to hear the song.


Bloody nora, just read what I wrote and never realised just how much i didn't like the guy  :huh:  Never did see what anyone ever saw in him, I must be the only one who didn't buy the Bad album in the 80's.


Many other musicians have performed special "Katrina" concerts or released songs so I don't see how Jacko is any different. He may be doing it for his own good but we don't know (and I don't care). He was cleared of all charges relating to child abuse so however weird you think he is (and he is) we should accept that he's not a child abuser - just a weirdo!


I've never bought any of his music either.


He was cleared of all charges - still doesn't mean that he didn't abuse kids, remember OJ Simpson - wasn't he cleared of murder??

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Many other musicians have performed special "Katrina" concerts or released songs so I don't see how Jacko is any different.  He may be doing it for his own good but we don't know (and I don't care).  He was cleared of all charges relating to child abuse so however weird you think he is (and he is) we should accept that he's not a child abuser - just a weirdo!



I have to point something out Cheesey my friend, but I never said he was a child abuser, i just said he makes me nauseous, he always has done, even back in the 80's. There's just something about him that makes me cringe, don't know what it is, but I can't help it.


He was cleared of all charges - still doesn't mean that he didn't abuse kids, remember OJ Simpson - wasn't he cleared of murder??

Too bloody true!


I do still think he's doing it to try and shake off his image, which in my opinion is tasteless, and i would think the same about anyone else who was doing it for personal gain. I'm only talking about wacko jacko cos hes the only one i've read about.

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Not sure about the Cuba aid being accepted.


We didn't accept any UK aid as it was not offered.


And, blaming Bush is the wrong person to blame. Why not blame Huey Long who was incredibly corrupt, not to mention had an affair with a Baltimore stripper named Blaze Starr. Corrupt government has been the norm in NOLA forever, and continues.


IT was the Governor and Mayor in NOLA that never issued DIRE WARNINGS to get out of town until the day before it hit. NOLA officials figured that storm wasn't predicted to hit them directly, so they kept Bourbon Street open, encouraging Hurricane Parties, right up until the day htey

NOLA know decades ago about the need to protect the city and improve the levee system. Instead, he put the gov't money (that could have beenallocated to shore up levee system - then gave the builders free reign to develop along the canals, lakes, rivers and barrier islands, which should hvae been left undistrubed as they were a natural barrier against hurricanes. The Feds can't just run in there and take over the City (i.e., civil war - states' rights). ( The Feds give money to each State and the State that gets it THEN decides how to use the money (i.e., homeland security $$). Also, over 60 billion dollars have been given to NOLA for the levee system, and other gov't money has been given to them recently for Katrina Cleanup).


The Mayor and Gov or NOLA didn't believe that the storm was going to hit them directly (although it is impossible to predict the path of a hurricane, they knew it was going to hit them somewhere along the line - and overnight the path was altered and the storm upgraded). No GET OUT OF TOWN NOW warning was issued until the day before the storm and there was no preparation for helping people out of town that had no transportation, hence the delay in help. IN fact, Bourbon Street just the evening before was business as usual with an added Hurricane Party theme. No securing of homes started until the day before the storm. Then there was mass exodus of people leaving town and it was gridlock until you were unable to drive due to the storm.


Now, consider Florida. They take the weather seriously and when a hurricane is called for, immediately homes are battened down and people get out of town DAYS before the event.


State's rights, see? Now you can see how unqualified some folks are and yet hold high offices in the Gov't.


Some also make it the Presidency.

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