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DoI - More of the same

Passing Time

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She's been interim chief officer since 2021, and nothing seems to have improved with this department.

"Infrastructure Minister Chris Thomas added: ‘I offer my congratulations to Emily on her permanent appointment and look forward to continue working together on the wide range of services the Department delivers for our community every day of the year.’" - Satirical comment of the year

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6 minutes ago, Passing Time said:


She's been interim chief officer since 2021, and nothing seems to have improved with this department.

"Infrastructure Minister Chris Thomas added: ‘I offer my congratulations to Emily on her permanent appointment and look forward to continue working together on the wide range of services the Department delivers for our community every day of the year.’" - Satirical comment of the year

‘The aims of Our Island Plan will continue to be the focus of what we want to achieve over the coming months, with the department’s performance playing a central role in fulfilling many of the key objectives.’  37 words

Jesus Christ do they get paid by word count or something?

"Our Island Plan goals are our focus, and the department's performance is key to achieving them."

Translation "Our circus continues".


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don't really know the lady but you would have thought with all the problems this department has ,it would make sense to appoint someone with a civil engineering  , construction ,  or major capital or procurement  background ,  historically we have had Roy Cooil ,  Ian Thompson , and  Minister   Arnold Callin  ran the department with a rod of Iron ,  excellent roads and infrastructure   then and no waste on cosmetic nice to have projects ,  plus a decent all island workforce  who went out and  got things done 

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1 hour ago, Omobono said:

don't really know the lady but you would have thought with all the problems this department has ,it would make sense to appoint someone with a civil engineering  , construction ,  or major capital or procurement  background ,  historically we have had Roy Cooil ,  Ian Thompson , and  Minister   Arnold Callin  ran the department with a rod of Iron ,  excellent roads and infrastructure   then and no waste on cosmetic nice to have projects ,  plus a decent all island workforce  who went out and  got things done 

Sadly all we have now is posturing peacocks…

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12 hours ago, Omobono said:

don't really know the lady but you would have thought with all the problems this department has ,it would make sense to appoint someone with a civil engineering  , construction ,  or major capital or procurement  background ,  historically we have had Roy Cooil ,  Ian Thompson , and  Minister   Arnold Callin  ran the department with a rod of Iron ,  excellent roads and infrastructure   then and no waste on cosmetic nice to have projects ,  plus a decent all island workforce  who went out and  got things done 

Was this post advertised? Just curious to know how we know we have the best person for the job when this was a stop gap appointment after Mr Black headed for the hills. Presumably if they were part of the previous regime it'll just be business as usual.

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12 hours ago, Omobono said:

don't really know the lady but you would have thought with all the problems this department has ,it would make sense to appoint someone with a civil engineering  , construction ,  or major capital or procurement  background ,  historically we have had Roy Cooil ,  Ian Thompson , and  Minister   Arnold Callin  ran the department with a rod of Iron ,  excellent roads and infrastructure   then and no waste on cosmetic nice to have projects ,  plus a decent all island workforce  who went out and  got things done 

I think the role of DOI CEO is more of a politicians job now, basically a person who signs off projects and schemes. They rely on directors below them, like Transport Longworth, airport director, director of highways, ect. These people below are generally experts in their fields. This is what happens in the DOI


I do think it shows that the DOI is too big for itself, and would benefit from being split up into Departments of Highways, Transport and Ports & Harbours as was in the good olde days

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Seriously, do they get together and draw up a list of who they think needs an uplift in salary/pension throw all the names in a hat and pick one. No attention payed to whether they have any experience in what the job intails  or any thought of what they can bring to the table, or is it she had a loverly smile at the last cheese and nibbles interdepartmental get together. I for one have no idea how these people progress on to higher and bigger fuck ups and just walk away, with a rise and no blame. 

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1 minute ago, Maugholdmafia said:

I think the role of DOI CEO is more of a politicians job now, basically a person who signs off projects and schemes. They rely on directors below them, like Transport Longworth, airport director, director of highways, ect. These people below are generally experts in their fields. This is what happens in the DOI


I do think it shows that the DOI is too big for itself, and would benefit from being split up into Departments of Highways, Transport and Ports & Harbours as was in the good olde days

Like it was before the merged them into the DOI to make savings and efficiencies through pooling staff. Only it never happened really as they had no plan before they did it. Education, Properties, Health, Highways and Ports all run in silos pretty much still. All that has happened is they culled experienced staff without any change to the workload and then had to bring in outside contractors and manage them instead. 

Wonder how long before they try to run this at 'arms length'.

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