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MT Huge rises in tarrifs

Max Power

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1 hour ago, Ringy Rose said:

Yes. MT didn’t put ducting in when they originally installed the phone line, and so they now expect me to put ducting in at my expense. This involves digging up the garden. Quite why I should have to pay to fix their shoddy workmanship is beyond me.

Easy to have a slightly lower percentage when you’re starting out at a price 200% higher than that being charged by suppliers in the UK.

But no, Basalt Infrastructure Partners LLP are definitely absolutely definitely not taking the fucking piss.


Its not hard, and from experience over here if you ask the telecom provider nicely they will supply you with the duct too.

Then all you need to do is bury it in a small trench, no more than digging in potatoes, and run it from your property  boundary to your house where you wish it to enter.

I know farmers over here who have just laid the cable on the surface, not buried,  in the verge of their tracks to their houses, that works too but not sure if MT would let you do that there?

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21 minutes ago, Blade Runner said:

Its not hard, and from experience over here if you ask the telecom provider nicely they will supply you with the duct too.

Then all you need to do is bury it in a small trench, no more than digging in potatoes, and run it from your property  boundary to your house where you wish it to enter.

I know farmers over here who have just laid the cable on the surface, not buried,  in the verge of their tracks to their houses, that works too but not sure if MT would let you do that there?

A lot of the fibre they've run about the place leaves a lot to be desired.

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Just now, Omobono said:

time all these monopoly companies were put under proper scrutiny , either that or let the telecoms market rip ,  friends have Tesco in the UK  and say the service is great and cant believe what we are paying for here ,

Economy of scale. Given the size of the rock etc. your prices aren't too crazy.

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32 minutes ago, Blade Runner said:

Its not hard, and from experience over here if you ask the telecom provider nicely they will supply you with the duct too.

Then all you need to do is bury it in a small trench, no more than digging in potatoes, and run it from your property  boundary to your house where you wish it to enter.

I know farmers over here who have just laid the cable on the surface, not buried,  in the verge of their tracks to their houses, that works too but not sure if MT would let you do that there?

Yes. Burying ducting around a property is trivial.

But the ducting will typically need to run into / under the road - i.e. beyond the boundary of the property. And I rather doubt that the typically householder will be well equipped to negotiate the likely practical and legal requirements of connecting into the street / road.

This kind of thing is often done commercially with an automated mole. I doubt that the costs involved (human hours) are significantly more or less than the cost involved with running fibre to the top floor of a dodgy building converted into rental flats. Do tenants typically have to pay for the cost of installation? Who typically pays to get fibre in flats and offices - which certainly takes just as much time.

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2 minutes ago, GD4ELI said:

Economy of scale. Given the size of the rock etc. your prices aren't too crazy.

Just going back to the soup debate...You think...? (£3.99 for a four pack btw)




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2 minutes ago, genericUserName said:

Was there ever any solid reason for IOM to be a separate licensing jurisdiction? Given that all of the rest of the spectrum isn't. And given that previously IOM was simply on the Liverpool exchange.

Some knobheads in power on the rock wanted to be independent.

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3 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Not all aspects can be scaled in this way - if someone has to run fibre to each house, the effort is proportional to the number of houses.

Backoffice, support, purchasing etc. - all adds up.

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3 minutes ago, genericUserName said:

I have always rather had the impression that it came out of that era. 

If I remember correctly, the IOM could have remained in the UK network but 'we are a proud nation' crap put paid to that.

So - when was it - 1980's?

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