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Eden Centre-The Isle of Man-the next 30 years?

Moghrey Mie

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As he points out, I think the general fear of change, 1970s attitudes and inbuilt parochialism in the population here would stop it happening. He's right on the money with what needs to change, but you'll see far more resistance from the stodgy, testy, backward populace as a whole than from government in particular.

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He is right, and what he says doesn’t just apply to biodiversity.

The island could and should be ahead of the game in so many areas but the general mindset is against change or progress and we have far to many nutters who think everything is a conspiracy designed to make their lives worse while someone else benefits.

I have no idea how you change the mindset of so many people, but it is so frustrating seeing every suggestion to make the island better for all of us knocked back.  Even getting planning to build a few houses is knocked back by the same people who then complain houses and renting are too expensive.

We need some big thinkers with big ideas and some brave politicians to implement policy  to encourage them here and push their ideas through quickly.

It won’t happen though.  In 30 years the island will be inhabited by tin hat wearing pensioners who still oppose all progress and wonder why their are no people here of working age paying into the pot they are draining.

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4 minutes ago, WTF said:

Good For You ?

I think it’s a much more intelligent well researched and well reasoned response than that.

Or maybe it’s just the type of response you would expect from the type of person who is holding the island back?

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59 minutes ago, Ativa said:

We need some big thinkers with big ideas and some brave politicians to implement policy  to encourage them here and push their ideas through quickly.

You've not thought this one through, have you? Those that you want to "encourage" here over the next 30 years will be pensioners.... the same as those that you are now saying will be tin hat wearers and draining the pot. 

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32 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

You've not thought this one through, have you? Those that you want to "encourage" here over the next 30 years will be pensioners.... the same as those that you are now saying will be tin hat wearers and draining the pot. 


Those people will have kids who will hopefully want to stay here if the island is better.

Those people will have businesses who would attract new workers here.

Let me guess, you want to see population reduction and a higher percentage of manxies who have only ever lived and worked here?

What is actually wrong with what Sir Smit is saying?

Edited by Ativa
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Does CM Cannan seriously hope to get any crumbs from the Eden Project North Morecambe? This island can’t deliver a ferry terminal to time and to budget, and look at the mess of what was made of the Promenade. I think it was a good photo opportunity for CM Cannan to hob nob with the movers and shakers, and high society of the development world, along with showing off to the leader of Liverpool City Council. I think these people will look at IOMG as gullible twits who we can do business with ………….. to their advantage. Does anyone seriously think that CM Cannan would have the GMPs interests at heart, or merely ride roughshod as IOMG think they know what’s good for its citizens?

Incidentally, as much as progress can be made to create jobs and redevelop brownfield sites, it’s not so much the old folk and others resistant to change, it is home grown Manx to the Max businesses, who like to object, and use their considerable power and influence. 

Edited by 2112
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