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Bad idea.

As the machinery is already installed I assume the politicos have been told by their masters to do this, and only now are suggesting it might be a good idea, and nothing to worry about.

The children who have bad teeth from eating to much sugar and acidic foods will continue to have bad teeth. If fluoride in toothpaste does not work then adding it to the water supply will do nothing either.

The IOM health service did not seem to worry about damaging childrens teeth in the seventies. They just turned a blind eye to the "treatment" abuse of rogue dentists.

Adverse side effects:

Bone weakness

Bone cancer

Adverse brain effects (lowers IQ, maybe not a worry on IOM)

Cardio issue


Diabetes function issues

Kidney function


Fluoride is an industrial waste product. expensive to get rid of, except when you push it into the municipal water supply.

I do not trust the local politicians and would be surprised if they can tie their own shoe laces unaided. This appears to be pushed by persons unknown, appears to be a done deal.

If someone was to do a search on The Health Risks of Fluoride you might find the following:






In summary the risks outweigh any supposed benefits. Children with bad teeth need talking to. Inflicting long term health issues on the population is bad.

No fluoride in the water. Hold politicians personallyaccountable for damage inflicted.


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4 hours ago, genericUserName said:

I am happy for drinking water to be fortified provided that wholemeal water also remains available at no additional cost.

So, how do you feel about chlorination, or adding lime that settles out the vegetable matter, or iron or PTFE from the distribution pipes, or lead or copper from the house pipes?

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15 minutes ago, Roxanne said:


This Is why I would never eat polar bear liver. 


Did you know they have black skin and their hair contains no white pigment, it's actually hollow. 

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3 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

Did you know they have black skin and their hair contains no white pigment, it's actually hollow. 

I never actually got that close to one. If I do, I’ll be sure to take along my dad’s old magnifying glass. 

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3 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I never actually got that close to one. If I do, I’ll be sure to take along my dad’s old magnifying glass. 

There are regions in the north of Norway where it’s obligatory to carry a rifle to protect yourself against polar bear attacks. If you get attacked and shoot one, you then have to skin it and take the skin to the authorities to prove you didn’t shoot it in the back, as shooting them in the back is illegal. 

Any more interesting polar bear facts? This thread is quickly turning into a Viz style “Things you don’t know about…”

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5 minutes ago, wrighty said:

There are regions in the north of Norway where it’s obligatory to carry a rifle to protect yourself against polar bear attacks. If you get attacked and shoot one, you then have to skin it and take the skin to the authorities to prove you didn’t shoot it in the back, as shooting them in the back is illegal. 

Any more interesting polar bear facts? This thread is quickly turning into a Viz style “Things you don’t know about…”

Yep.  There was a dude hunting in Canada a few years ago that shot a hybrid Polar/Grizzly Bear.   A Grolar or Pizzly - used to be hyper rare but now more common.  The fact that their territories are overlapping is likely due to climate change. 

He had a licence to shoot one but not the other.  Ended up in all kinds of legal shenanigans, but eventually let off as it was a genuine mistake and there are no laws concerning a hybrid. 

Mike Stroud I remember also mentioned he genuinely considered using their Polar Bear gun to shoot Ranulph Fiennes on one of their Arctic trips. 

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37 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:


Subsequently, the Forum on Fluoridation, established by the Department of Health to independently review CWF, issued several policy recommendations to attain maximum protection against dental caries and minimise the incidence of enamel fluorosis. One recommendation, redefining the optimal level of fluoride in drinking water from 0.8–1.0 mg/L to 0.6–0.8 mg/L with a target value of 0.7 mg/L, was implemented in 2007.

Sounds like Irish words for, we want to save a few €s.

Both 0.7mg/l and 1.0mg/l are way below the concentration needed to cause fluorosis. 

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38 minutes ago, philwebs said:

children who have bad teeth from eating to much sugar and acidic foods will continue to have bad teeth. If fluoride in toothpaste does not work then adding it to the water supply will do nothing either

The research shows that you are incorrect. I added  link some posts back.

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33 minutes ago, philwebs said:

Children with bad teeth need talking to.

It's the parents who need talking to. They're the ones who start feeding their children Cadbury buttons and sweet juices before they can even walk, thereby skewing the immature tastebuds to craving sweetness for life. It's easier to quieten a fractious child with a bit of chocolate or junk food than it is to put the phone down and actually interact with the child. 

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2 minutes ago, Zarley said:

It's the parents who need talking to. They're the ones who start feeding their children Cadbury buttons and sweet juices before they can even walk, thereby skewing the immature tastebuds to craving sweetness for life. It's easier to quieten a fractious child with a bit of chocolate or junk food than it is to put the phone down and actually interact with the child. 

That's right. And it's not going to change anytime soon. 

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55 minutes ago, John Wright said:

So, how do you feel about chlorination, or adding lime that settles out the vegetable matter, or iron or PTFE from the distribution pipes, or lead or copper from the house pipes?

I would prefer to drink UV treated water. But there is an obvious distinction to be made between the necessary treatment of water to make it safe for drinking vs fluoridation - which has nothing to do with making water safe for drinking.

Parents need to stop giving their kids sugary foods and drinks. The ones with bad dental health are not drinking water.

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