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Ban On Violent Net Porn Planned


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I'm only guessing here but would an unacceptable level of pornography involve people, of any age, who were reluctant participants and who are victims not actors.


This is the important part for me. If you're exploiting someone, harming them, forcing them to do something against their will, it's clearly wrong. If they're underage, its clearly wrong. But if it's a movie of concenting adults who either like to be beaten up, or are happy to be paid to be beaten up, then I think it's acceptable.


So we have the viewers. They're not harming anyone are they? They're only looking. Can they step back enough to replace the tortured faces with those of their children, mothers and brothers? Their hands are clean are they?


No, they're not. It's the same as handling stolen goods, without the consumer there would be no crime.


But what is the next kick? What satisfies next?

I worry that desensitisation occurs when being exposed to a limitless supply of pornography. In fact, I believe that a limitless supply of ANYTHING can be bad for you.

So you have these voyeurs getting themselves nicely wound up and then what?


I'm not sure I agree with you here. I don't think everyone who likes to watch girls getting thumped wants to thump girls, I think that's a bridge too far. Same as every kid who shoots cops in games like grand theft auto goes out and shoots them for real. There's been so many studies on this too, and the most conclusive results from countries with more liberal laws than us, like Japan and Holland have shown there's much less sexcrime, so it's hard to know whats right really.

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Its all very confusing..


I think it's unfortunate once again that the net gets all the attention as the bad guy. I see bluetoothed mobile phones as far worse offenders for this stuff. "hur hur, look at this vid I have of a horse shaggin this women on me phone, apparently she died after". I mean, what the fek?

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Clear your browser cache frequently, and keep it small.


Still, if you do get sent indecent images, or get spyware/popups that display them, take some time to find out if they've been cached on your pc and make sure you remove all copies


But just 'deleting' data doesn't actually make it go away does it? Surely anything 'deleted' is only deleted (virtually) from the file system - but is still actually recorded on the drive until that part of the drive is actually written over. (Thank goodness in my case since there have been a few times when I've wanted to recover deleted data and have resorted to forensic software). Don't the CIA write zeros several times and then destroy the drive using a metal grinder?


And there isn't any obvious way of choosing which physical part of a drive is over written at any time. Is there? You'd have to write zeros to the drive - or destroy it - to actually be certain of removing the data.


Though I suppose that you could allocate a removable drive or card as the browser cache. Network monitoring at the ISPs is the solution to kiddie porn IMO. The ISPs have a record of every network request. They know which physical address was connected via which IP address at any particular time and have a record of network requests. An investigation started somewhere else (perhaps years later) might turn up IP addresses which can still be traced to actual ISP subscribers. ISP records would show evidence of all requests - and, more importantly, of repeated intent.


I keep on wondering about these 'open' wifi connections. Surely these must be where the kiddie porn people now connect. Which is why I think that even free wi fi should require identity verification and validation.


I don't much care what consenting adults and actors do.


PS - I once bought a drive from a local supplier. It wasn't in a sealed bag and I was curious as to whether it had an history. I ran some forensic software on it - and it turned out that it had simply been re formatted. I didn't find or look for anything nasty - but it clearly wasn't new. I printed out a listing of what was actually on the drive and took it back on the basis that it wasn't new.

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The whole "Net Porn" issue tend to raise it's ugly head every few years.


Can't say I would personally be turned on by what I would call "Violent Porn" - but there's obviously a market there for it - same thing with "Gay Porn" (Unless it's women of course)....


If these movies are made with consenting adults, then I don't really see where there is a problem.


And if you were that determined to get hold of the stuff, then you would probably order it through the post, or go to the Netherlands (or another more liberal European country) and just buy the stuff off the shelf!


It's a pity the "Net" gets the blame for this kind of stuff (just like it was being blamed for paedo stuff a few years ago) - it's just a transport mechanism at the end of the day not the actual "media" itself.


- Why "shoot the messenger"????


At the end of the day, - if it's a movie made by consenting adults(actors), then what is the problem?


Or do people really actually beleive "porn sketches & storylines" ??


Does porn cause more problems to society than the regular violence & murder we get dished out on TV everynight???

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But just 'deleting' data doesn't actually make it go away does it? Surely anything 'deleted' is only deleted (virtually) from the file system - but is still actually recorded on the drive until that part of the drive is actually written over.


Yep, but in this case if you've browser cash stuff that you've deleted, you should be safe enough. If you've a big stash of kiddie pron that you just deleted because the police appeared in your driveway, you probably will be in trouble.


And there isn't any obvious way of choosing which physical part of a drive is over written at any time. Is there? You'd have to write zeros to the drive - or destroy it - to actually be certain of removing the data.


You can get smart erase tools, but no, there's no simple way.


Though I suppose that you could allocate a removable drive or card  as the browser cache. Network monitoring at the ISPs is the solution to kiddie porn IMO. The ISPs have a record of every network request. They know which physical address was connected via which IP address at any particular time and have a record of network requests.


Na, you're talking bollocks. They might know which two hosts talked, but not what data transpired. Also with natted networks you'll only have the ip of the gateway, not the end machine, you don't know what translation has happened either end, and if the whole conversation is ssl'ed or tunneled in anothe way, like most of this stuff will be because it involves paid for accounts, the isp will know nothing at all.


An investigation started somewhere else (perhaps years later) might turn up IP addresses which can still be traced to actual ISP subscribers. ISP records would show evidence of all requests - and, more importantly, of repeated intent.


More likely you'll have logs from web hosts, credit card payment records, stuff like that. Not isp's.


I keep on wondering about these 'open' wifi connections. Surely these must be where the kiddie porn people now connect. Which is why I think that even free wi fi should require identity verification and validation.


I think you're looking in the wrong place really.


PS - I once bought a drive from a local supplier. It wasn't in a sealed bag and I was curious as to whether it had an history. I ran some forensic software on it - and it turned out that it had simply been re formatted. I didn't find or look for anything nasty - but it clearly wasn't new. I printed out a listing of what was actually on the drive and took it back on the basis that it wasn't new.


I've provisioned a new server from a reseller once and they'd not deleted the old accounts off it. Several hundred domains complete with emails. Scary really.

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I wouldn't say rape equated to consenting adults doing a well paid job


But who honestly in their right mind would????


Would you really consider movies like the Rambo series (just for example) equated to murder, or actors (some of them really bad) doing a probably well paid job??


If there are any available porn movies showing actual rape, rather than "acted rape scenes" then this is clearly out of order and the perpetrators should be punished.


- I honestly don't think this is what the whole issue of "violent porn" is actually about though? (Please correct me if I'm wrong).


I think we all need to realise that porn "movies" are not really much different to "hollywood" movies at the end of the day - the participants are actors (whether professional or not) and if anyone takes them too seriously then they have a real problem - you can't really blame the medium or censor everything and spoil it for the rest of us, just because there are one or two "mal-adjusted" people out there who take it all on-board far too seriously.

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I would take a lot of convincing that people who object to pornography per se are maladjusted.

Pornographic pictures, films and stories , involving females, are terribly demeaning to women ..and without exception all embody violence to the self respect of the women involved.... and create a hostile environment for other women to live in.

I, for one, find it hard to understand the UK Government reasoning on this one. Surely all pornography should be banned.

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I would take a lot of convincing that people who object to pornography per se are maladjusted.

Pornographic pictures, films and stories , involving females, are terribly demeaning to women ..and without exception all embody violence to the self respect of the women involved.... and create a hostile environment for other women to live in.

I, for one, find it hard to understand the UK Government reasoning on this one. Surely all pornography should be banned.


i disagree entirely.


with all due respect, there are sites, videos, books and magazines that are dedicated to the degredation of women, but there are an equal amount dedicated to the degredation of men, too. its all there, you just gotta know where to look.



besides, who's really being exploited? the woman, being paid a hella lotta cash, or the man watching it, PAYING a hella lotta cash to watch it?



i understand entirely what your saying, but i know women (and guys) whove done this stuff willingly.


if you ban porn, should you not also ban voyeurism? should we not have the lights on? i for one like to see the rabbit, so to speak. i think its an entirely un-enforceable law.

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besides, who's really being exploited? the woman, being paid a hella lotta cash, or the man watching it, PAYING a hella lotta cash to watch it?


In my opinion it is the woman being paid who is degraded. In addition other women have to endure the hostile environment created by pornography.


which is what?


hostile environment? where, when do they experience this? on set? or the ley woman going about her daily business?



not only that, but isnt it HER choice if she wants to be degraded? after all, she could have been an office clerk, a milkwoman, a police officer etc, she didnt have to go into porn.

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which is what?


hostile environment? where, when do they experience this? on set? or the ley woman going about her daily business?


not only that, but isnt it HER choice if she wants to be degraded? after all, she could have been an office clerk, a milkwoman, a police officer etc, she didnt have to go into porn.


Women experience a hostile environment during their normal lives, going about their daily business ... pornography is a significant factor in constructing this environment as it pervades the way men think about women.

Try walking through London on a normal business day if you want to experience the hostile environment ..whistles, lewd comments, uninvited approaches and touching.

Regarding career choices ... I think you are correct in saying it is not compulsory to seek employment in the porn industry, however, it doesnt lessen the degradation. I dont understand your argument that compulsion is a mitigating factor.

Perhaps any men reading this should ask their wives, partners or mothers for an opinion.

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which is what?


hostile environment? where, when do they experience this? on set? or the ley woman going about her daily business?


not only that, but isnt it HER choice if she wants to be degraded? after all, she could have been an office clerk, a milkwoman, a police officer etc, she didnt have to go into porn.


Women experience a hostile environment during their normal lives, going about their daily business ... pornography is a significant factor in constructing this environment as it pervades the way men think about women.

Try walking through London on a normal business day if you want to experience the hostile environment ..whistles, lewd comments, uninvited approaches and touching.

Regarding career choices ... I think you are correct in saying it is not compulsory to seek employment in the porn industry, however, it doesnt lessen the degradation. I dont understand your argument that compulsion is a mitigating factor.

Perhaps any men reading this should ask their wives, partners or mothers for an opinion.


hang on a moment. i watch and look at pornography, and it doesnt cheapen any woman to my eyes. i dont watch porn and then turn into some hairy palmed monster, chasing women and looking for my next sex-crime victim. it doesnt lessen y opinion of my girlfriend, or my sisters or my mother or of my female friends.


a girl on screen is a girl on screen. end of.


regarding whistles etc. no, that is wrong. i dont approve, nor would i partake in such an activity. its just plain rude. i dont think that porn is responsible however.

well, its no more responsible than a miniskirt, or a push up bra, which by the way, women wear, full in the knowledge of the reaction theyll get.


i dont walk around town with a triangle of cheesecloth barely covering the end of my john-thomas, as i know there'll be an adverse reaction, get my drift?




i DO ask my partner about porn, she finds it funny, i find it arousing. strokes for folks, eh? as far as my mother, sisters, grandmother etc. i wouldnt talk to them about any aspect of my sex life, let alone my porn "habit".


i think youre tarring too many of us with the same brush. we're not all lewd, coarse horrible trolls with hairy palms and deficient sight, you know.

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hang on a moment. i watch and look at pornography, and it doesnt cheapen any woman to my eyes. i dont watch porn and then turn into some hairy palmed monster, chasing women and looking for my next sex-crime victim. it doesnt lessen y opinion of my girlfriend, or my sisters or my mother or of my female friends.

a girl on screen is a girl on screen. end of.

regarding whistles etc. no, that is wrong. i dont approve, nor would i partake in such an activity. its just plain rude. i dont think that porn is responsible however.

well, its no more responsible than a miniskirt, or a push up bra, which by the way, women wear, full in the knowledge of the reaction theyll get.

i dont walk around town with a triangle of cheesecloth barely covering the end of my john-thomas, as i know there'll be an adverse reaction, get my drift?

i DO ask my partner about porn, she finds it funny, i find it arousing. strokes for folks, eh? as far as my mother, sisters, grandmother etc. i wouldnt talk to them about any aspect of my sex life, let alone my porn "habit".

i think youre tarring too many of us with the same brush. we're not all lewd, coarse horrible trolls with hairy palms and deficient sight, you know.


I absolutely dont think all men are what you say (nice turn of phrase incidentally!)

You are also correct in that women, me included, sometimes wear clothes knowing or hoping they will look attractive to men. I have short skirts in my wardrobe, I love my high heels and lipstick and I try to make the best of my figure with nice bras etc.

But, with all due respect, that isnt the same at all as being degraded by partaking in pornography.

The question of a hostile environment has already been decided by the law ..at least in the context of employment law ... pornography in the shape of girly calendars etc is held as constructing a hostile environment for females to work in ..and it does !

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