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Ban On Violent Net Porn Planned


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Slim, I don't know why you are having so much trouble with what I said.

I don't have a problem with porn. I have a problem with people getting off on people having things done to them against their will. Like I said, if it's a story being told in which someone gets raped and it's relevant to the story, e.g. The Accused, I don't have a problem with it being shown. If a rape was shown in a film or in pictures and the whole idea behind it was to tittilate someone, I have a problem with it.


If a friend of yours showed you some pictures of rapes, what would you say?

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Slim, I don't know why you are having so much trouble with what I said.

I don't have a problem with porn.  I have a problem with people getting off on people having things done to them against their will.  Like I said, if it's a story being told in which someone gets raped and it's relevant to the story, e.g. The Accused, I don't have a problem with it being shown.  If a rape was shown in a film or in pictures and the whole idea behind it was to tittilate someone, I have a problem with it. 


No I'm not, I know what you're saying. I agree with you on pictures of real rapes, of people doing something against their will. That's wrong, and it's rightly illegal.


But you said staged rapes too. I don't see this as a problem at all. If someone wants to act out a rape and some people enjoy watching that, so what? I don't see how that's different from watching a drama where someone gets murdered. Why does it suddenly become wrong simply because someones enjoying it?


If a friend of yours showed you some pictures of rapes, what would you say?


It's not my bag either way, so I'd not be eager to see them. If they were real rapes, then it's illegal and in very poor taste too, and I agree it's wrong. If it's a vid of some actors/porn stars playing out a rape scene, I've no problem with it whatsoever. I dont understand why it suddenly becomes wrong because it's providing enjoyment. It's still fantasy, it's still not real and I'm still adult enough to know the difference thanks.

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I'll think we'll never agree on this!

The problem for me is why someone stages these rapes. As far as I'm concerned, if it's part of the story it's fine. If it's a staged rape for it's own sake, done just for the sexual gratification of an observer, it's sick.

I am aware I'm repeating myself so I'll stop now!

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I'll think we'll never agree on this! 

The problem for me is why someone stages these rapes.  As far as I'm concerned, if it's part of the story it's fine.  If it's a staged rape for it's own sake, done just for the sexual gratification of an observer, it's sick. 

I am aware I'm repeating myself so I'll stop now!


Explain to me why it's sick. You're just saying you think it is without backing it up.

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I'll think we'll never agree on this! 

The problem for me is why someone stages these rapes.  As far as I'm concerned, if it's part of the story it's fine.  If it's a staged rape for it's own sake, done just for the sexual gratification of an observer, it's sick. 

I am aware I'm repeating myself so I'll stop now!


Explain to me why it's sick. You're just saying you think it is without backing it up.


Fine, I'll bite.


I think it's sick because it is done with the sole purpose of providing sexual gratification to someone who enjoys looking at pictures of people having something pretty damn nasty done to them.

I have a problem with someone who would enjoy looking at these EVEN IF they know they are not real.

Seriously, I am just repeating myself each time!

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Fine, I'll bite.


I think it's sick because it is done with the sole purpose of providing sexual gratification to someone who enjoys looking at pictures of people having something pretty damn nasty done to them. 

I have a problem with someone who would enjoy looking at these EVEN IF they know they are not real.

Seriously, I am just repeating myself each time!


Na you're not, I'm trying to understand. I can see that you find it distasteful, and I don't disagree with you. But why ban it because you find it distasteful? There's lots of things I find distasteful but I wouldn't want them banned, because I can accept that my taste is different from others. What's your justification for preventing other people doing something that you dont like?


My wife hates nick nacks, but I love em. Should they be banned? I'm not being trolly, I'm genuinely interested.

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Are you absolutely 100 percent certain about that?



The vast majority of porn is not forced upon the actresses. I don't see cockel (sp?) picking being banned?


You live in a society, and as far as I am aware you lose nothing and are not endangered by porn being legal, why infringe on the desires of others?


'Rappers degrade the image of men'

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The vast majority of porn is not forced upon the actresses. I don't see cockel (sp?) picking being banned?

You live in a society, and as far as I am aware you lose nothing and are not endangered by porn being legal, why infringe on the desires of others?

'Rappers degrade the image of men'


I really do think you are missing the key point about pornography.

It necessarily embodies violence against women because it reduces us to a collection of body parts which men find attractive. Pictures, films, stories in magazines etc .. all portray women as something less than human and, as a result, all women will, therefore, suffer or be degraded because of pornography.


We dont have to take extremist positions, such as Dworkin, to recognise pornography pervades the way men think about women and the result is analogous to racism.

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Pornography is entertainment. It's no different then other forms of entertainment (where people will always be portayed differently, it's how people interpret the scenes).


I don't get whether you're arguing about banning violent pornography or pornography in general? If the latter, then a lot of porn does not show violence..

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I don't get whether you're arguing about banning violent pornography or pornography in general? If the latter, then a lot of porn does not show violence..


In my opinion, all pornography, involving women, embodies violence against women ... all women.

It is a point, albeit a significant point, on a continuum of discrimination and inequality.

My views on the subject are a long way off being extreme.

For example, Dworkin and McKinnon held that pornography, amongst other things, led to acts of individual violence, such as rape, against women.

While I certainly dont subscribe to such extreme views I have to take account of the arguments put forward to support them and it is evident that Dworkin, in particular, correctly identified the negative effects of pornography in helping to create a hostile environment for women ... all women. She was somewhat less successful in drawing a sound conclusion from her research.

You will, of course, recognise this is a distinctly different view point to your assertion that " a lot of porn does not show violence.." ... I rather think you are offering evidence to support my argument that pornography pervades the way men think about women ...

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Don't take this the wrong way, but are you really the one to know how it affects a males judgement of females? If you want to make assertions as such, when you're not in the position to test your thesis, then supply us with some credible source?


Pornography is entertainment.

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Hello everyone.

My name is Father Judas Priest and I have something to share with you,


Pornography is bad i tell thee.

Instead of sinning and watching movies of these dreadful acts please read the Old & New Testament instead.

Failing that, watch a documentary about our lord Jesus or read about all the good things our lord has brought and done for us.

Pornography is Satans work I tell thee. Please don't get involved with the devils disgusting work.


If everything fails and you feel you really need help, Come Join us.




May the lord be you one and all.

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I don't get whether you're arguing about banning violent pornography or pornography in general? If the latter, then a lot of porn does not show violence..


In my opinion, all pornography, involving women, embodies violence against women ... all women.

It is a point, albeit a significant point, on a continuum of discrimination and inequality.

My views on the subject are a long way off being extreme.

For example, Dworkin and McKinnon held that pornography, amongst other things, led to acts of individual violence, such as rape, against women.

While I certainly dont subscribe to such extreme views I have to take account of the arguments put forward to support them and it is evident that Dworkin, in particular, correctly identified the negative effects of pornography in helping to create a hostile environment for women ... all women. She was somewhat less successful in drawing a sound conclusion from her research.

You will, of course, recognise this is a distinctly different view point to your assertion that " a lot of porn does not show violence.." ... I rather think you are offering evidence to support my argument that pornography pervades the way men think about women ...



I still don't understand how you can possibly equate porn "embodying violence against women", - I don't understand where this idea is coming from??


How possibly does porn create a "hostile environment" towards women??


As mentioned in my previous post - women enjoy porn just as much as men !


At the end of the day we should all be able to rationalise that porn actors in porn movies - in exactly the same way as Hollywood actors in Hollywood movies are just actors in totally fictional situations.


So where the hell does "a continuum of discrimination and inequality" come from - please explain - you give these quotes with no substance to back them up.


- I'm not trying to troll or have a go at you - I'm just trying to understand where you're coming from.

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