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On 6/12/2023 at 2:55 PM, jackwhite said:

The UK?

There seems to a transphobic undertone worldwide atm along with anything remotely connected with it.

Of course.

It's because the trans issue is receiving so much publicity, which is largely self-generated. Again, and again and again.

The general public has been forced to react. Which let's face it, that is the very purpose of many trans people. To shock and force a reaction. To be naughty and upset the stable balance of society.


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Just now, Barlow said:

which is largely self-generated

Utter bollocks. The Times has been writing hundreds of hit-pieces a year on trans people for years, completely unprovoked.


Which let's face it, that is the very purpose of many trans people. To shock and force a reaction. To be naughty and upset the stable balance of society.

More bollocks. The overwhelming majority of trans people just want to live their lives without being abused.

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Transphobia is largely being driven by mysoginists anyway. You only have to look at the sort of people Posie Parker is sidling up to - anti-abortion, anti women's rights, anti-lesbian rights. And the frequency of this sort of anti-woman sentiment from other women for fuck's sake:


The "Gender Critical" cult is deranged and woman-hating.

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10 minutes ago, HeliX said:

More bollocks. The overwhelming majority of trans people just want to live their lives without being abused.

Then bollocks back to you.

The vast majority of society is ambivalent for trans people to live their lives as they wish but I would suggest are unhappy with the trans issue forever being thrust in its face.

You can't deny the self-publicity that is forever sought by so many trans people, can you? Can you?

My post is considered. You show your own failing in your response to dismiss an opinion that is opposed to your own as "utter bollocks".

I would expect better from you. You should be ashamed of yourself.



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31 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Of course.

It's because the trans issue is receiving so much publicity, which is largely self-generated. Again, and again and again.

The general public has been forced to react. Which let's face it, that is the very purpose of many trans people. To shock and force a reaction. To be naughty and upset the stable balance of society.


What utter horseshit, what stable balance of society? The one that's had trans people as a part of it for thousands of years? Please do tell me what your degree in Google and masters in the Daily Mail has taught you about this subject?

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23 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Then bollocks back to you.

The vast majority of society is ambivalent for trans people to live their lives as they wish but I would suggest are unhappy with the trans issue forever being thrust in its face.

Take it up with the papers who keep reporting it then? Don't use it as a stick to hit trans people with.



You can't deny the self-publicity that is forever sought by so many trans people, can you? Can you?

You can define "many" in a way so as to make this right about literally any group, but assuming you're not going to act in bad faith like that, yes I do deny it. Like I said, the overwhelming majority of trans people, like any other people, just want to live their lives quietly, safely and comfortably.



My post is considered. You show your own failing in your response to dismiss an opinion that is opposed to your own as "utter bollocks".

I would expect better from you. You should be ashamed of yourself.


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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

If people would just stop reading the damn newspapers we’d all get on a whole lot better. 

Might start wondering if the ruling classes are the problem rather than blaming everything on half a dozen trans people and a handful of immigrants though.

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3 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Might start wondering if the ruling classes are the problem rather than blaming everything on half a dozen trans people and a handful of immigrants though.

People have been played by the media forever. It supports their fear about others. They just can’t see that it’s all just generated to make money. Muslims, Jews, immigrants, trans. Just a short list of the things that whip people up. It’s bloody tragic, both for the reader and for the people they think they need to be afraid of. 

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8 minutes ago, HeliX said:

Might start wondering if the ruling classes are the problem rather than blaming everything on half a dozen trans people and a handful of immigrants though.

Oh my fav part is when they all start crying "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!!!"

The world has an on going issue surrounding tends of thousands of church leaders, pastors, coaches, teachers, instructors, family members etc abusing children on a yearly basis - but nothing to see here folks.

But, one trans person does something wrong / someone mentions the word gender - by christ we better have a lynching, take to Facebook, call Brenda from down the road, picket the schools, run down the pub and get Alf who knows a thing or two about this, rage people rage, has anyone got the Mail, the Mail will know what to do, better get GB News on the case also, write to the MHKS.

If these f*ckwits gave half the f*ck they claim they give about children, they would care where it counts, and yet, they never do. You dont ever see 1% of the energy put into that as you do this whole trans panic bs.


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37 minutes ago, Barlow said:

The vast majority of society is ambivalent for trans people to live their lives as they wish but I would suggest are unhappy with the trans issue forever being thrust in its face.

You can't deny the self-publicity that is forever sought by so many trans people, can you? Can you?

The world is full of people seeking self-publicity, as you'd expect some of them will be trans.

But ask yourself, how is the trans issue being thrust in your face?  Are trans people knocking on your door or ringing you up about it?  Or are you reading about it in the papers and on online or broadcast media?  Those media have made the choice to cover those particular stories and not others, in a world full of publicists. 

And how accurately are they doing that?  We have a good example here.  It turns out that what happened was a schoolchild got told off by a teacher for being rude in class and their mother decided to make a fuss about that.  Normally I suspect this is behaviour you would not approve of and certainly not consider important.  You might even stop to consider just who the person self-publicising in this situation was.  But parts of the media decided to change the story into something it wasn't and give it considerable publicity.  It wasn't exactly newsworthy - it had happened months previously.

Now you and the rest of us know what did happen in this case and how it got distorted and misreported, because it was local and we could follow it up.  We knew that if the claimed events had happened we would have heard about it from multiple sources as the other children spread the skeet at the time, so most of us were sceptical from the start.

If this is what really happened with how the London media treated a story you are familiar with, ask yourself just how true all the other trans-related stories they are reporting are.  Are the self-publicists the trans people or the ones who are complaining about it?  And does the number of trans-related stories reflect what is going on in the world or the editorial choices those who control the media make about what is 'important' and what is ignored?  In that case it's not trans people (or at least the vast majority of them) who are pushing the issue but those who control what appears in the media.  It's them you should be complaining about.

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1 hour ago, Barlow said:

The vast majority of society is ambivalent for trans people to live their lives as they wish but I would suggest are unhappy with the trans issue forever being thrust in its face.

You can't deny the self-publicity that is forever sought by so many trans people, can you? Can you?


This is true.

Somewhat akin to the “Just Stop Oil” protestors. Most people are ambivalent about, or even support their cause but the way they present themselves and the actions they indulge in, turn a lot of society off.

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9 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

This is true.

Somewhat akin to the “Just Stop Oil” protestors. Most people are ambivalent about, or even support their cause but the way they present themselves and the actions they indulge in, turn a lot of society off.

We aren't even close to the just stop oil protestors, we aren't holding up ambulances and stopping people getting vital medical treatment, if anything, we campaign for quite the opposite. Just because you see a group of trans people on the news or twitter protesting, doesn't mean that trans people everywhere are suddenly in your face. It means the media has chosen to put a select few trans people all over its screens/pages, and make a huge hype about virtually nothing, and then place some bellend like Piers Morgan on screen shouting "Urhhh I told you so, the end is nigh". That isn't the fault of trans people. Most of us just want to get on with, and live our lives, nothing more, nothing less. Do we call out injustices, sure, it's only right to do so. But, are we knocking at your door like Jehovas Witnesses, trying to trans you into the good word and abduct your men folk to a world of panty and pink? No, it's all hyped up nonsense.

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1 hour ago, Chie said:

Oh my fav part is when they all start crying "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN!!!"

The world has an on going issue surrounding tends of thousands of church leaders, pastors, coaches, teachers, instructors, family members etc abusing children on a yearly basis - but nothing to see here folks.

But, one trans person does something wrong / someone mentions the word gender - by christ we better have a lynching, take to Facebook, call Brenda from down the road, picket the schools, run down the pub and get Alf who knows a thing or two about this, rage people rage, has anyone got the Mail, the Mail will know what to do, better get GB News on the case also, write to the MHKS.

If these f*ckwits gave half the f*ck they claim they give about children, they would care where it counts, and yet, they never do. You dont ever see 1% of the energy put into that as you do this whole trans panic bs.


I felt that Chie. Nice one. 

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