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Josem exposes QE2 drag queen photos


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30 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

but the way they present themselves and the actions they indulge in

What examples of this do you personally have? I’m intrigued. I have trans friends who you’d never know are trans. They get on with their lives quietly and in peace with no self publicity. In fact, the opposite is the case. What actions are you talking about that they indulge in? 

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2 minutes ago, jackwhite said:

As most people do, the dictionary!

Which makes your point absurd. Most people do not dislike or have a prejudice against trans people. Most people have far too much going on in their own lives to actually give much thought to individuals they have no relationship/friendship/involvement with. 

I know a couple of trans individuals and they just want to crack on with their life, it's difficult enough as it is. They don't need rabid, vocal, cheerleaders speaking on their behalf which the media love to lap up and publicise.


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2 hours ago, Barlow said:

Then bollocks back to you.

The vast majority of society is ambivalent for trans people to live their lives as they wish but I would suggest are unhappy with the trans issue forever being thrust in its face.

You can't deny the self-publicity that is forever sought by so many trans people, can you? Can you?

My post is considered. You show your own failing in your response to dismiss an opinion that is opposed to your own as "utter bollocks".

I would expect better from you. You should be ashamed of yourself.



I think you are conflating 'trans' people with the present LGBTQetc... movement which seem to want to thrust their views, lifestyle, quest for more rights, freedom to upset whoever they want... on the rest of society. I can well imagine the older gay generation recoiling in horror when faced with what they see in their name these days.

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1 minute ago, Lxxx said:

seem to want to thrust their views, lifestyle, quest for more rights, freedom to upset whoever they want... on the rest of society.

I struggle with this 'thrust in their face/on the rest of society' comment that is thrown around by some people. Any examples of something being 'thrust in your face' or forced on you?

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6 minutes ago, Capt_Mainwaring said:

I struggle with this 'thrust in their face/on the rest of society' comment that is thrown around by some people. Any examples of something being 'thrust in your face' or forced on you?

Aye. It's just the same shite that gets rolled out any time a minority gets a bit too uppity for the old guard's liking. It's been the same for time immemorial. What it really means is "I'm so unbelievably intolerant I can't bear to see this happen in front of me - can't they just go away and let me pretend they don't exist?".

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6 minutes ago, Capt_Mainwaring said:

I struggle with this 'thrust in their face/on the rest of society' comment that is thrown around by some people. Any examples of something being 'thrust in your face' or forced on you?

As with anything it's all about individual perception and nuanced. I used to work on Canal Street in Manchester back in the late 90's and it was a great place to be around, loads of fun times were had with friends of all persuasions. Now none of my gay friends go near the place as it's no longer about being a comfortable space where gay and straight people could have a good time, it's become an embodiment of a quasi-political movement where anything goes and boundaries are pushed. Pride Festival for example has been hijacked by individuals with extreme views in recent years and exposing of genitalia in public has been tacitly accepted. It is usually the younger generation but then again this is a wider societal issue.

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1 hour ago, HeliX said:

Might start wondering if the ruling classes are the problem rather than blaming everything on half a dozen trans people and a handful of immigrants though.

I don't read newspapers (maybe IoM Examiner and Independent at a push) and I don't watch TV -haven't done for 20 years or more, but even taking under-exaggeration into account for effect, I think you will find you are wildly out with your use of immigrants figure. You may want to reconsider your own source of news.

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1 minute ago, Barlow said:

I don't read newspapers (maybe IoM Examiner and Independent at a push) and I don't watch TV -haven't done for 20 years or more, but even taking under-exaggeration into account for effect, I think you will find you are wildly out with your use of immigrants figure. You may want to reconsider your own source of news.

Who made you scared of immigrants if you don't wach the news?

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4 minutes ago, Lxxx said:

As with anything it's all about individual perception and nuanced. I used to work on Canal Street in Manchester back in the late 90's and it was a great place to be around, loads of fun times were had with friends of all persuasions. Now none of my gay friends go near the place as it's no longer about being a comfortable space where gay and straight people could have a good time, it's become an embodiment of a quasi-political movement where anything goes and boundaries are pushed. Pride Festival for example has been hijacked by individuals with extreme views in recent years and exposing of genitalia in public has been tacitly accepted. It is usually the younger generation but then again this is a wider societal issue.

I spent a week in a hotel in Canal Street a few years ago and didn't see anything at all I would describe as any sort of activism. Small sample size, obviously.

What extreme views are on display at Pride?

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The issue at QE2 had nothing to do with trans or immigrants. Some "christian" nazis had discovered that a youth worker brought in to help with some references to diversity, had dressed up as a woman on a different occasion.

Nothing else.

Obergruppenfuher Josem can call it whatever he wants but it was overt homophobia - nothing else.

As a result of the homophobia the lessons which could help a victim of abuse understand that they have been abused, are suspended. It's beyond belief.


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3 hours ago, HeliX said:

Transphobia is largely being driven by mysoginists anyway.


The "Gender Critical" cult is deranged and woman-hating.

And the reason for that is that they want to be sure they have the right targets for their misogyny, not some aberrent man! 

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24 minutes ago, piebaps said:

The issue at QE2 had nothing to do with trans or immigrants. Some "christian" nazis had discovered that a youth worker brought in to help with some references to diversity, had dressed up as a woman on a different occasion.

Nothing else.

Obergruppenfuher Josem can call it whatever he wants but it was overt homophobia - nothing else.

As a result of the homophobia the lessons which could help a victim of abuse understand that they have been abused, are suspended. It's beyond belief.


Behave yourself.

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

What examples of this do you personally have? I’m intrigued. I have trans friends who you’d never know are trans. They get on with their lives quietly and in peace with no self publicity. In fact, the opposite is the case. What actions are you talking about that they indulge in? 

I’m sure your trans friends are very nice people. And it would be great if all were like that. Live and let live etc.

But there are others who like nothing better than to bully and “cancel” from university debates etc those that don’t agree with their views on gender.

Take for example the bile meted out to JK Rowling, for her (commonly held) views on this issue. Many others have suffered similarly.

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