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Josem exposes QE2 drag queen photos


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5 minutes ago, John Wright said:

A lie unchallenged becomes the truth.

I see nothing bitter in what Chie, or anyone from the TG, or other gender communities says in answer.

I do see a privileged, entitled, person attacking hard won and easily lost rights. No solution offered. Just it’s not allowed. There’s always a solution. But if you shout loud enough you muddy the waters and avoid having to think about it.

First the TG community, who next. The USA is rolling back LGB rights and equalities at an alarming rate. And if the idiots in the conservative right succeed with withdrawal from the ECHR it won’t just be asylum seekers affected. I have real fears for our hard won equality.

OK. From what I’ve heard from and about JKR she doesn’t come across as some trans hating person, just pointing out some of what she sees as absurdities but I concede I’ve maybe not heard or read anything so extreme as that which people are claiming she is.

Put it this way. If I was standing naked in front of a hundred people chosen at random with my male bits hanging out  and declared “ I am woman” what do you think the reaction , ( apart from revulsion) would be.

I will tell you what it would be, (perhaps bar the odd couple of per cent).

It would be “ Don’t be so fucking stupid” And then “put your clothes back on while you are about it”

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50 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

That might be for you.

But sometimes I feel the need to question.

So, if I introduced myself to you IRL as Sarah, would you ask me if I had a penis? At what point do you feel the need to question?  What identifying features or characteristics would I need to have before you asked? 

Or to take it to a further level, let’s say you and I and Mrs VoR had a wonderful evening together and you thought I was quite charming, would you still ask or would you not be more likely just to accept me as Sarah and think we’d had a lovely night and think it might spoil the evening somewhat to enquire about my genitals?  


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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

So, if I introduced myself to you IRL as Sarah, would you ask me if I had a penis? At what point do you feel the need to question?  What identifying features or characteristics would I need to have before you asked? 

Or to take it to a further level, let’s say you and I and Mrs VoR had a wonderful evening together and you thought I was quite charming, would you still ask or would you not be more likely just to accept me as Sarah and think we’d had a lovely night and think it might spoil the evening somewhat to enquire about my genitals?  



No I don’t ask people if they have a penis upon being introduced, or at anytime thereafter whatever identifying features or characteristics. It would never cross my mind and besides it would be very rude and would spoil the evening somewhat.

I think I should tell you now that me and Mrs VoR are not really into threesomes whatever genitals are involved. Well in certain cases I could be but she would have none of it

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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:


No I don’t ask people if they have a penis upon being introduced, or at anytime thereafter whatever identifying features or characteristics. It would never cross my mind and besides it would be very rude and would spoil the evening somewhat.

I think I should tell you now that me and Mrs VoR are not really into threesomes whatever genitals are involved. Well in certain cases I could be but she would have none of it

So at what point would you and under what circumstances?  You said you would, so when? 

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40 minutes ago, Max Power said:

What I find difficult to come to terms with is the hatred and violent rage which some Trans people feel towards anyone who questions their choices. One of my friends seems to have become quite militant and judging by the facebook posts which they have been posting, has become totally anti male, fitting into some sort of tribal expectation? I suppose it's inevitable that the person will change with their gender but I find it quite sad that such a reasonable and balanced person should become so, well violent actually!   

It does worry me that we seem to be allowing what appears to be an ideology to be, and I use the word reservedly, normalised to children. Kids go through all sorts of difficult times and phases, there must be a better way to handle things until they are old enough to make their choices over such life defining issues?

Well we do, we have gender affirming care and hormone blockers. Both safe and totally reversible.

As for your friend, I can tell you first hand it becomes tiring. You can probably tell by my replies that I’m not really taking any prisoners here. It’s because I have been dealing with this, seeing this, experiencing this and having this thrown at me for years now. And I’m just f*cking bored of it now. As stated further up, a lie unchallenged becomes truth, so it has to be done, but I’m tired and worn out and give less and less f*cks how I respond each passing day. And a lot of our issues do come from middle aged cis gendered white dudes, that isn’t me targeting cis white dudes, it’s just a fact that I and many other trans people have in common. Some of us, just get to a point where we don’t want to engage with those people anymore. And some go a touch militant with it. It’s a cause and effect thing. Personally I don’t hate men, and I’m not particularly militant in what I post. But I am weary as f*ck when I have to deal with any middle aged guy in my daily life as those are the ones I have the most issue from. Is there radicalisation? Sure, on occasion, in certain distant corners, but no where near as bad as the woke haters will have you believe. Without knowing for sure who your friend is, I can’t say really what their situation is that has caused that reaction. But I can take pretty well educated guesses.

Edited by Chie
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28 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

OK. From what I’ve heard from and about JKR she doesn’t come across as some trans hating person, just pointing out some of what she sees as absurdities but I concede I’ve maybe not heard or read anything so extreme as that which people are claiming she is.

Put it this way. If I was standing naked in front of a hundred people chosen at random with my male bits hanging out  and declared “ I am woman” what do you think the reaction , ( apart from revulsion) would be.

I will tell you what it would be, (perhaps bar the odd couple of per cent).

It would be “ Don’t be so fucking stupid” And then “put your clothes back on while you are about it”

Except this debate isn’t about anyone getting their clothes off and displaying what they have, or haven’t below.

Its about people who identify as women, often having gone through years or psychiatric and psychological counselling, hormone treatment, and probably mastectomy and possible penectomy and orchidectomy, and to all external clothed appearances being women, being told you mustn’t use conveniences labelled Ladies, but must use the Gents.

How would that make you feel in those circumstances? What danger would you face, physically, from the men where you’re told to go, and psychologically by having your identity denied?

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38 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

OK. From what I’ve heard from and about JKR she doesn’t come across as some trans hating person, just pointing out some of what she sees as absurdities but I concede I’ve maybe not heard or read anything so extreme as that which people are claiming she is.

Put it this way. If I was standing naked in front of a hundred people chosen at random with my male bits hanging out  and declared “ I am woman” what do you think the reaction , ( apart from revulsion) would be.

I will tell you what it would be, (perhaps bar the odd couple of per cent).

It would be “ Don’t be so fucking stupid” And then “put your clothes back on while you are about it”

Except when she’s tweeting transphobic things, liking and sharing articles calling trans people rapists, throwing support behind such wonderful first class humans as Posie Parker and whatever else has gone on in the last eight years.

As for your example, no one is doing that. Come back to me when you have a less  ridiculous comment.

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24 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

I think I should tell you now that me and Mrs VoR are not really into threesomes whatever genitals are involved.

I don’t think I’ll ever get the horrible image out of my mind now you’ve put it there. You, and Mrs VoR and your genital shared.

25 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

but she would have none of it

Praise the lord.

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1 minute ago, John Wright said:

Except this debate isn’t about anyone getting their clothes off and displaying what they have, or haven’t below.

Its about people who identify as women, often having gone through years or psychiatric and psychological counselling, hormone treatment, and probably mastectomy and possible penectomy and orchidectomy, and to all external clothed appearances being women, being told you mustn’t use conveniences labelled Ladies, but must use the Gents.

How would that make you feel in those circumstances? What danger would you face, physically, from the men where you’re told to go, and psychologically by having your identity denied?

Well if as you say to all external clothed appearances being women, I wouldn’t imagine there would be a problem using conveniences labelled Ladies. Who is to know? The cubicles are locked.Might be problematic if they used the gents though.

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2 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well if as you say to all external clothed appearances being women, I wouldn’t imagine there would be a problem using conveniences labelled Ladies. Who is to know? The cubicles are locked.Might be problematic if they used the gents though.

But, Rowling, and her ilk, are insisting you must, because you’re a paedophile or rapist and not a woman and mustn’t be allowed in women’s facilities.

Now can you see the offence and upset they cause to the trans community?

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