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Josem exposes QE2 drag queen photos


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1 hour ago, Manxieover65 said:

At what point does selecting what gender you identify as , start becoming I identify as a different age for example ? That might cause lots of problems in regards to laws . It sounds ridiculous but if you can make up genders you can make up ages and other things . 

You realise that until recently in South Korea you were considered to be 1 when you were born?  The law recently changed to be the same as here so everyone "de-aged" by a year!

Laws can be weird things!

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I really believe that choices should be delayed until at least the age of 18 is reached and puberty is attained.    Hormones can be affected by all sorts of conditions and teenagers can be influenced by outside agencies or peers.     It most be very traumatic to be unsure of your gender but even worse to start a programme of transitioning and realise you have made a mistake this does happen and the pain it must cause is heartbreaking.

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2 hours ago, HeliX said:

Age is a demonstrable fact, gender isn't.

Er no, whatever sex/ gender you think you would like to be doesn’t mean it is what you are.

But if you are a man thinking you want to be a woman or vice versa and act ordress accordingly or whatever that’s fine.

There’s no need to make a big fuss about it. Most don’t give a tinkers cuss about it, Good luck to you.

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36 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Er no, whatever sex/ gender you think you would like to be doesn’t mean it is what you are.

But if you are a man thinking you want to be a woman or vice versa and act ordress accordingly or whatever that’s fine.

There’s no need to make a big fuss about it. Most don’t give a tinkers cuss about it, Good luck to you.

Sex and gender are not synonymous.  How many times, FFS!  Get your head around that and it is easily understood. 

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38 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Er no, whatever sex/ gender you think you would like to be doesn’t mean it is what you are.

But if you are a man thinking you want to be a woman or vice versa and act ordress accordingly or whatever that’s fine.

There’s no need to make a big fuss about it. Most don’t give a tinkers cuss about it, Good luck to you.

That’s only because you can’t separate out, in your mind, between the fact of biological, genetically determined, sex (XX, XY, XXY, & X0 - see there are at least 4 of them,  plus developmental changes from the expected caused, in utero, by other genetic, hormonal, environmental etc. factors ) and the social construct that is gender, learned, acquired, genetically driven, as a result of psychological pressures and dozens of other causes )..

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On 8/10/2023 at 6:56 PM, HeliX said:

i'm guessing gender is a derived from genetics as they both begin gen so there is no self anything , it's in your DNA.

'Gender' from the Latin meaning birth, family, nation. Corrupted in early English to mean type, category, sort.

'Genetic' from the Greek genetikos meaning origin.

'Genitals' from the Latin gentialia meaning, well, genitals or pertaining to generation.

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9 minutes ago, Expat. said:

'Gender' from the Latin meaning birth, family, nation. Corrupted in early English to mean type, category, sort.

'Genetic' from the Greek genetikos meaning origin.

'Genitals' from the Latin gentialia meaning, well, genitals or pertaining to generation.

that was my quote your post shows as quoting Helix,  i edited it out and posted the indiana jones picture instead

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1 hour ago, Gladys said:

Sex and gender are not synonymous.  How many times, FFS!  Get your head around that and it is easily understood. 

Well you say that Glad and you  ( and the likes of JW, see his psycho babble three posts above) have said it many times  FFS . But it’s not a view that most share.

And it doesn’t really matter. The people most making fuss about it are the trans community themselves.

A few pages ago Chee (?) said that JK Rowling had called trans people paedophiles.

Well this didn’t accord with what I knew about JKR so I did some research on what I believe to be fairly reliable, no nonsense websites.

Apparently there was a trustee of this charity “Mermaids”, who was a paedophile apologist. She raised concerns about this (good on her, who would think this was a bad thing?). Now that does not equate to labelling trans activists as paedophiles.

Far from it. It is raising legitimate concerns.

She has raised other concerns about the trans agenda, like many others, but maybe because of her fame she has become the hate figure of trans activists.

But then hysteria kicks in and she is now damned as some sort of transphopic person by these activists.

This is the sort of bullying I have referred to previously.

I think there are people who pursue the trans agenda, whilst maybe not believing it,just to prove their liberal credentials.

I like most people couldn’t give two hoots whether someone is trans, gay, a stamp collector or whatever. And most of those in those categories feel the same about the rest of society.

I say someone’s gender is the same as their sex at birth. Others say not so, you can pick and choose.

In reality it doesn’t matter except when it comes to issues like sporting tournaments, toilet accommodation prison matters etc when I would say your sex at birth determines what facilitates you use. But that’s a different  debate.

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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Well you say that Glad and you  ( and the likes of JW, see his psycho babble three posts above) have said it many times  FFS . But it’s not a view that most share.

It doesn't matter who shares it, it's true. Gender and Sex are not synonymous.


But then hysteria kicks in and she is now damned as some sort of transphopic person by these activists.

This is the sort of bullying I have referred to previously.

She repeatedly allies with and supports people who want trans people to stop existing. How do you view that as anything but transphobic?


I say someone’s gender is the same as their sex at birth. Others say not so, you can pick and choose.

How do you square the idea that people's gender is the same as their sex at birth with the fact that trans people exist? If people's gender was immutably the same as their sex at birth then the only conclusion that can be drawn is that trans people don't exist. But they do.

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9 minutes ago, HeliX said:

It doesn't matter who shares it, it's true. Gender and Sex are not synonymous.

She repeatedly allies with and supports people who want trans people to stop existing. How do you view that as anything but transphobic?

How do you square the idea that people's gender is the same as their sex at birth with the fact that trans people exist? If people's gender was immutably the same as their sex at birth then the only conclusion that can be drawn is that trans people don't exist. But they do.

Trans people exist

You mean people born male who wish they were female, and vice versa?

Those people exist for sure. I’m not sure even JK Rowling can stop them existing.

She would have a bloody hard job that’s for sure


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2 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Trans people exist

You mean people born male who wish they were female, and vice versa?

Those people exist for sure. I’m not sure even JK Rowling can stop them existing.

She would have a bloody hard job that’s for sure

So people who's gender does not match their birth sex. Which you claimed isn't a thing in your prior post. Your belief system is not internally consistent.

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