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Joney and the Bishop


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1 hour ago, Malik said:

You can just read Revelation 21 and decide what future you want. The evidence will be revealed in the future.

That's not helpful. That's not answering why you believe in what is written in Revelations, which you are required to do.

Edited by La_Dolce_Vita
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If unwavering belief means thinking something is true consistently then i suppose we could talk about the existence of a table or a dog? I could explain that and I could get others too as well. I could get good evidence for it's existence. I wouldn't waver in my belief whilst it had all the signs of being a dog.  But if it means believing something is true regardless of what evidence is given then that's stupid thinking. 


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1 hour ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

When handing over money to your local snake oil salesman tomorrow 


59 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Not as much fun as it is for Malik. 

The Serpent and His offspring? There will be no treasure building up in hell for them, ‘tomorrow’. It is funny because there’s hardly any other on your forums now. If there are they wouldn’t be mesmerised by your multi-account trickery. I haven’t been.

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59 minutes ago, Kopek said:

I think that you are giving credence to Maliks argument that they accept the Bible account while others of us are sceptical?

I am not completely sure what toh mean. What I was getting at is that we have beliefs about all sorts of things, like believing that we are breathing air, that the thing we are sitting on is a chair, etc.  I am just pointing out that these are beliefs too, as beliefs only mean that which we think is true.  And then we easily explain these things whilst. And a lot of these things are in a sense unwavering. I'm disagreeing with you completely, as religious belief is unwavering belief normally. And it's where people claim to really know the truth. But unlike chair and air etc., they don't seem to have good reasons believing the Bible is anything more than just a book, like Harry Potter. 

Malik hasn't made any argument whatsoever. Malik has said very little other than to peer in Revelations for answers, which is why I think he is a wind up. 


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....but Malik is locked into an belief that has been presented to them and for whatever reason has decided to stick to that belief no matter what? It's not too different to   the Brexit argument, is it?

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2 hours ago, La_Dolce_Vita said:

What I was getting at is that we have beliefs about all sorts of things, like believing that we are breathing air, that the thing we are sitting on is a chair, etc.

A chair or whatever doesn't actually exist. It's mostly complete and utter nothingness, once you get down to molecular level it's just a vast majority of nothingness. Each atom a nucleus surrounded by loads and loads of nothingness with a few particles of tiny stuff wizzing around somewhere in the nothingness

Ah but....inside that nucleus, if you open it up,  is a universe. A whole fucking universe. But you know, dead tiny like.

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24 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

…or we could be inside the matrix…

Yep, matter is just nothingness, including flesh, blood and air. Science proves that. But it's nigh on impossible for even the smartest of smart arses to understand.

But science is absolutely bollocksed when it has to explain the soul. Bollocksed I tell thee.

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7 hours ago, Barlow said:

Yep, matter is just nothingness, including flesh, blood and air. Science proves that.

Well, no.   Just because atoms are mostly empty doesn’t mean that there’s nothing there at all.

Then there’s the question of forces.   If you knock on a table, are you feeling the solid part of the atoms - or are you feeling a force equal and opposite to the force of your knock?

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43 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

Well, no.   Just because atoms are mostly empty doesn’t mean that there’s nothing there at all.

Then there’s the question of forces.   If you knock on a table, are you feeling the solid part of the atoms - or are you feeling a force equal and opposite to the force of your knock?

I love it when you talk like this.

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