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Joney and the Bishop


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15 minutes ago, Malik said:

Marxism is non-religious, that sentence just suggests the MLP founders were Christians. It looks like the current MLP are not otherwise they would have attended the recent meetings regarding the new bishop, I never heard their opinion on it voiced there.

The bishop isn't the spokesperson for all Christians. The Methodists have literally rejected the CofE and its hirearchy.

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31 minutes ago, kevster said:

They could still be Christian but believe that the bishop has no automatic right to be in LegCo

Highly unlikely. If their two MHK’s were Christians they would know that God appoints governments (Romans 13.1) and not the electorate. Interestingly they both put down education as their main priorities in the last election, maybe their Biblical education is that poor.

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19 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

But presumably most Christians who are not members of the C of E would feel it's not their place or responsibility to have any input into the leadership choice of a different denomination.  Those religious people who do not identify as Christians would feel this even more.


The above press release suggested anyone was welcome to air their views. Those that did attend gave reasonable input with regard to other faiths. I agree with the mission to try to reach the young but I guess not everyone would agree with that. You will never get this world believing one belief.

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I am a Christian, C of E and regularly attend church and it is my belief the Bishop should not have a vote in Tynwald.   I do not believe religion has any part in politics and there are many Christian people who agree.

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33 minutes ago, ADELE said:

I am a Christian, C of E and regularly attend church and it is my belief the Bishop should not have a vote in Tynwald.   I do not believe religion has any part in politics and there are many Christian people who agree.

Attack! Attack! Attack! Steve, your time is shorter than that of Satans.
Would you like to live in North Korea having to worship Kim Jong Un? You might just yet get to live a life experience similar to that.

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23 minutes ago, Malik said:

Attack! Attack! Attack! Steve, your time is shorter than that of Satans.
Would you like to live in North Korea having to worship Kim Jong Un? You might just yet get to live a life experience similar to that.

That’s where you are though but he’s actually visible - imagine having to spend your life on your knees worshipping something you can’t see 😂

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11 minutes ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

That’s where you are though but he’s actually visible - imagine having to spend your life on your knees worshipping something you can’t see 😂

Haven’t your manx mates invited you over for the loud and proud event at the villa tonite. The MLP have advertised it on Facebook.

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15 hours ago, Two-lane said:

Americans swear allegiance to the flag (I think). Presumably in all other countries, people make some kind of commitment.

Probably monarchies involve allegiance to royalty. I wonder how many involve a religious declaration.

They do. 

"I pledge allegiance to the flag, of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God*, indivisible**, with liberty and justice for all."

*"Under God" was added by Eisenhower in 1954, allegedly to counter the "communist threat".

**most younger school children say "invisible". Stands to reason coming hard on the heels of "under God".

Edited by Zarley
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14 hours ago, Jarndyce said:

Time you came clean, Roxy - are you one of the Stephen Frys?


14 hours ago, Gladys said:

I can clarify, she is one of Stephen's fries.  I am the other one.

You will never know how good it feels to get that off my chest. 

I feel a Spartacan moment coming on...


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