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Educated guess, based on 12 years moderating. Experience. Both were given warnings by Frank. Those showed up when I viewed them. A cross check in member search showed an abrupt cessation of posting.

Of course I still have access to my personal message folder here, and my e-mail folder, with discussions between the moderating team about complaints and outcomes from when I was moderating. 

As for Offshores question I was referring to my experience of trends in general, nothing specific to whatever has happened to him, or her, as I made clear. I wasn’t involved.

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It's possible that JW is still part of the admin of the site to take advsntage of his 'legal mind'?

However, for offshore man to ask for past posts to confirm a previous stance is asking a bit much foir a social media forum, we're all here to add our opinion, regardless of credence, it's just our anonymous mouthing off of our our personal opinions without comeback from the recipient, however for Gladys to require a contact with poitician  on a particular matter is also expecting too much? We are here to express a very personal opinion, it is not necessary true nor backed up by facts but , hey,it's socia\l media, say what yiou want there is no comeback!!!

It's just social medias, you don't have to believe it???

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14 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

No, as I have said several times, because I and others can easily delete anything we might post if asked to do so. I can’t see why you would need to suspend any subscriber account when they can easily delete anything anyone might have an issue with voluntarily. 

By the time a moderator sees any complaints and weighs up the situation, the damage has already been done, the argument started or unreasonably escalated. That's why, in some cases, it's more appropriate to issue a ban or time out, regardless of whether or not the person is a subscriber and could delete a post. 

If you'd be happy to delete a contentious post, why post it in the first place? Just behave in a decent manner and you won't have these worries. 

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11 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

As I said it genuinely doesn’t bother me as I worked out years ago how this forum operates and who the conversations are had with and it wouldn’t change anything I post. So it makes no difference to me. 

Yes, you keep telling us how much it "genuinely doesn't bother" you in post after post, page after page, complaining about the moderation and running of this forum that apparently doesn't bother you. 

Make it make sense! 


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45 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’ll happily stand by any post I make. But as across all social media you simply can’t stop other people pretending that they’re offended to cause a fuss. 

During my time more than 2/3 of reports resulted in no action. Of the reports that were actioned the majority was about spam posts.

In spite of all the mouthing off and concern this place was very lightly moderated and suspensions and bans were rare.

To paraphrase. But, as across all social media, you simply can’t stop  some people pretending that they’ve been unfairly moderated to cause a fuss and draw attention to themselves.


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8 minutes ago, John Wright said:

To paraphrase. But, as across all social media, you simply can’t stop  some people pretending that they’ve been unfairly moderated to cause a fuss and draw attention to themselves.

To point out I was only supporting a comment made by Happier Diner on suspensions I wasn’t actually making any sort of complaint myself until you challenged what I said. Social media is full of Close-down Karen’s objecting to anything and everything to attract attention and stir the pot. It’s not just this forum (although it’s got worse) it’s just about everywhere on social media that’s full of mock offense. As I said it’s easy enough to ask a subscriber to remove a post if some Karen wants to cause a fuss rather than suspend an account. 

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This thread is a bin fire!

Personally haven't posted as much recently due to the way this board is, at the moment. Really don't have the time nor the energy for it. There's so much negativity. Not everyone is, but it can feel that way on certain days.

Some posters either seem to be trolling or lack any sort of self awareness whatsoever. It very much puts me in mind of a podcast I was listening to yesterday where the guest was commenting on how people, in this day and age, simply cannot accept that their wrong, or they're all across social media screaming about something that can be quickly debunked spending 5 minutes with Google.

It might not be just here, as I've said I've noticed much more of it across the whole of socials currently. Particularly anything IOM related. Maybe it's just me noticing more and not actually other people changing anything. 

Edited by jackwhite
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11 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

To point out I was only supporting a comment made by Happier Diner on suspensions I wasn’t actually making any sort of complaint myself until you challenged what I said. Social media is full of Close-down Karen’s objecting to anything and everything to attract attention and stir the pot. It’s not just this forum (although it’s got worse) it’s just about everywhere on social media that’s full of mock offense. As I said it’s easy enough to ask a subscriber to remove a post if some Karen wants to cause a fuss rather than suspend an account. 

You have a very bizarre understanding of what the option to be a subscriber is all about.  All through this thread and others too, I can't tell if you're doing it on purpose or not.

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

Have you seriously read some of your own posts? I had you on block months back as it was just angry rages or picking on other posters more often than not. 

Funny you felt the need to respond. After your usual selection of the laughing icon then some time to put 50 p in your brain. Close to home was it? 

No, I don’t read my own posts, write them in a blind rage paying no heed to the content. I await your sarcastic response, as you won’t be able to resist the last word. Coming from you that’s hilarious. I’d wager that most people would have you on their worst poster award. You argue incessantly, even when you’re wrong, can’t admit when you are wrong and constantly say you’re not bothered by things, several times to the extent it gives the exact opposite impression. 

Listening to you on posting here would be the equivalent of having Putin as your advisor on diplomatic relations. 

I love the way you tell people you had them on block, as if anyone cares. Like they actually don’t, they won’t say they don’t then repeat it 5 times today in the same thread. 

Edited by jackwhite
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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

As I said it’s easy enough to ask a subscriber to remove a post if some Karen wants to cause a fuss rather than suspend an account. 

Except some subscribers, and you would be amongst that number, would argue the toss and achieving a result and policing would be a struggle and occupy time better spent elsewhere/on other things.

I suspended you shortly before I stepped down. You e-mailed me challenging. You’re one of the ones who will never accept that the rules apply to you equally.

The whole thing of volunteer moderating is KISS. Where stupid = offshoremanxman.

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Give it a rest.

The posts under this topic stopped being relevant to its title pages ago, and it's just proving the point that nobody cares about anything other than themselves.

Can you all please get back to having serious and constructive conversations about topics that people care about?

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