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How would you sell it?

Derek Flint

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11 hours ago, woolley said:

There is a file of names in Central Government Offices, Douglas, marked "On absolutely no account to be re-engaged".

probably nearer to the truth than most might imagine. Anyone that dares think even remotely outside the box likely to be included.

Which sort of takes us full circle to the crux of the original question....

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Bugger me, I think our only hope is to find gold in them thar hills!

As many have already said, we need to sort out our basic services and get some people in with some imagination and develop a professional strategy to create a decent environment. 

It appears that when we get HNWs here, we fall out with them pretty quickly. They are usually driven people who want to do things, change things and move forward. Our snivel servants have no idea how to deal with them.

I know of one person recently who has been promised a lot of support in bringing others here, and nothing has materialised, just more and more requests for free advice. 


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5 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

The Isle of man will continue to go down hill, there's to many in power who have their own agenda. 


Personally I've got 10 years or so until retirement then I'll be off.

I think you're the ideal import for IOMG. Work and pay taxes until retirement then bugger off so you aren't a burden in your dotage. You don't work for the government too, do you?

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22 minutes ago, woolley said:

I think you're the ideal import for IOMG. Work and pay taxes until retirement then bugger off so you aren't a burden in your dotage. You don't work for the government too, do you?

or is he? Certainly not if like me he is a public sector employee. The Isle of Man now doesn't see the benefit of me spending my police pension locally, nor the tax take from any local employment I might also take in a second career. This gets worse as I get to state pension age, as I'll also get one of those, which if I remain off-island, is getting spent elsewhere.

People need encouragement to stay. Although HNW's will benefit from their enhanced mobility (private air for example) they still sink significant amounts into the economy beyond any tax take.

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8 minutes ago, Derek Flint said:

or is he? Certainly not if like me he is a public sector employee. The Isle of Man now doesn't see the benefit of me spending my police pension locally, nor the tax take from any local employment I might also take in a second career. This gets worse as I get to state pension age, as I'll also get one of those, which if I remain off-island, is getting spent elsewhere.

People need encouragement to stay. Although HNW's will benefit from their enhanced mobility (private air for example) they still sink significant amounts into the economy beyond any tax take.

Well I'm similar high tax paying and will remain so, although not public sector (shudders at the mere thought). It's an each way bet though isn't it? If we live in rude health spending our ill-gotten until we're 95 and then drop dead, all well and good. If we become sickly and need lots of resources, GPs, hospital, free prescriptions etc, to support us then not so much. I appreciate we may go private, but not everyone will do that and not practical in emergency in any case.

Having said all of that, I spend a lot of time in the UK and further afield. We own a couple of properties in nice spots in Europe, but I spend most of my time here because it's where we prefer to be. Love to go away, but always glad to come back. I travel enough to know that I am perfectly content here. It's wonderful.

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On 6/7/2023 at 11:31 AM, Derek Flint said:

New job advertised on Jobtrain.

https://www.jobtrain.co.uk/iomgovjobs/Job/JobDetail?JobId=16749  - Senior Inward Investment Partner.

"The is an exciting position within Locate Isle of Man where the main purpose of the post is to attract, and support the inward migration of, high net worth (HNW) individuals, their families and businesses to the Isle of Man."

How would you go about selling the place to the good and the great right now?



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It's very simple really. I believe that rather than paying people to come and live here, Government should concentrate on making the island somewhere that people will want to come and live. The happiest countries in the world are those with fair and equitable societies. The whole concept of the tax cap and financial encouragement for HNWI's is the polar opposite of this.

People who live on the island, who actually want to be here are already unable to afford basic housing and public services such as health, education and transport seem to be on a downward trajectory. Despite this millions in relocation packages, tax and NI breaks and advertising are thrown at increasing the population and therefore the burden on all of the above.

Training opportunities for residents are a massively low priority for the Government who will throw far more money to import ready qualified staff and pay their mortgage for a couple of years into the deal.

If you really want more people here, if you really want an accountancy firm to tell you what the island should be like, then make it a place you don't have to pay people to move to. Look after your current population, house them, educate them, give them opportunities and treat them (all of them) fairly.

"Here's some money to come and live somewhere you've never heard of because KPMG decide government policy here and have told us that we need you" is never going to work guys.

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