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How would you sell it?

Derek Flint

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9 hours ago, A fool and his money..... said:

It's very simple really. I believe that rather than paying people to come and live here, Government should concentrate on making the island somewhere that people will want to come and live. The happiest countries in the world are those with fair and equitable societies. The whole concept of the tax cap and financial encouragement for HNWI's is the polar opposite of this.

People who live on the island, who actually want to be here are already unable to afford basic housing and public services such as health, education and transport seem to be on a downward trajectory. Despite this millions in relocation packages, tax and NI breaks and advertising are thrown at increasing the population and therefore the burden on all of the above.

Training opportunities for residents are a massively low priority for the Government who will throw far more money to import ready qualified staff and pay their mortgage for a couple of years into the deal.

If you really want more people here, if you really want an accountancy firm to tell you what the island should be like, then make it a place you don't have to pay people to move to. Look after your current population, house them, educate them, give them opportunities and treat them (all of them) fairly.

"Here's some money to come and live somewhere you've never heard of because KPMG decide government policy here and have told us that we need you" is never going to work guys.

Or look at the latest Charles Guard video (posted on another thread) for indicators that might be off-putting to some potential new residents.

For far too long, Govt ethos has been askew. We pay people in all areas to do as little as possible, nothing, dodge responsibility. We don't like knowledgeable, skilled motivated "doers" here at any level - they're dangerous to the above, embarrassing, they show people up. We need to keep them away.

The result is an Island with a crumbling infrastructure, society and economy as Charles Guard's video highlights. Yet that portion of society being paid to do that nothing wrings its hands and demands to be paid more still.

This place is on the slide and has been for 20 years, it's not difficult to cast one's mind back that time and see the differences now. Anybody who denies it is either blind or in the business of self-service in the do nothing section.

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