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"The island should be energy self-sufficient" debate in Tynwald

Moghrey Mie

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6 hours ago, b4mbi said:

Let's be realistic here, a SMR is completely beyond IOMG financial capacity

Oh I don't know, just think of the size of overspend a project like that could create. It may even cost less than a diesel and gas powered power station tarted up to look like the Louvre !

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Why don't we get some giant hamster wheels for the horse tram horses.  Attach a dynamo and we're sorted.  Just wait till Starship Enterprise get their chops into the marketing for that groundbreaking world leading technology. 

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From somewhere or other:

" “Due to the loss of economies of scale, the decommissioning and waste management unit costs of SMR will probably be higher than those of a large reactor (some analyses state that between two and three times higher).”

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Actually, I remember reading in the past, that the amount of power that a nuclear submarine can generate is enough to power a small town. The amount of power an aircraft carrier can generate could power a small city.

What if we had an old disused submarine in Douglas, and one in Peel, possibly one in Ramsey, all connected to the grid. It would sort out the problem. To decommission, just tow them away! 

Edited by Cambon
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19 minutes ago, Cambon said:

Actually, I remember reading in the past, that the amount of power that a nuclear submarine can generate is enough to power a small town. The amount of power an aircraft carrier can generate could power a small city.

What if we had an old disused submarine in Douglas, and one in Peel, possibly one in Ramsey, all connected to the grid. It would sort out the problem. To decommission, just tow them away! 

Know anyone in the Russian Navy?  We'd finally have a use for the Foxdale Submarine Yard.

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 minutes ago, Banker said:

Tim to rescue with wind farms, wait for all the Nimbys objections soon!!


The usual moaners are already al over the various news outlets posts about this.

No wonder this island never achieves anything.  In cases like this where it’s in the national interest to get the things built and we all know that idiots will object at every step of the process we really need a proper fast tracked planning process where a few properly qualified people can make recommendations without NIMBYS having the chance to delay everything for years.

The cost to the economy of stupid planning objections is huge.

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As part of a general comment on green energy, I saw these two pieces recently:

"https://dailytimes.com.pk/1115858/scotland-cuts-down-16-million-trees-to-develop-wind-farms/#:~:text=Almost 16 million trees have been chopped down,amid a major drive to erect more turbines."

"Scotland cuts down 16 million trees to develop wind farms"


"Dumped turbine blades reveal Green energy grift"

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At the beginning of the industrial revolution there was an estimated 3 trillion trees on the planet, the estimation today is 1 trillion, drive your car, turn up your heating and plant some trees. 

Please dont allow this idiotic government to blot our beautiful landscape with those monstrosities that are wind turbines. 😢



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On 7/18/2023 at 3:38 PM, offshoremanxman said:

Funny how the plan to pay for this wind farm isn’t in the MUA strategic plan. Another totally made up eco scheme to keep Daffers happy. 

We are going to be a honey pot for lots of unscrupulous business men who see net zero as a investment strategy, "subsidies" and "R&D" they love those titles because they mean lots of  cash with no responsibility, if it goes wrong, they were only trying their best. 

I have sat in board room meetings with high net worth individuals who belive in net zero about as much as I do but they know they need to get onto the gravy train,  a few of them have and are doing very well while actually producing nothing. 

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