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Minister of Treasury - Dr Spend - waffle, spin, deflect

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28 minutes ago, Jarndyce said:

Doesn't look good for the politicos to vote themselves big pay rises - so it certainly explains why they have no interest in controlling senior CS salary increases!   That pay linkage was a cunning - if self-serving - plan, right enough!

(eta - presumably their salaries are linked to the Manx CS equivalent of the First Division in the UK, ie, the most senior CS?)

To be fair it was an independent recommendation as far as I know, not sure if it’s linked to a particular grade or just general rise. It seems the unions don’t like rises which favour lower paid and insist on all get the same so the well paid get even more well paid 

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1 hour ago, Non-Believer said:

Personally, I believe that the usage and liabilities we are currently entertaining far outstrips any rises in tax that might be proposed in order to cover it, short of introducing a realistic level of corporate taxation, CGT and all the other IoM unspeakables.

The current reserves draw of £150M per year will not be covered by hammering the little people any further and as there appears to be little appetite for cuts to the endlessly growing Govt machine (short of cuts to services to the public and there is a difference) then there is no pretty ending to this at the moment.

The problem is that when you start to introduce those sorts of taxes, the incentive to remain on island - whether corporate or personal, starts to diminish unless you appreciate a particular lifestyle.


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32 minutes ago, Banker said:

It seems the unions don’t like rises which favour lower paid and insist on all get the same so the well paid get even more well paid

...and that includes our politicians.

As for the recommendation  - I assume that they just copied the UK?   Also, the subject appears prominently in an episode of Yes Minister - life copies art again!

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32 minutes ago, Banker said:

It seems the unions don’t like rises which favour lower paid and insist on all get the same so the well paid get even more well paid 

That's not entirely true, the unions have frequently previously suggested rises be awarded on a tapered basis giving those at the bottom a greater percentage increase than those at the upper levels.

However we always seem to revert to the blanket %age award, meaning that those on the upper salary levels receive far greater awards in £sd and thus greater pressure on the taxpayer. Who causes this reversion is another question.

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4 minutes ago, Derek Flint said:

The problem is that when you start to introduce those sorts of taxes, the incentive to remain on island - whether corporate or personal, starts to diminish unless you appreciate a particular lifestyle.


I've suggested this before...economic gravity starts to take effect once you can no longer keep the balloon/bubble inflated. In the wind turbine thread somebody has suggested that Alf C claimed that property values were "crashing" at last night's Earystane meeting. Whether it's true or not I don't know but it's something to keep an eye on.

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22 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

I've suggested this before...economic gravity starts to take effect once you can no longer keep the balloon/bubble inflated. In the wind turbine thread somebody has suggested that Alf C claimed that property values were "crashing" at last night's Earystane meeting. Whether it's true or not I don't know but it's something to keep an eye on.

The residents in area suggested their property values had crashed because of proposals & want compensation, nothing to do with general property values 

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23 hours ago, Jarndyce said:

(eta - presumably their salaries are linked to the Manx CS equivalent of the First Division in the UK, ie, the most senior CS?)

According to the Members of Tynwald (Annual Sums)(Amendment) Order 2021:

3 Annual payments to members of Tynwald

(1) The annual sum payable to a Member of the House of Keys and the President of Tynwald is the amount at the mid-point between spine points 40 and 41 of the Public Services Commission Pay Scales, as determined by the Public Services Commission, as that pay scale has effect from time to time.

(2) The annual sum payable to a Member of the Legislative Council, excluding a Member of the Legislative Council elected as the President of Tynwald, is the amount at spine point 39 of the Public Services Commission Pay Scales, as determined by the Public Services Commission, as that pay scale has effect from time to time.

For comparison spine point 39 seems to be the maximum point for a Senior Executive Officer.  These figures are just under the salaries for those in the Corporate Leadership Group, which seem to start around £78K, but you can see that there are a lot of people involved who might think a flat percentage rise a good idea rather than something aimed at the lower paid.

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  • 2 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Omobono said:

his biggest cost is the wages bill , and we need to do something  to address it , so time to grow a pair  of balls and tackle it before it eventually sinks the isle of Man  

Health has biggest budget by far but everyone wants more from health which means more money so higher taxes or cuts elsewhere 

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As it has been shown the man is clueless when it comes to finance. He will also have been told the civil service management's pay is sacrosanct and hnwi shall be left alone for fear of them moving to a better jurisdiction.

Also corporations to be left alone as the online gambling crowds can just up sticks and bugger off to where they have someone else to bow and scrape to there need's (oh we need to shut a road for a year ok).

So that just leaves little old you and me to be squeezed again and again to pay for the bunch of crap that alway seems to be nodded through by the joke of a bunch of so called leaders, who seem to be as clueless as they are spineless. 54 more cs HR workers needed how say you aye aye aye aye aye aye aye   instead of identifying the people whom should not have been hired due to being mates or over inflated CV's. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

The finances of IOMG must be really bad, if Allinson is wheeled on to the NPM pleading with people to take part in the Household Income and Expenditure Survey. Perhaps the numbers completed are down, or the results aren’t to the Treasury’s Mandarins and CM Cannans liking? I’m sure before long IOMG will legislate to make it compulsory for households to complete this survey. 

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1 hour ago, 2112 said:

The finances of IOMG must be really bad, if Allinson is wheeled on to the NPM pleading with people to take part in the Household Income and Expenditure Survey. Perhaps the numbers completed are down, or the results aren’t to the Treasury’s Mandarins and CM Cannans liking? I’m sure before long IOMG will legislate to make it compulsory for households to complete this survey. 

Do you actually know what the figures are used for?

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Yes. Calculating the IOMs share of the VAT revenue sharing agreement.

There is obviously been a lack of uptake or participation for Allinson to be pleading with the great unwashed to spend time completing forms. It’s hardly motivating. Perhaps it’s should be compulsory like the census? Maybe taxpayers should be encouraged to give misleading statistics, the more the merrier, so the Treasury gets more revenue?

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