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The Information Commissioner resigns

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44 minutes ago, Zarley said:


Providing link because Banker's too lazy. (He must be, by his own reckoning, a teacher.)

Yet government says there is, and has been funding in the budget and they’ve just not employed anyone.

Wonder what the relationship is between her leaving and not getting the interim acting Info Commissioner role.

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39 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Yet government says there is, and has been funding in the budget and they’ve just not employed anyone.

Wonder what the relationship is between her leaving and not getting the interim acting Info Commissioner role.

Well would you want to be in a situation where, after your boss resigned (with three months notice) they did nothing to replace him until a week before he left when they got in some rando off the internet (who may not even be working here) as a six-month stop gap?  At best you'd be trying to run an even more-understaffed office but without the authority to make decisions.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well would you want to be in a situation where, after your boss resigned (with three months notice) they did nothing to replace him until a week before he left when they got in some rando off the internet (who may not even be working here) as a six-month stop gap?  At best you'd be trying to run an even more-understaffed office but without the authority to make decisions.

I was trying, delicately, to suggest that there might be reasons other than those stated in her press statement.

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Well would you want to be in a situation where, after your boss resigned (with three months notice) they did nothing to replace him until a week before he left when they got in some rando off the internet (who may not even be working here) as a six-month stop gap?  At best you'd be trying to run an even more-understaffed office but without the authority to make decisions.

She was presumably in line for promotion having been there 17 years and being the Deputy. But ultimately they offered the job to some bloke who it looks like won’t even be moving here from the UK. I’d say that probably has had more impact on her decision to leave. They clearly don’t want either her or McDonald in post and would rather recruit in the UK and presumably get someone who has no idea what they’re dealing with when it comes to IOMG. 

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There was an interesting update blog the other day by the KC leading the Covid Enquiry. I’ll try and find the link.

Still lots of info not handed over. They’ve had to alter their work flows.

On GDPR and FoI requests she pointed out that there were worrying indications that Government was using the ongoing enquiry as an excuse for not replying. 

She pointed out, in strong terms, whilst acknowledging that she wasn’t responsible for policing FoI, that from her point of view the Enquiry would not be prejudiced by data being released, and deprecating the practise.

It really is time the CS got it into their collective procedural mind that FoI is here, it’s here to stay, and they must not, cannot, try to avoid open disclosure.



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54 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Interesting what she says in her update...especially on 'cease and desist letters'.


FOI Requests

I am aware that there are some FOI requests being made of various Departments seeking material generated during the pandemic. I am unsure whether Departments are refusing FOI requests on the basis that releasing information will somehow compromise the Independent Review. Plainly any Department’s response to a FOI request is a matter for that Department, and I do not seek to involve myself in that. I do, however, want to put on record that I have no concern about responses to FOI requests interfering with my Review and I do not endorse any refusal of FOIs on that basis. I have written to the Review’s Sponsors to ask that this message is conveyed to Government Departments. 

Cease and Desist Letters

It is an important principle that Government actively encourages cooperation with the Independent Review, and that principle has been reflected in correspondence with Government employees. That principle applies equally to those outside Government who may want to share information, analysis and concerns with the Review. Where a Department issues a cease and desist letter, or indeed any correspondence which seeks to restrict what individuals say about a topic which falls within my Review, it is important that it is made clear that Government is not seeking to restrict that person’s full and frank cooperation with the Review. I have asked for that message could be conveyed to the recipient(s) of any such correspondence and I have written to the Review’s Sponsors to ask that this message is conveyed to Government Departments.

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8 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Is a cease and desist letter used as a SLAPP? 

They have much the same effect. I’ve seen part of the Callin Wild letter to PM. It was posted, heavily redacted, by Bernard Moffitt.

What I haven’t seen is the letter from Moulton to Cabinet Office that seems to have stirred the hornets nest. If he isn’t publishing the letter one of the reasonable deductions is that it’s crossed the line.

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