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We bought a boat but can't see what we paid for


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On 7/8/2023 at 5:00 PM, HelmutX said:


I'll chime in here. We, ALL OF US, have guaranteed close to £100m  on this new vessel. Yeah, MANXMAN1234.... close to £100m. WE FUND TREASURY. So, why do you think we are "entitled" to know what we have bought? Perhaps there are other mechanical/electrical/marine engineers on this Island (who pay taxes too BTW!). You think it should be a "black box"???? We pay they spend without showing off what could be a nice project. Also MANXMAN123-1/2, what about that dock being built??? we're paying for it and it's also gone way, way over budget.

MANXMAN12-waddeva, it's be good to have a proper walk-thru of the new project. Perhaps organize a small team to do a detailed documentary (in parts perhaps)? Personally, It'd be very interesting to see the internal workings of a vessel this size, operation, engines, electronics, plumbing, structure, loading logistics AND even when out of water.

I'd certainly like to see how the vessel is constructed and built and operated.... I'm sure there are may others too.

Nuff said

A few things here.

One, you didn't pay for it and neither did I. Treasury gave the company a loan but it's run at arms length as a business, hence it will be repaid. 

You own a house? When you got your mortgage, would you have been happy for the shareholders of the bank to come and have a nosey around, see what 'their' money had bought?

Also, in post 9/11 times, everyone going on that vessel would have had to be checked and verified. So say 40,000 people want to go. Who's going to cover the work and expense for that? Then, would you have wanted to provide details to be verified?

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55 minutes ago, Malik said:

Revelation 18:17 is coming soon.

It’s not too late to store up tinned goods and water purification systems.

Jesus probably had a boat during his fisherman phase didn't he?  I'm sure you could find some tenuous link to spout. 

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3 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

Incorrect the purchase has actually been funded by via the £400M sustainable bond that government raised about two years ago that we as taxpayers will be paying off for the next 30 years. So we most definitely paid for it and furthermore will be paying for it from our future taxes for another generation at least. The money was then lent to the SPC by Treasury. 

I think you're deliberately misrepresenting this.

The £400M bond was taken and, yes, £124M was used to purchase the SP. It's being run as an 'arms length business'.

You then say yourself money was lent to SP by Treasury, so you're contradicting yourself. The money for the vessel is a loan to the SP, that Government are being paid back. Therefore no taxpayer is paying for this particular vessel.

Rest of the money went to various different things, mainly topping up reserves. 

I'm curious why no one is now demanding to see the inside of Laxey Glen Flour Mills. 


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1 hour ago, woolley said:

If Revelations had said that verbatim, I'd have been far more impressed with the Bible throughout my life.

If that were the case the time Revelation was written down, tin would still probably be known as the tin acquired from Tarshish, ‘water purification systems’ misconstrued for mikvehs and history since then would not be as it is known today, leaving you still requiring hard evidence. 

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6 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

No that’s wrong. The £400M was borrowed well after the initial £124M was used to buy the SPC. The bond money was used to refinance the SPC and fund the purchase of the ferry. Specifically the bond money could only be used to fund green or sustainable expenditure which is why the ferry was built the way that it was with an electric hybrid drivetrain otherwise it wouldn’t qualify under the bond rules. So you and me will be paying for it for the next 30 years. 

OK, sorry, I misunderstood in respect of the bond. 

It doesn't change the fact they've loaned the money to the SP to be repaid. 

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1 minute ago, offshoremanxman said:

We borrowed the money to lend to the SPC in the first place though. And we’re paying it back for the next 30 years. 

Yes, I get that. 

So it will be paid back to the Government who, in turn, will pay it back to the original lender! So ultimately, 'we're' not paying it back.

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