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We bought a boat but can't see what we paid for


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Firstly, IOMG have messed up by having this invite only nonsense today.

That said, this thread is mental, even by MF standards. Some have taken a sense of entitlement, a dash of ill informed posts, a sprinkle of looking for something to be raging about and a little hint of racism, to make it rather special.

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18 minutes ago, jackwhite said:

Firstly, IOMG have messed up by having this invite only nonsense today.

That said, this thread is mental, even by MF standards. Some have taken a sense of entitlement, a dash of ill informed posts, a sprinkle of looking for something to be raging about and a little hint of racism, to make it rather special.

Yeah, maybe a little tone deaf given the kick off.

But jeez - what is wrong with people? Any fully grown adult crying about not getting to have a skeet around the boat needs to get a life. Anyone lobbying their MHK about it needs to have a good hard look at themselves. And any MHK who is making something out of this needs to have a look at their priorities - it’s ridiculous. 

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On 7/6/2023 at 5:39 PM, Andy Onchan said:

Anyone heard what's on the new 'menu'? I thought I read somewhere that an island-based chef has been appointed? I sincerely hope it's better than the BMC!

Matty from 14 North rejigged the menu and uses manx produce when possible.

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1 hour ago, StrangeBrew said:

But jeez - what is wrong with people? Any fully grown adult crying about not getting to have a skeet around the boat needs to get a life.

It’s more the way the Steamie can find the time for a lovely jolly round the bay for the MHKs and all the other limpets, but are far too busy when it comes to letting the peasants see what their money is paying for.

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54 minutes ago, jackwhite said:

Firstly, IOMG have messed up by having this invite only nonsense today.

A normal commercial company would have arranged a whole programme of events to show of their new product and encourage people to use it.  It's not so much the invite-only thing, as there would have to some sort of formal do[1], it's the lack of other events.  The only other things on offer are a chance for the plebs to watch the whole thing from a safe distance and a draw for 100 (it's not clear if they're free) foot passenger tickets on the "maiden service voyage, scheduled for later in the month".

Now training will clearly be important, but given that one of the most important things for the staff to deal with is how they move large number of people about the boat, you'd think that 'meet the public' events would be a good way of doing that bit of it.  And you'd assume have a programme for various groups to look it over: travel trade, club members. suppliers, corporate users - all the people who might bring you business or whose goodwill is useful.  And maybe reach out to other groups with potential (schoolkids?).

They do seem to have thrown together a press tour at last moment:


though it mainly seems have comprised letting them wander round for a bit rather than supplying them with any information to pass on.

Of course the Steam Packet has never been a normal commercial company and its purchase by the government (which ought to have made such communications even more desirable) has just led to a reinforcing of the corporate culture.  Rather than trying to increase usage, there's the age-old assumption that people will just have to use their services and be grateful for whatever they're given.   But someone has invented the aeroplane and people may simply choose not to go off (or come to) the Island at all.


[1]  Though even most of those won't be able to look around, this being restricted to a: small group of VIP guests including the Chief Minister, Treasury Minister, Board and Executive of Isle of Man Steam Packet Company and representatives of Hyundai Heavy Industries will be invited for a private tour of the vessel and to meet the captain.

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3 hours ago, StrangeBrew said:

Yeah, maybe a little tone deaf given the kick off.

But jeez - what is wrong with people? Any fully grown adult crying about not getting to have a skeet around the boat needs to get a life. Anyone lobbying their MHK about it needs to have a good hard look at themselves. And any MHK who is making something out of this needs to have a look at their priorities - it’s ridiculous. 

Lots of sad little people about who believe entitled to everything 

also the same people would be the ones moaning if they turned up along with 84,000 other residents and had to wait in a queue to get on it

plenty pics and videos or given it’s a bit they should buy a ticket and see it 😂

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I think you've got the tone wrong here. People just want to see it and expectations are running high. Going on that video the spec looks fantastic, and I'm not usually given to hyperbole. Fingers crossed that things go well with her. If she's as good in service as she looks in port then we've bought a beauty.

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42 minutes ago, Manxman1234 said:

Lots of sad little people about who believe entitled to everything 

also the same people would be the ones moaning if they turned up along with 84,000 other residents and had to wait in a queue to get on it

plenty pics and videos or given it’s a bit they should buy a ticket and see it 😂

I'll chime in here. We, ALL OF US, have guaranteed close to £100m  on this new vessel. Yeah, MANXMAN1234.... close to £100m. WE FUND TREASURY. So, why do you think we are "entitled" to know what we have bought? Perhaps there are other mechanical/electrical/marine engineers on this Island (who pay taxes too BTW!). You think it should be a "black box"???? We pay they spend without showing off what could be a nice project. Also MANXMAN123-1/2, what about that dock being built??? we're paying for it and it's also gone way, way over budget.

MANXMAN12-waddeva, it's be good to have a proper walk-thru of the new project. Perhaps organize a small team to do a detailed documentary (in parts perhaps)? Personally, It'd be very interesting to see the internal workings of a vessel this size, operation, engines, electronics, plumbing, structure, loading logistics AND even when out of water.

I'd certainly like to see how the vessel is constructed and built and operated.... I'm sure there are may others too.

Nuff said

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