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Fuel Prices


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Fill your vehicles.


I have been informed quite reliably that fuel will increase by at least 7p per litre on Sunday or Monday.


Those using diesel could face a bigger hike.


Yeah, fill 'em up! The best way to make the prices get even higher :)


Like its something we control !


Do you suggest that no-one drives from here on in ? Will that keep the price down ?


OK everyone - do not drive a vehicle until the price drops again.


Geez.......some people.....

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What's the point in filling up, next week you'll end up paying the new price anyroad


Mission, get a pushy dude


I can't understand why there aren't hundreds of scooters whizzing around the roads as these do about 100mpg


Steam, that's the answer, or hydrogen (but don't the petrol companies own all the patents for that)

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Dunno about 7p per litre but I read that it'd probably go up 11p a gallon because of the hurricane thing.


Even if it does I'd rather be paying more for my petrol than be in the position of the unfortunate people that have been more directly affected by it.

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I can't understand why there aren't hundreds of scooters whizzing around the roads as these do about 100mpg


There are. It seems when people reache 16 these days they seem to get one of these for their birthday and take to the roads instantly, complete with a voucher that entitles them to use them dangerously.

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RC I have a pushbike, just rarely use it. I do, on occasion walk to and from work, I'm just struggling to make it a daily thing.


I filled the car up tonight, £40 (not totally empty but not far off it). Super unleaded was 98.9p per litre.


Taking the van later on this morning, will check the price of diesel.


Will have to remember to check the price next time I fill them both up.


The car isn't an issue really as it does little mileage but the van does a lot of mileage and that could impact quite a bit.


As someone else said earlier, it will be interesting to see if this affects domestic heating oil too.

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Recently I have tried using Total ‘excellium’ fuel to test their claims that it improves your fuel consumption. Over three tanks full I have so far managed to see an increase in average fuel consumption of nearly 10%!


Combine this with the higher price for ‘excellium’ and it looks like a complete rip off. Has anyone else tried it yet?

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At Total in Laxey the price for regular unleaded has gone up to 102.9


Apparently most garages are trying to keep it as low as they can for as long as possible until they have to refill the tanks, so it'll be 95.9 while stocks last!

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