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Chris Thomas MHK sacked from DOI


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8 hours ago, ADELE said:

Yes, senior moment, I meant the Mannin Line.

Damn you Adele. I had my chair and popcorn all ready! 😂


8 hours ago, woolley said:

Why? It's so wonderful in the UK that you never looked back.

Yes, I also noticed something of a slight sea change there. Grass not so green after all? 

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18 hours ago, Roxanne said:

All on full pensions, severances and pay offs and who are now working in other roles in government? 

Those senior people?

Hardly ‘hung out to dry’ Stu.


Are you saying there's corruption afoot? Stu says unless you can prove it then it doesn't exist.

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In every society, there are criminals. It is not necessary to prove that. It is common sense. It is also common sense, therefore, to be reasonably suspicious, or to be reasonably cautious, or to make reasonable checks etc.

In every political system, there is corruption. It is not necessary......

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22 hours ago, Moghrey Mie said:

It's a pity Chris Thomas didn't really communicate to explain what the Housing and Communities Board has been doing.


"Develop building controls to assist with meeting climate targets, to include the ban of fossil fuel heating appliances by 2025, in new build properties and set an appropriate date by which to ban the replacement of existing heating appliance with oil powered models."

"Use Comprehensive Treatment Area, section 13, Community Infrastructure Levy and other Outcome Vibrant communities, protecting our ‘green fields’ from unnecessary development 6 planning policy approaches used to encourage urban rather than greenfield development"

"Review Planning policy to ensure future planning application decisions take account of and where possible contribute to the emissions reduction initiatives across all segments and where possible, provide Biodiversity Net Gain."

"Homes for All" (no supply side changes)


I don't mean to deny all the hard work done by the board... but there does seem to be a lot of effort concentrated on increasing barriers for delivering new housing stock (as above), and absolutely no mention of increasing building or supply into the housing market, or otherwise trying to reduce costs of development. What's the fastest and most effective way to introduce higher quality houses at lower prices? Reduce planning restrictions and focus on freeing up site development. 


The opening statement sets out 'The Chief Minister stated in his manifesto that “housing on the Island is fast approaching a crisis point” with the rising cost of property “causing problems for anybody who for whatever reason finds themselves in need of a home purchase or rental” ... Our Island Plan laid down the Building Great Communities vision of everyone having “a suitable and affordable place to call home” with the Island’s housing stock “meeting the needs of our population now and into the future”'


It is hard to take the report as well grounded when there is no assessment of housing coming into the market or barriers that stop this. Instead the focus is on climate changes, rental legislation and first time buyer deposit/loan assistance. These are all fairly narrow issues within the 'housing crisis', which more generally is one of supply and demand, especially when the quality of housing stock is considered. 

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On 7/28/2023 at 3:46 PM, Andy Onchan said:

Are you saying there's corruption afoot? Stu says unless you can prove it then it doesn't exist.

Did he say that?

Anyway if you are saying there’s corruption afoot some sort of evidence may give weight to your claim.

Taking Two Lanes contribution that in every political system there is corruption. Lets  say in every football crowd there is some hooligans. He/ she would say that it’s not necessary to prove that. 

Agreed but it is necessary to identify those individuals be they corrupt politicians or football hooligans. Then you deal with them.

Two Lane says that in every society there are criminals. Yes there are that’s why we have the justice system to deal with them as we do with any corrupt politicians.

Anyone in any walk of life may turn rogue. I can’t think of any section of society which is immune from that be it government, church, media ,business etc etc


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I would imagine most politicians would play it straight down the line, if only for, fear of being caught out?

Probsbly we citizens are much more likely to try to get away with it, undeclared income, deposit account  interest and so on.

That's not to say that politicians or ourselves will not milk the system for all it's worth within the rules..... but sometimes the 'spirit of the rules' should come into play???

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