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When a bank holiday comes up we are told to enjoy ourselves but not to over indulge, do we really need this nanny state policing, I think it is insulting to the general public , when has anybody sitting in a pub decided not to have another drink because a jobsworth copper has told them not to on FB ?   It is not their remit they should be out doing bread and butter police work not preaching to the people who pay their wages.

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12 minutes ago, ADELE said:

When a bank holiday comes up we are told to enjoy ourselves but not to over indulge, do we really need this nanny state policing, I think it is insulting to the general public , when has anybody sitting in a pub decided not to have another drink because a jobsworth copper has told them not to on FB ?   It is not their remit they should be out doing bread and butter police work not preaching to the people who pay their wages.

Trying to prevent crime is part of their remit, putting a bit of a reminder out saying don't drink to much is hardly Gestapo tactics.


I'm guessing you got rejected from the force as there's no other reason for the irrational moaning you're doing

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You are a joker 🤣 Thommo you really think anyone who criticises the police’s publicity page must be a reject.    The job the police do is in general very good over here and I admire them for the way they face really nasty situations I certainly would not be up for it but I feel the way that the page they put on FB does not do the force justice it is seems that they are becoming judge mental and preachy.   I doubt the condescending advice that goes on the FB page would prevent any crime.  

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2 hours ago, quilp said:

That's fine by me.  No issue but as I said I had not seen those reports nor could I be bothered to Google for them.

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1 hour ago, Roxanne said:

They paid your wages long enough, son. 

It strikes me as both sad and amusing whenever I see posts from these people who have departed the Island but can't quite let go. It's as though they still crave to feel involved, or need to validate their iffy decision to leave by hanging around here telling everyone how shocking the Isle of Man is, how backward the Manx are, and how wonderfully fulfilling life is in their new surroundings.

Perhaps they harbour regret that dare not speak it's name even to themselves, or suffer from a form of immaturity in having to take yet another pop. Quite a few of them did pretty well out of being here too, and still draw benefits from their time here.

I wonder if any Island residents who came from outside do the same thing in reverse on social media outlets back where they came from. Plenty of places are so dire that it would be almost a full time job. I rather doubt that they do, somehow. Most people are just busy getting on with their lives and don't want to gloat.

There are quite a number who have gone down this tiresome road over the years, and Bladerunner is only the latest. Their contributions are rarely constructive and have an air of misplaced faux triumphalism about them.

I exclude GD4ELI from this criticism. He usually offers interesting and constructive posts.

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59 minutes ago, ADELE said:

When a bank holiday comes up we are told to enjoy ourselves but not to over indulge, do we really need this nanny state policing, I think it is insulting to the general public , when has anybody sitting in a pub decided not to have another drink because a jobsworth copper has told them not to on FB ? 

Or even a young Home Affairs Minister?

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38 minutes ago, ADELE said:

You are a joker 🤣 Thommo you really think anyone who criticises the police’s publicity page must be a reject.    The job the police do is in general very good over here and I admire them for the way they face really nasty situations I certainly would not be up for it but I feel the way that the page they put on FB does not do the force justice it is seems that they are becoming judge mental and preachy.   I doubt the condescending advice that goes on the FB page would prevent any crime.  

What if it prevents 1 crime. What if it just makes one person think… worth it. IMHO 

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Flight Radar

The plane left Ronaldsway before heading out and circling the Calf of Man before heading up the west coast to Mary Cushlin before turning back, the plane then headed north again to Niarbyl before turning back and heading south. It was on this return that the plane was tracked banking left before crashing at Bradda Head.


See GEF has not managed to fully Manxify their spellchecker yet

or hire a proofreader

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