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Is the Isle of Man Government becoming despotic?

Boo Gay'n

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17 hours ago, Two-lane said:

Just the usual dire stuff. At around 2:00 or so, Robertshaw talks about documents being released by the gov. in response to a FoI request - but with the metadata removed. So it is not possible to examine who or how the document had been handled. And is this against the FoI rules?

They go on about it more in video 2. You're letting yourself discount the whole of what is being said on the metadata point. I wouldn't call it dire stuff at all.

Listen throughout to what Robertshaw is saying. Remember, he knows not only where, but how they bury the bodies

eta: pun not intended



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18 minutes ago, Two-lane said:

Perhaps you could find a Civil Servant who could condense the contents down to a 5-second sound-bite.

Doesn't take five seconds to say "Nothing to see here". 


But the request isn't for a soundbite. It's for a coherent explanation of the issue. Paul is so close to the detail, he thinks we all are. So there's lots of discussion about the metadata of an email, when you need to have watched a video he made two weeks ago to know the significance of the letter. Part of the problem is the format. you can't easily refer back to something said earlier in a video like you can in written format. 

I think the underlying issue is that Dr Ranson suggested an earlier lockdown but ministers chose otherwise. It's suggested that had Dr R's advice been heeded the COVID might not have got in before the vaccine was available and deaths would have been less. Paul is seeking to find out whether minister saw Dr R's advice or whether gatekeeping CS filtered it.  There's been some sort of push back from Govt. to Paul's FOI  request inc a legal threat but now paperwork has been released. But clearly some sort of issue remains because Paul and Robertshaw spent an hour talking about Press Freedom, but what that is won't be clear because Robertshaw obfuscates and Paul gets lost in the detail. 

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

I'd kind of like to know what theyre on about, but there is no way theyre getting an hour of my time. It's just too much.

Totally agree, haven’t listened to any of them as too long & personally fed up of the whole matter & now she’s been paid out we need to move forward 

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I quite agree Declan. Remember the time-line here. Covid came in on Sunday 15th March via a returning traveller who had been to Spain and flew back to IOM via Liverpool. I was off IOM myself that weekend and remember thinking how lucky I'd been.

The CoMin decision was made on Monday 16th so it was too late. Covid was already here.

Could the borders have closed earlier? Yes, I guess. But what do you do about your stranded people? If you want to quarantine, you have to find somewhere, sort out food, payment etc etc. Much earlier than 15th March would've been difficult for the travelling public to accept given that the full impact of covid hadn't been see in the UK at that point.

Paul is clearly not seeing the bigger picture and seems obsessed with finding a smoking gun which probably isn't there.

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What should have happened IMHO

Close the border to all apart from residents and when residents come back they should have isolated in their home and if their home had a few people in it they should stay there too or move out to other accommodation before they got back.

Not hard and basically what happened a few weeks later.

The biggest joke was the residents being coached to Mount Murray with police escort, treated like lepers and the coach driver sitting there without even a mask...........

FFS your "leaders" were in total denial on the daily media release, Howard O'Cock? and stating that the TT will happen and there is No Covid on the rock, when it was plainly obvious that it would have been on the island by that time.


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  • 2 months later...

Judging from the document pack he released this morning the main thing Paul Moulton seems to need is a much better lawyer. 

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On 8/7/2023 at 12:33 PM, Declan said:

Doesn't take five seconds to say "Nothing to see here". 


But the request isn't for a soundbite. It's for a coherent explanation of the issue. Paul is so close to the detail, he thinks we all are. So there's lots of discussion about the metadata of an email, when you need to have watched a video he made two weeks ago to know the significance of the letter. Part of the problem is the format. you can't easily refer back to something said earlier in a video like you can in written format. 

I think the underlying issue is that Dr Ranson suggested an earlier lockdown but ministers chose otherwise. It's suggested that had Dr R's advice been heeded the COVID might not have got in before the vaccine was available and deaths would have been less. Paul is seeking to find out whether minister saw Dr R's advice or whether gatekeeping CS filtered it.  There's been some sort of push back from Govt. to Paul's FOI  request inc a legal threat but now paperwork has been released. But clearly some sort of issue remains because Paul and Robertshaw spent an hour talking about Press Freedom, but what that is won't be clear because Robertshaw obfuscates and Paul gets lost in the detail. 

Quite a bit of detail here...


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Anything to do with regulations, then yes.  Frankly the amount of red tape wrapped around everything nowadays is making it virtually impossible to do anything.  

This does however seem to be more to do with jobsworths in the Civil Service keen to look busy, justify their position and maintain the bloat, rather than being orders issued from upon high by a Cabal of MHKs or El Jeffe Cannan. 

For most financial transactions nowadays the number of hoops I and anyone else must just jump through to prove we're not drug dealers is making it completely inviable to do business here.  You'd genuinely be amazed what you can't do here now, but can in any other jurisdiction.  If it's something new then watching the FSA chasing Customs chasing the AG and none of them making a final decision is excruciating. 

It's the CIA playbook for destabilization of a country, but we have done it to ourselves! 

Every day the use case for Crypto and the limited meddling of Govts (at the moment) gets more an more compelling. 


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