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Beggars in Strand Street

Manx Bean

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1 hour ago, P.K. said:

Aliens is circa 18th century.

They had to register with the police on entry, report changes of address and so forth.

When Commonwealth Citizens appeared in the thirties they were treated differently as were Stateless and so forth.

There was another category that appeared just after the Falklands Conflict. I was summonsed by the Home Office to appear at Petty France with my passport to "regularise my status" whatever that was. When I left I was a newly minted "Citizen of the UK and Colonies" - made me so proud not...

For US residency ( Green card ) applications  you were given an Alien registration number .

I don't know if they still do that.  But this was very funny when a family member was going through the process a few years ago.. 🙂

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13 hours ago, woolley said:

I know I'm quite right, but obviously you don't understand the difference between valuable citizens legitimately providing employment and paying taxes for the betterment of the community, and aliens who are here for nefarious purposes, are a cancer on society, and should be banished without delay or ceremony. You argue for their human rights and due process while they laugh at your credulity. Don't believe they have any gratitude or respect for you or your naivety. It's a jungle where weakness is exploited by the unscrupulous.

He means these aliens: actors from abroad who control this forum with multiple accounts, acting out their fantasy as a spy, endeavouring to alter public opinion here to progress their worldview, a cancer indeed.

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52 minutes ago, John Wright said:


The problem is that we are all someone else’s Alien. It’s a demeaning, dehumanising, term. It’s used to describe the different, the other, the foreign, the weak, the poor.


But not such as the zealots and that. Obviously.

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26 minutes ago, Barlow said:

But not such as the zealots and that. Obviously.

One of them was on manx radio phoning in yesterday lunchtime. He suggested Daily Mail readers were stupid because that paper was hard right and anti-lgbt. After that a woman phoned in calling him a snake but maybe I misheard that as she later referred to him as a snob. It was entertaining and a sign of the times.

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The know-all and voice of the people and everyone Andy Wint on Manx Radio has just mentioned this subject and said "we've never had this, not since the tramp 40 odd years ago".

If Wint is referring to Ted (actually less than 30 years ago), then Ted may have been not rich, he may have refused authority intervention into his life but he was not a beggar.


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45 minutes ago, Malik said:

One of them was on manx radio phoning in yesterday lunchtime. He suggested Daily Mail readers were stupid because that paper was hard right and anti-lgbt. After that a woman phoned in calling him a snake but maybe I misheard that as she later referred to him as a snob. It was entertaining and a sign of the times.

I think you are referring as "one of them" (ie zealots) as Bonzo, a serial Mannin Line caller. He has a lot to say about everything, but to be fair he is mildly entertaining.

The woman was replying to Bonzo questioning the intelligence of people who read the Daily Mail, and she did indeed say he was talking like a snob. The woman was quite right in my opinion. He is a snob although I would go so far as to say fascist, as is Bonzo's ilk (ie 'Guardian readers') in the way they profess their views onto society.

The offending phrase that Bonzo used, was in connection with the fossil fuel agenda and the denial of climate change: "..the usual bar room Brexit voting braying wisdom Daily Mail readers which I am afraid doesn't usually bear intellectual scrutiny"


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3 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’m aware of that: it’s ridiculous outdated language. 

Not at all. It's what it says it is in the dictionary. So if you know, why do you keep asking which planet they are from? It's a word that means from elsewhere. I appreciate that to make the distinction is tantamount to racism in your book. Doesn't make it true. Your problem.

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6 hours ago, Harry Lamb said:

Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer! 

Another one who believes that a respect for decent standards of behaviour and a desire to crack down on aliens taking the mickey with impunity is tantamount to goosestepping around Nuremburg. What is wrong with you?

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2 hours ago, John Wright said:


The problem is that we are all someone else’s Alien. It’s a demeaning, dehumanising, term. It’s used to describe the different, the other, the foreign, the weak, the poor, the exploited and exploitable.

How a country treats those categories says a lot about the country, and in particular its politicians, and where they want to take us.

Alien is the start of the Niemöller proposition.

Your imaginary interpretation. You are simply afraid to call out criminal behaviour and remove it. Perhaps you caught the Zeitgeist of the late 20th century when you were young, but it's had its time and people are finally waking up. Good.

Edited by woolley
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10 minutes ago, woolley said:

Not at all. It's what it says it is in the dictionary. So if you know, why do you keep asking which planet they are from? It's a word that means from elsewhere. I appreciate that to make the distinction is tantamount to racism in your book. Doesn't make it true. Your problem.

It depends which dictionary you use. For instance dictionary.com defines an “Alien” (noun) “A creature from outer space; an extraterrestrial” which was clearly where my comment came from. And as for problems .. well this thread has now become far too Brexity. 

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4 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It depends which dictionary you use. For instance dictionary.com defines an “Alien” (noun) “A creature from outer space; an extraterrestrial” which was clearly where my comment came from. And as for problems .. well this thread has now become far too Brexity. 

It's one meaning. Words have more than one meaning. Who knew?

As for the B word. It's only been mentioned by John Wright in a silly aside aimed at me, and not at all by anyone else. I appreciate that some embittered people see everything though that lens alone.

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14 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It depends which dictionary you use. For instance dictionary.com defines an “Alien” (noun) “A creature from outer space; an extraterrestrial” which was clearly where my comment came from. And as for problems .. well this thread has now become far too Brexity. 

Someone should let Sting know 😉

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18 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

It depends which dictionary you use. For instance dictionary.com defines an “Alien” (noun) “A creature from outer space; an extraterrestrial” which was clearly where my comment came from. And as for problems .. well this thread has now become far too Brexity. 

Ah yes the reputable source of Dictionary.com... anywhere here is the Oxford Dictionary definition:

"Belonging to another person, place, or family; not of one's own; from elsewhere, foreign." - https://www.oed.com/search/dictionary/?scope=Entries&q=alien

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15 minutes ago, woolley said:

I appreciate that some embittered people see everything though that lens alone.

Embittered about what? I think the post Brexit and post covid malaise is brilliant. I’ve got a load of savings I’m now getting a decent return on and no debt and I’ve bought up quite a few volatile stock market assets on the cheap. I’m just waiting for  interest rates to go up further and for housing to collapse and I’ll have a bit more of that too. 

It’s back to the 1980s! That’s what you and Farage etc wanted wasn’t it? I just don’t like the insular attitude to other people. 

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