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Please Please Please lobby your MHK for Change


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15 hours ago, Weliveinhope said:

Hopefully I dont get too much grief or trolling for asking for this, but I would be surprised if a large percentage of the population hadnt finally reached the end of their tether with how government 'works' on the island. I urge everybody to contact their MHK to force change in the way our government behaves, to put their house in order and look after the interests of those they elect rather than themselves.

Whilst we dont know the other side to the PM story as yet, is it right that our taxes are used to pay solicitors to threaten free speach on the Island? With government finances seemingly in a precarious position we are throwing money at the legal professions to bully and intimidate people with stories to tell. Would that money not be better spent on our ayling health service? This and the million other fuck ups will only serve to damage the island beyond repair, and we can surely wave goodbye to the relatively nice lifestyle weve enjoyed on this lovely island.

I've personally contacted a number of MHK's and I'm mildly optimistic, from some of the replies that I've recieved, that drastic change can happen, but it needs momentum, and it needs the people of the island to start asking questions of those we elect.

The Island needs you!




Out of interest how many of the island’s electorate do you believe reads this forum? I have tried to gauge it by monitoring the ‘who’s online’ stat at the bottom of the home page. It rarely tops 300 and quite a few of the active posters sound like they live off island. It also makes sense to me the ‘guests’ browsing will more or less be the same people. Overall, I doubt you are speaking to more than 300 of the islands 85,000 population, how can so few force a change? Less of the population will probably vote at the next election but even that won’t provoke a change.

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2 minutes ago, Malik said:

Out of interest how many of the island’s electorate do you believe reads this forum? I have tried to gauge it by monitoring the ‘who’s online’ stat at the bottom of the home page. It rarely tops 300 and quite a few of the active posters sound like they live off island. It also makes sense to me the ‘guests’ browsing will more or less be the same people. Overall, I doubt you are speaking to more than 300 of the islands 85,000 population, how can so few force a change? Less of the population will probably vote at the next election but even that won’t provoke a change.

Especially when you realise we're all just one person with a bad case of dissociative identity disorder.

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16 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

You miss the point. CoMin can’t fire you, only the public can do that in 2026. So rocking boats to public acclaim is EXACTLY what some will be doing to ensure re-election.

Wasn’t that the basis of your manifesto?

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6 hours ago, Malik said:

Out of interest how many of the island’s electorate do you believe reads this forum? I have tried to gauge it by monitoring the ‘who’s online’ stat at the bottom of the home page. It rarely tops 300 and quite a few of the active posters sound like they live off island. It also makes sense to me the ‘guests’ browsing will more or less be the same people. Overall, I doubt you are speaking to more than 300 of the islands 85,000 population, how can so few force a change? Less of the population will probably vote at the next election but even that won’t provoke a change.

if peoples mindset changes and they can be bothered to try to do something, then perhaps they will mention it to friends, colleagues and it may gain traction. The electorate have been battered into submission over the years, and everybody is looking for a reason not to bother. I totally understand it, but its so depressing!

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Sadly it is very much us v them when it comes to governments relationships with its people, when really it needs to be just us. No one has any decent vision, its all far too short term, caught up in whatever todays nonsense is. There needs to be a clear plan for the future of the island that the majority can really get behind, where people can feel part of something worthwhile, but everyone is too wrapped up in their own bullshit for it to ever happen. 

It isn't a problem exclusive to here either, ultimately humanity will eat itself in pursuit of individual greed.

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7 hours ago, Malik said:

Overall, I doubt you are speaking to more than 300 of the islands 85,000 population, how can so few force a change? Less of the population will probably vote at the next election but even that won’t provoke a change.

Much less than that. A lot of it is bots. Probably 50 max on a good day. 

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54 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Sadly it is very much us v them when it comes to governments relationships with its people, when really it needs to be just us. No one has any decent vision, its all far too short term, caught up in whatever todays nonsense is. There needs to be a clear plan for the future of the island that the majority can really get behind, where people can feel part of something worthwhile, but everyone is too wrapped up in their own bullshit for it to ever happen. 

It isn't a problem exclusive to here either, ultimately humanity will eat itself in pursuit of individual greed.

HSBC made 3.5 billions in the first part of this year. 

Barclays 4.7

Gas and water companies making record profits. 

It’s already happening mucker. 

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3 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

HSBC made 3.5 billions in the first part of this year. 

Barclays 4.7

Gas and water companies making record profits. 

It’s already happening mucker. 

British Gas quoted yesterday as making £900M(?) too...

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26 minutes ago, Weliveinhope said:

its just accepted now that we'll be lied to, manipulated, ripped off by big business. 

All boils down to greed.

It’s largely down to companies having to recoup profits for shareholders as governments collectively shut down the world for almost two years. It’s largely a politically created problem arising from a ridiculous pandemic strategy that’s had a devastating effect on supply and demand that companies have then used to recoup losses. 

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It's been going on a lot longer than Covid although that has certainly had an adverse impact. "Greed has been good" since the early 80's when Maggie imported the culture and within the UK, banks and other corporates and their institutional shareholders picked it up and ran with it, particularly when they could have regulation reduced at will. Greed was the way to better your lot.

In some ways our society became wealthier - but it also created huge divides and those divides are self perpetuating.

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