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Windfarm could cost up to £40 million

Major Rushen

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50 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

There’s a world of difference between defending your integrity when it’s being impugned and merely exchanging insults!

OK.   I think if you go back and reread the detail in your (and your interlocutors’) exchanges, you’ll find a few one-liner insults and childish comebacks.   But OK…

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It is a question really of whether we spend money on keeping the public warm this winter or do we trust the MUA , who are still paying back an outstanding debt from way back , to invest money they really haven’t got but will extract it from the public who are struggling with heating bills at this moment in time , to engage on this project that will without a doubt cost more than has been estimated.    There are now a few MHKs who are expressing doubt about the estimated figure including the Speaker of the House of Keys.   The CM has been to Dublin recently mixing with  his counterparts from our neighbouring Islands and no doubt has been discussing climate change and our progressive pathway to doing our bit the fact we really are a bit skint atm probably didn’t get mentioned in passing.   The common perception from non Islanders is that we are all stinking rich and tax dodgers is alive and well and possibly why Heysham are again suggesting we subscribe to doing Heysham port up.

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7 hours ago, Happier diner said:

What's with all these petty arguments going on on here. 

It’s obvious they are all linked to the constant underlying bully and stirrer on this platform. Banker and Crazy Dave, and then above Bankers straight alter ego non-believer finally losing it and trolling VoR. He’s even crazy enough to aggressively argue with himself (which is very disturbing and creepy) like a loon to put people off the scent and he’s been banned under all his other aggressive and angry trolling accounts like the dogs dangly bits and notwell etc etc. Perhaps he’s been on the sauce as it’s Xmas coming up and the attacks are getting almost hourly. 

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