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Windfarm could cost up to £40 million

Major Rushen

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4 hours ago, philwebs said:

A new wrinkle of the "green" cars id if the battery fails the handbrake locks 9so you cannot move it), and the windows will not work, so if the battery catches fire you roast.

Such fun.

Examples can be seen at:



Good adverts for electric cars.


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On the Rock the MEA would charge you to upgrade your electric supply too, which is bad but as it is.

BUT the planet is cooking, our great, great grandchildren are going to have to fight off migrants with guns or worse if we all as a species don't sort it out ASAP

I can see the argument for the rock not doing anything due to its small contribution but you can say that about any area if you said, my village in Devon  is small and does not contribute much so why don't we just light a big bonfire with old windfarm blades?

Like it or not the earths population will have to stop killing the planet ASAP.

Just because the rock's residents like to think it is 30 years behind the times does not mean it does not have a part to play in the whole earth policy's.

If you did do a "We are too Small To Make a Difference So Will Keep Making Carbons" a IOM Gov policy, just watch how soon you will be ostracised and sanctions imposed.



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Further to the above, there is no need whatsoever for these wind turbines on a power supply or faux environmental basis.

In the past 25 years what were the unique selling points of living here have slowly been eradicated by the obsession of our parish council in copying everything and anything elsewhere.

Nothing has to be preserved in aspic but the destruction of the Islands natural beauty for the sake of absolutely nothing but the pandering to questionable cult belief is cultural and economic folly.

When oranges and grapes can be grown here in place of tatties then, and only then, might we have a problem and a not insurmountable one at that.

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I really do not understand why we don't completely tap into the UK power supply.  There is a fascination with being self sufficient for energy, but we are not self sufficient in just about every other aspect. 

So just accept we are a little island in the middle of a little sea with some big (mostly friendly)  neighbours who have everything we need.  It doesn't impair our independence in any way.

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9 hours ago, Gladys said:

I really do not understand why we don't completely tap into the UK power supply.  There is a fascination with being self sufficient for energy, but we are not self sufficient in just about every other aspect. 

So just accept we are a little island in the middle of a little sea with some big (mostly friendly)  neighbours who have everything we need.  It doesn't impair our independence in any way.

but that doesn't keep people in jobs on island 

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10 hours ago, Gladys said:

I really do not understand why we don't completely tap into the UK power supply.  There is a fascination with being self sufficient for energy, but we are not self sufficient in just about every other aspect. 

So just accept we are a little island in the middle of a little sea with some big (mostly friendly)  neighbours who have everything we need.  It doesn't impair our independence in any way.

Because it would be more expensive. Simple. The best option is to generate our own renewable energy using the natural resources we have and take electricity from the UK when it's not available.

This is not about emotions, it's about facts and economics.  read the reports and investigations. 

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We were sold the waste plant as greener and better value, now we are stuck with rising costs the less we use it due to recycling and off island corporates making profit, we can’t afford this tiny island applying systems than even bigger nations can’t afford.  We have thousands of boats and jets passing us daily but apparently a few windmills AND a power plant, both of which need fossil fuel to exist and work will save the planet.    The planet will evolve as it has for thousands of millions of years, humans will die out, it’s the nature of evolution.  

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46 minutes ago, buncha wankas said:

We were sold the waste plant as greener and better value, now we are stuck with rising costs the less we use it due to recycling and off island corporates making profit, we can’t afford this tiny island applying systems than even bigger nations can’t afford.  We have thousands of boats and jets passing us daily but apparently a few windmills AND a power plant, both of which need fossil fuel to exist and work will save the planet.    The planet will evolve as it has for thousands of millions of years, humans will die out, it’s the nature of evolution.  

Said an ignorant fool with his head on the sand?

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