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Windfarm could cost up to £40 million

Major Rushen

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12 hours ago, Cambon said:

The answer is quite simple. If we are to play along with this crap, which will bite everyone in the ass in about 50 years when most people alive now have passed, and the dozey wokes finally realise there is no way of stopping it because it is nature, put the hideous wind turbines on the edge of the airport. 

The area is already secure. It is already owned by the government. It is one of the windiest places on the island. It is not a residential area. There is already a ramp (used when they extended the runway) to get the bits ashore. It is such a fucking  simple thing to understand! What the fuck is wrong with these people! 

Genius.  Put the big spinny things right in the path of the big flying things full of people as they're trying to land and take off!

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5 hours ago, Mercenary said:



Well that's one of the NIMBY reasons blown out then (that offshore would be a better alternative). Since interest rates rises harder to justify offshore without excessive guaranteed feed-in tariffs.

There are 2 absolute crackers on this forum.

1. Those advocating offshore wind despite it being a no brainedr that its going to be massively more expensive than onshore.

2 a certain  person saying put tje wind turbines around the airport. Now call me old fashioned but would 10 great big electric motors and invertors be a good thing to have around sensitive navigational and communications equipment. 

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£40 million sounds like a major capital project. It’s important that Government takes an early decision to not have anything to do with the implementation of the project and hand it over to a suitable project management company. Additionally, it should ensure that before any commitment is made to proceed (and the political dick waving commences) that sufficient work is carried out to scope the project, investigate and survey the chosen location and have some grasp of the likely risks and necessary contingency funding. Unfortunately, these actions would signal a major departure from past practice and the decision making process. Get that sorted first, please. 

Edited by joebean
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On 9/7/2023 at 10:18 AM, 2112 said:

The NPM (MR) report that MUA (Consultants) have installed monitoring devices at both locations of the proposed wind farms for 12 months. However, it be as long as 2 years before they have enough data, before deciding whether the proposed locations are suitable.

In that case, if the data decrees that the sites aren’t suitable, are there any other back up sites, and have monitoring equipment been installed?

Its truly amazing that it’s taking this long amount of time tO get information before making a decision, especially both the green lobby, Daffy and IOMG have imposed targets, and are permanently dick waving in their quest to be world beating g and world leading. 

So after the next General election then? Mmmm very convenient.

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17 hours ago, Happier diner said:

There are 2 absolute crackers on this forum.

1. Those advocating offshore wind despite it being a no brainedr that its going to be massively more expensive than onshore.

2 a certain  person saying put tje wind turbines around the airport. Now call me old fashioned but would 10 great big electric motors and invertors be a good thing to have around sensitive navigational and communications equipment. 

Interesting thought, HD. There used to be a wind turbine at the airport, so I assume the nav and comms equipment can cope. 

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On 9/8/2023 at 10:22 AM, The Phantom said:

Genius.  Put the big spinny things right in the path of the big flying things full of people as they're trying to land and take off!

Last time I checked, aircraft only use the aprons and runways. The rest of the space is pretty much wasted. 

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