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Windfarm could cost up to £40 million

Major Rushen

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The island used to have a department? Called the "Capital Projects Unit?" Roger?  Lead by a smart guy called Ian Thompson

That department sorted out the islands construction industry in about 1 short year from being somewhere Architects could spec a development that gov was paying for on the cheap.

i.e. not much thought from the designers and then run the contract through Architects' Instructions which meant more money for the designers, (less time designing for same fees), but also more client money, read IOM Gov money spent.

AFAIK that department was closed as a cost saving measure post VAT reduction 2010.

Liverpool, The Prom and lots of other recent big infrastructure projects would not have been so piss poorly managed if it was still running. Even things like the works on Richmond Hill would have come under Ian Thompson's oversight and his team.

He would certainly not have let unqualified financially, i.e. not professional Accountants/ Quantity Surveyors from DOI/ DEFA/ MUA/ ALL Depts. officers the freedom to sign off payments to contractors as happen now.

I would suggest you get a similar thing set up ASAP especially because of the MDC in particular, which is a total disaster,  not about to, but actually happening, in full view.

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14 hours ago, Blade Runner said:

The island used to have a department? Called the "Capital Projects Unit?" Roger?  Lead by a smart guy called Ian Thompson

That department sorted out the islands construction industry in about 1 short year from being somewhere Architects could spec a development that gov was paying for on the cheap.

i.e. not much thought from the designers and then run the contract through Architects' Instructions which meant more money for the designers, (less time designing for same fees), but also more client money, read IOM Gov money spent.

AFAIK that department was closed as a cost saving measure post VAT reduction 2010.

Liverpool, The Prom and lots of other recent big infrastructure projects would not have been so piss poorly managed if it was still running. Even things like the works on Richmond Hill would have come under Ian Thompson's oversight and his team.

He would certainly not have let unqualified financially, i.e. not professional Accountants/ Quantity Surveyors from DOI/ DEFA/ MUA/ ALL Depts. officers the freedom to sign off payments to contractors as happen now.

I would suggest you get a similar thing set up ASAP especially because of the MDC in particular, which is a total disaster,  not about to, but actually happening, in full view.

Is that the same Ian Thompson who was CEO of the DOI?

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This evenings NPM (MR) news leads on Manx Utilities saying that they haven’t ordered the wine turbines for the onshore wind farm. They also comment that the procurement process is to commence this month, whilst Chairman Crookall comments that MUA has to balance long lead times with the need to meet the requirements of government’s procurement policy.

The words procurement and IOMG send shivers, as IOMG procurement record hasn’t exactly been successful. With no Capital Projects Unit in place to oversee procurement, you can imagine wrong measurements, wrong equipment and in its rush to meet deadlines (2026), the island could be overcharged by unscrupulous suppliers/manufacturers. Anything is possible.

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6 minutes ago, 2112 said:

This evenings NPM (MR) news leads on Manx Utilities saying that they haven’t ordered the wine turbines for the onshore wind farm. They also comment that the procurement process is to commence this month, whilst Chairman Crookall comments that MUA has to balance long lead times with the need to meet the requirements of government’s procurement policy.

The words procurement and IOMG send shivers, as IOMG procurement record hasn’t exactly been successful. With no Capital Projects Unit in place to oversee procurement, you can imagine wrong measurements, wrong equipment and in its rush to meet deadlines (2026), the island could be overcharged by unscrupulous suppliers/manufacturers. Anything is possible.

Good point I have a mate who knows a guy who can get wind turbines at a discount.  I think I might act as a go between and get an introduction fee. 

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whats the point in having the procurement process when you dont have an environmental study or even planning consent ,

looks like a typical make it up as you go along boys , the consultants fill their boots  the taxpayer left to pick up the tab   and in the meantime a multiple of other government funded areas such as health, education , social housing are starved of money to satisfy some civil servants desire to tick a box ,  you couldn't make this up 1

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3 hours ago, Omobono said:

whats the point in having the procurement process when you dont have an environmental study or even planning consent ,

looks like a typical make it up as you go along boys , the consultants fill their boots  the taxpayer left to pick up the tab   and in the meantime a multiple of other government funded areas such as health, education , social housing are starved of money to satisfy some civil servants desire to tick a box ,  you couldn't make this up 1

Because otherwise it's..

1 year scoping / grid studies

2 years EIA

6 months-1 year planning

6 months procurement

12 month lead in time on materials (only take big orders, need to line up with someone else's manufacturing slot)

12 month construction time

(Maybe not exact timescales but you get the point)


Whilst the above may suit those against the project, it results in much higher delivery cost and extended payback period compared to bringing some elements forward. It's a national level scheme so it's not uncommon for parliaments to be able to streamline the delivery/consents process for strategic projects (e.g. DCOs in UK)


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Report from yesterday’s IOMG conference bollocks at the VM, on the NPM (MR) where MUA and Tim say there are loads of technical challenges and years of additional study required before we will see wind farms on the island. Sounds like the excuses are being made early. I get the feeling with IOMG, Tynpotwald, Daffy and the Climate Change Gangsters all gunning for instant progress and results, it could result in another Liverpool Ferry Terminal fiasco. Out of control , mind of its own and horrendously over budget. 

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1 hour ago, NoTail said:

In a similar vein it will take many years of evaluation and study before I buy an electric car. 

So it’s obvious that both IOMG and MUS haven’t a clue and are reacting to Daffy Daffers, Professor Currant Bun and the Climate Change Transmogrification Board. It isn’t a good way of conducting policy, and whilst having a deadline, concentrating the mind, it could mean that MUA perhaps make errors or cut corners? If it isn’t producing the results or targets, what are they going to do, pull down the turbines and move them somewhere else? Doing this has to right first time, it’s serious not experimental. 

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7 hours ago, 2112 said:

Report from yesterday’s IOMG conference bollocks at the VM, on the NPM (MR) where MUA and Tim say there are loads of technical challenges and years of additional study required before we will see wind farms on the island. Sounds like the excuses are being made early. I get the feeling with IOMG, Tynpotwald, Daffy and the Climate Change Gangsters all gunning for instant progress and results, it could result in another Liverpool Ferry Terminal fiasco. Out of control , mind of its own and horrendously over budget. 

is this not consistent with MUA/Wardell Armstrong saying they need 1 years worth of monitoring wind speed data at the Earystane site, followed by the monitoring equipment being moved to the Druidale site. The equipment has only gone up within the last month, so that puts the Earystane EIA at a minimum 1 year to 18 months away. Whether they would still proceed with the Druidale one is probably to be determined, it seems clear Earystane is believed to be the more viable site.

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1 hour ago, Mercenary said:

Whether they would still proceed with the Druidale one is probably to be determined, it seems clear Earystane is believed to be the more viable site.

The assumption to be borne out by the wind data, is that Earystane is windier, therefore will require less turbines.  However they will have much more of a visual impact.  You'll probably be able to see them from most of the South.   But getting them built there would probably be easier.   I think they suggested beaching the parts at Castletown. 

Druidale is less windy, therefore will require more turbines to achieve the same amount of power.  However, no one goes to Druidale, so they would be hidden away to some extent.  They'd probably require a bit more infrastructure to get set up too.

It's a tricky one, but given the option I'd probably go for Druidale.  Mainly purely to appease the nimbys.

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23 minutes ago, The Phantom said:

but given the option I'd probably go for Druidale

I'd forget the whole, potentially financially crippling and entirely unnecessary project - problem (if there ever was one) solved.

Off topic slightly: latest electricity bill sees the best part of an 80% increase in unit cost over this time last year: calling our resident Statistician, Mr Mexico - do our generation costs justify this any longer? Or are we being forced to pay for the corruption and the probably ignored illegalities of the MUA of yesteryear?

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