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Windfarm could cost up to £40 million

Major Rushen

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12 hours ago, The Phantom said:

Argh, again? 

This is the problem with 'news' nowadays. I'm going to phone the Mannin line later and possibly post on some forums about the game changing radioactive cheese that has been discovered in the foxdale mines.  It can be fed to the Wallabies who will then be able to hop within a huge wheel attached to a dynamo. It's going to make us a world leader! 

Courtenay and Prof Ashie are on board!

A quote from an article about what stops miners from boiling to death in a diamond mine in Africa:

“It takes 6,000 tons of ice a day to keep Mponeng's deepest levels at a bearable 83 [°F] degrees. They make the ice in a surface plant, then mix it with salt to create a slush that can be pumped down to underground reservoirs. There, giant fans pass air over the coolant and push the chilled air further down, into the mining tunnels. Cool air goes down at a temperature of 37 [°F] and comes back, heated up by the rock, at 86 [°F].”

5KM depth is along way down. AsI said earlier, cost versus return. Geothermal is available everywhere. Some places more cheaply than others. 

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47 minutes ago, Cambon said:

A quote from an article about what stops miners from boiling to death in a diamond mine in Africa:

“It takes 6,000 tons of ice a day to keep Mponeng's deepest levels at a bearable 83 [°F] degrees. They make the ice in a surface plant, then mix it with salt to create a slush that can be pumped down to underground reservoirs. There, giant fans pass air over the coolant and push the chilled air further down, into the mining tunnels. Cool air goes down at a temperature of 37 [°F] and comes back, heated up by the rock, at 86 [°F].”

5KM depth is along way down. AsI said earlier, cost versus return. Geothermal is available everywhere. Some places more cheaply than others. 

And some places that are so not cheap that's its not viable at all......like the British Isles for example. 

Show me some geothermal power plants in englandshire. 

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21 hours ago, Happier diner said:

It's absolute bull shit. Tell me how you are going to make electricity with warm water.

You can, using clever combinations of gases that boil at low temperatures, or peltier elements. The soviets used to use the latter with kerosene lamps to run a radio. You got a whopping two watts.


But, I'd hazard a guess that you'd struggle to even break even on the electricity to pump the water up, let alone making any money with it.

And frankly, why would you go with something expensive, experimental and not guaranteed, when you could get something off the shelf?

Actually, let's not give anyone high up ideas there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

What a belter!

According to Energy FM,  IOMG confirms heath at Earystane, and peat. Needless to say MHKs Daffy and other MHKs are there arguing the toss. So basically we have eco- loons who are trying to bankrupt the island and every resident into changing their behaviour, whilst IOMG clearly haven’t thought things through. Will this idea ever get off the ground as it seems that whatever site proposed will throw up some form of obstacle, animal, mineral or vegetable. 

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56 minutes ago, 2112 said:

What a belter!

According to Energy FM,  IOMG confirms heath at Earystane, and peat. Needless to say MHKs Daffy and other MHKs are there arguing the toss. So basically we have eco- loons who are trying to bankrupt the island and every resident into changing their behaviour, whilst IOMG clearly haven’t thought things through. Will this idea ever get off the ground as it seems that whatever site proposed will throw up some form of obstacle, animal, mineral or vegetable. 

Daphne Caine is ending her career in Tynwald as one of the most disappointing politicians of her generation. She has done the square root of nothing with her net-zero hat on. They have spent millions on useless reports and surveys and then when the MUA actually decide to implement something Daphne doesn’t like it because her eco loony friends don’t like it. They should have a recall mechanism just for her - a hopeless Middle Class virtue signing dreamer who couldn’t implement anything of any significance to save her life. 

Edited by Cueey Lewis And The News
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2 hours ago, 2112 said:

What a belter!

According to Energy FM,  IOMG confirms heath at Earystane, and peat. Needless to say MHKs Daffy and other MHKs are there arguing the toss. So basically we have eco- loons who are trying to bankrupt the island and every resident into changing their behaviour, whilst IOMG clearly haven’t thought things through. Will this idea ever get off the ground as it seems that whatever site proposed will throw up some form of obstacle, animal, mineral or vegetable. 

Energy FM seem very anti this development. JT has always been one to lobby strongly using all means on topics he doesn't like though.


Obviously the anti-Earystane lobby will jump on any bandwagon looking for a 'gotcha', however the reality is this is the start of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process that will make great consideration of peatland, ecology, biodiversity with regards to the impact of the scheme and whether it is appropriate and can be suitably mitigated. Not all peatland is the same (possibly degraded peat if a plantation has been attempted above it), and a scheme needs to balance impact against all the different factors rather than just saying everything is a 'red line'.


If the impact is too adverse, the scheme won't proceed (and realistically EIA's are weighted against development), and presumably there will be some kickback against IOMG for burning consultant fees but a relatively limited spend. 

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I have one good thing to say about JT, when he was sacked by Gawne from his post in the then DOI, he said publicly, it is not my job to agree with the minister and the department if I don't !

If only a lot of others had adopted this mantra perhaps we wouldn't be where we are in many matters pertaining to a shambles ! 

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All we seem to have is a governmental department/quango trying to push IOMG agenda at any cost, irrespective of pros and cons. It’s not so push, more bulldozing. The way things are going is likely to either not happen, or will be a long protracted affair with claims and counter claims. Not forgetting that it gets built but the project overruns and isn’t to budget. There could be a possibility of a vested interested group/charity taking legal action to prevent this project getting off the ground, especially if the area concerned is a noted environmental haven.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/21/2023 at 8:25 PM, Mercenary said:

If the impact is too adverse, the scheme won't proceed (and realistically EIA's are weighted against development), and presumably there will be some kickback against IOMG for burning consultant fees but a relatively limited spend. 

Ahh, but these are no ordinary consultants. These are piss take expensive consultants that only the Manx government are gullible enough to pay the extortionate fee's they charge. Its no small wonder we can not see the reports and wonder why it has cost us the best part of £500,000 for this bull shit. Relatively small spend my ASS. You must be earning some serious wonga  if you think that is small change.  

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5 hours ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Ahh, but these are no ordinary consultants. These are piss take expensive consultants that only the Manx government are gullible enough to pay the extortionate fee's they charge. Its no small wonder we can not see the reports and wonder why it has cost us the best part of £500,000 for this bull shit. Relatively small spend my ASS. You must be earning some serious wonga  if you think that is small change.  

Consultants who write reports which say what you want them to say can and do charge what they like. They've got government over a barrel, so spare a thought for the poor bastards. 

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As the smart money is moving out of wind energy, the stupid money jumps in with both feet:


"The offshore wind industry has found itself in a perfect storm of rising inflation, interest rate hikes and supply chain delays, casting doubt on plans by U.S. President Joe Biden and several states to use offshore wind to replace fossil fuels in energy production to fight climate change."

And the ESG cobblers is at an end, smart money out, stupid money bailing out the smart money:


"On Sunday, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink revealed at the Aspen Ideas Festival that he had abandoned the term "ESG" (environment, social, and governance) because it has been highly politicized and even "weaponized," and he is "ashamed" to be part of the debate"


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