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Windfarm could cost up to £40 million

Major Rushen

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The onw that should be known as the daily bore twit 'Julien' was on the Moanin line today

He was on about the load factor/capacity factor and saying that in the UK its 45% and MUA are estimating 60% so he thinks we should multiply 0.45 by 0.6 to get 0.2!?! and that the MUA have got it all wrong


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2 hours ago, Happier diner said:

The onw that should be known as the daily bore twit 'Julien' was on the Moanin line today

He was on about the load factor/capacity factor and saying that in the UK its 45% and MUA are estimating 60% so he thinks we should multiply 0.45 by 0.6 to get 0.2!?! and that the MUA have got it all wrong


What are the MUA estimating?

Gov.uk are showing 27.8% for onshore wind.



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I posted this on the climate change page last week. About40% is correct according to the manufacturer. 



I read somewhere ages ago that the turbines to be used are the Vestas            V150-4.2MW. I cannot find where I read that. Here is a link to it. 


At the bottom of the specification page for this model in the brochure there is a graph showing potential annual output. To save you the trouble I have posted it below. You can read at the bottom it is based on 100% availability, etc. The maximum output shown is around 19GW per annum, or 19,000MW

19,000/365.25=52 (per day). 52/24=2.1666 (per hour). 
So, effectively from the horses mouth, the best we can expect is around 50% efficiency. At best, our 21MW windfarm will output 10.8MW. However, if we take the middle of the graph (15GW), it comes out as 8.5MW windfarm. A little more than a third, but by the time you take into account the fact that they will require maintenance, they will break down, it will not be 100% availability, one third is probably more realistic.

I prefer to believe manufacturers information, even though even that is likely to be exaggerated, than government spin. 



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39 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Well it is, but it is a demonstrably wrong opinion. 

No it's not an opinion of any sort, it's an untruth.  It doesn't matter whether it's a lie or a genuine mistake or caused by someone not wanting to find out the truth.  If something can be and has been factually disproved, then it's not any sort of opinion.  Of course people can have opinions about that fact - how important it is for example or what it applies to - but it's not an opinion in itself.  And facts themselves can be challenged or modified, but only by other facts, not because it's someone's opinion that they disagree with it without providing anything factual to counter it.

The first definition I found for "opinion" was "a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge".  And it's very important to distinguish between facts and opinions, because the dominant way of arguing in British culture at the moment appears to be that only opinions matter and there's no need for them to be factually supported.

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19 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

No it's not an opinion of any sort, it's an untruth.  It doesn't matter whether it's a lie or a genuine mistake or caused by someone not wanting to find out the truth.  If something can be and has been factually disproved, then it's not any sort of opinion.  Of course people can have opinions about that fact - how important it is for example or what it applies to - but it's not an opinion in itself.  And facts themselves can be challenged or modified, but only by other facts, not because it's someone's opinion that they disagree with it without providing anything factual to counter it.

The first definition I found for "opinion" was "a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge".  And it's very important to distinguish between facts and opinions, because the dominant way of arguing in British culture at the moment appears to be that only opinions matter and there's no need for them to be factually supported.

A stated 'fact' may be incorrect or miscalculated. But it's never an opinion. Like you say it could be wrong. It's an interesting concept. 

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1 hour ago, Cambon said:

I posted this on the climate change page last week. About40% is correct according to the manufacturer. 




I read somewhere ages ago that the turbines to be used are the Vestas            V150-4.2MW. I cannot find where I read that. Here is a link to it. 


At the bottom of the specification page for this model in the brochure there is a graph showing potential annual output. To save you the trouble I have posted it below. You can read at the bottom it is based on 100% availability, etc. The maximum output shown is around 19GW per annum, or 19,000MW

19,000/365.25=52 (per day). 52/24=2.1666 (per hour). 
So, effectively from the horses mouth, the best we can expect is around 50% efficiency. At best, our 21MW windfarm will output 10.8MW. However, if we take the middle of the graph (15GW), it comes out as 8.5MW windfarm. A little more than a third, but by the time you take into account the fact that they will require maintenance, they will break down, it will not be 100% availability, one third is probably more realistic.

I prefer to believe manufacturers information, even though even that is likely to be exaggerated, than government spin. 



Half will be fine. Average 10.8MW would be fantastic for the island. Even 8.5MW would be great. That's about £8M worth of gas saved every year. 

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