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22 minutes ago, ADELE said:

It is getting ‘bigged up’. in the Courier today the Commissioners are certainly out to impress,   unfortunately it does not seem to be having the desired effect especially with Braddan ratepayers.

Certainly I’m not impressed as a Braddan ratepayer as our rates went up this year to help pay for this monstrosity!! I won’t be using it & having walked past it today I doubt it will be ready before Xmas

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3 hours ago, ADELE said:

The ratepayers have been relatively quiet on the  matter considering what it is going to cost them for the foreseeable future I cannot see it being a profitable venture.



Our politicos and the constituency MHKs have been quiet. I expect JPW will probably support The Roundhouse. I don’t know how@Stu Petersviews this scheme. Some of the tenants may be successful, but I personally think they will struggle to survive. 

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4 hours ago, ADELE said:

The ratepayers have been relatively quiet on the  matter considering what it is going to cost them for the foreseeable future I cannot see it being a profitable venture.



That's the beauty of local authorities. They are so irrelevant to most island residents that they'll only notice the issue when they get a whopping rates demand next spring.

That's why they get away with so much with little to no scrutiny from ratepayers. 

Ramsey Courthouse, Manxonia House, Castletown Fire Station, DBC Chewing Gum Machine... 

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Did the good ratepayers of Braddan actually get much of a say or even a vote on the matter (apart from having initially voted for their representatives)? How many actually would have wanted it, even at the original costs? 

Decisions like this are too costly to be simply left to the elected who may have their own agenda, IMHO (or be of questionable sanity).

And other than possibly losing their unpaid parish pump seats at the next election, those responsible will have little accountability for what they have imposed on their ratepayers for many years to come. The original decision was pushed through in the same fashion that a 20% rise in Braddan rates will be forced through if Govt don't acquiesce to a bailout. 

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15 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Did the good ratepayers of Braddan actually get much of a say or even a vote on the matter (apart from having initially voted for their representatives)? How many actually would have wanted it, even at the original costs? 

Decisions like this are too costly to be simply left to the elected who may have their own agenda, IMHO (or be of questionable sanity).

And other than possibly losing their unpaid parish pump seats at the next election, those responsible will have little accountability for what they have imposed on their ratepayers for many years to come. The original decision was pushed through in the same fashion that a 20% rise in Braddan rates will be forced through if Govt don't acquiesce to a bailout. 

Government MUST SAY NO. 

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37 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

Did the good ratepayers of Braddan actually get much of a say or even a vote on the matter (apart from having initially voted for their representatives)? How many actually would have wanted it, even at the original costs? 

Decisions like this are too costly to be simply left to the elected who may have their own agenda, IMHO (or be of questionable sanity).

And other than possibly losing their unpaid parish pump seats at the next election, those responsible will have little accountability for what they have imposed on their ratepayers for many years to come. The original decision was pushed through in the same fashion that a 20% rise in Braddan rates will be forced through if Govt don't acquiesce to a bailout. 

We didn’t get a vote , we were advised of plans & I think was an online or postal option to give views. I said I wasn’t in favour but never saw results of consultations & next thing was all approved. Bill Shimmins our MHK was also against it but got approved.


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21 minutes ago, Banker said:

We didn’t get a vote , we were advised of plans & I think was an online or postal option to give views. I said I wasn’t in favour but never saw results of consultations & next thing was all approved. Bill Shimmins our MHK was also against it but got approved.


Middles MHKs were Howard Quayle and Bill Shimmins. Howard Quayle being the Chief Minister at the time, presumably he would have been privy to the plans, and possibly giving it his vote of approval? Bill Shimmins may have told people he was against but he may have told others something different? 

Sadly what’s done is done, and Braddan residents will have to repent at leisure, perhaps voting the clowns out of office. I doubt IOMG will get involved and intervene, so I think it’s down to Jessop to put his money where his mouth is, and make good on his threats. He will have to increase the rents on tenants of the Roundhouse at the same time. 

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1.  They want permission to borrow from a bank, not IOMG, as stated I the OP link.  Repayments would come from the rates or income earned from the facility.

2. Don't know, unless costs escalated due to the usual suspects.

Not defending it at all, just making some observations. 

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