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Wasting Money???

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17 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

A simple question. 

Who do you think Braddan commissioners thought would pay? And, why did they go ahead without securing the necessary funding? 

 the costs at the time it all started made it affordable , since then the costs spiraled ( shocker eh ) and they ran out of their money so want other peoples.

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1 minute ago, WTF said:

 the costs at the time it all started made it affordable , since then the costs spiraled ( shocker eh ) and they ran out of their money so want other peoples.

It was never their money, it was ratepayers money. It’s a shame they never treated money like it was their own. Let’s face it, some of the Commissioners belong to the great and good, international big shot business types - if this project is so good and a goer, would they invest in it? 


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14 hours ago, 2112 said:

It was never their money, it was ratepayers money. It’s a shame they never treated money like it was their own. Let’s face it, some of the Commissioners belong to the great and good, international big shot business types - if this project is so good and a goer, would they invest in it? 


To be fair, once you’ve paid your rates it IS their money, to be spent for your benefit. It’s mostly up now so no point in saying it should never have been built. Field of dreams time…I think the commissioners have made a bold decision in a sea of apathy, and I hope it works out for all concerned.

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Had the people of Braddan been asked about this, would they have said 'yes'?

Would we have said yes to the Liverpool dock had we known the price???

Would people have voted for Stu had they known he would support their Millstone???

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17 hours ago, WTF said:

 the costs at the time it all started made it affordable , since then the costs spiraled ( shocker eh ) and they ran out of their money so want other peoples.

There has been a huge number of preventable “errors” of the kind expected in Government projects let alone a Church Fete Committee one. The architects made a bespoke plan on Jessops request- the sports hall floor has been an expensive disaster - apparently a 7inch fall and up it came to be relaid.

They have no tenants lined up so no regular income it’s a mess - stick it on Business Rates to farm votes - deluded Mr Jessop. If you can’t incentivise a Pharmacy to open in the hospital grounds - fuck me you need sacked not empowered to ask for money and votes.

I know this is a LA project but I read something recently that the last Capital project to be both on time and budget was Sulby reservoir.

Lessons have not been learned.


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6 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I think the commissioners have made a bold decision in a sea of apathy, and I hope it works out for all concerned.

"A brave decision, Minister".....to quote Sir Humphrey himself.

Will you still say this to Braddan ratepayers if and when they are saddled with a 20% rise in their rates should the Govt not be receptive to requests for the financial support? Presumably this financing only applies to the ongoing construction costs as well, running costs may be extra, going into the future, given that business tenants don't appear to be queueing up to take up residence?

And do you apply the same philosophy to the Liverpool Terminal costs, at 30 times the original cost, which has the potential to impact every visitor and taxpaying consumer on the Island?

A bold decision in a sea of apathy indeed.

Most disappointing from a gent who stood for Keys on a manifesto of imposing accountability for things out of control.

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5 hours ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

There has been a huge number of preventable “errors” of the kind expected in Government projects let alone a Church Fete Committee one. The architects made a bespoke plan on Jessops request- the sports hall floor has been an expensive disaster - apparently a 7inch fall and up it came to be relaid.

They have no tenants lined up so no regular income it’s a mess - stick it on Business Rates to farm votes - deluded Mr Jessop. If you can’t incentivise a Pharmacy to open in the hospital grounds - fuck me you need sacked not empowered to ask for money and votes.

I know this is a LA project but I read something recently that the last Capital project to be both on time and budget was Sulby reservoir.

Lessons have not been learned.


i hadn't heard about the sloping floor , must be something to do with the area, the floor in the morgue at the new hospital had a similar problem,  it was designed to slope for swilling out purposes but the drains were at the top of the slope rather than the bottom which is why they went back to using the old morgue for a time while it was sorted.

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11 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

To be fair, once you’ve paid your rates it IS their money, to be spent for your benefit. It’s mostly up now so no point in saying it should never have been built. Field of dreams time…I think the commissioners have made a bold decision in a sea of apathy, and I hope it works out for all concerned.

It’s not working out so far, and the ratepayers will pay the price. 


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10 hours ago, Mr Helmut Fromage said:

There has been a huge number of preventable “errors” of the kind expected in Government projects let alone a Church Fete Committee one. The architects made a bespoke plan on Jessops request- the sports hall floor has been an expensive disaster - apparently a 7inch fall and up it came to be relaid.

They have no tenants lined up so no regular income it’s a mess - stick it on Business Rates to farm votes - deluded Mr Jessop. If you can’t incentivise a Pharmacy to open in the hospital grounds - fuck me you need sacked not empowered to ask for money and votes.

I know this is a LA project but I read something recently that the last Capital project to be both on time and budget was Sulby reservoir.

Lessons have not been learned.


DBC managed to complete the new Eastern tip on budget and on time….

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