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David Foul-er


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3 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

This is yet another example of incompetence on the part of the media - or alternatively the police (which is worse).  The article says "They have been assessed under the Copine scale which measures severity from one to five, with five being the most severe", but as the Wiki you quote from shows, the COPINE (NB Caps media people) scale actually goes from 1 to 10.  The article goes on to say:

The five point scale, established by the Sentencing Advisory Panel for England and Wales and adopted in 2002, is known as the SAP scale. It is based on COPINE terminology and is often mistakenly referred to as such.


So they probably mean the SAP scale, where 2 at least is more serious (though nothing like as bad as it can get).  And the sex doll thing is mad and for all I know is incorrect.

In this case it’s not the fault of journalists. It’s the prosecution who tell the court what the level of the images are. And, yes, they call the scale the COPINE scale, rather than the SAP scale.

COPINE was defined for therapeutic purposes. SAP is a judicial adaptation of COPINE excluding category 1, diffident about 2 & 3 and then telescoping or compressing 4-10 into 1 to 5.

It’s another of those areas where, for reasons that I find incomprehensible, police, prosecutions and courts work on an assessment of seriousness not used in England for nearly 10 years. They now operate a 3 category scale.



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16 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:


See below. I think Peter is wrong about the Customs Consolidation Act 1876. Yes, it does apply to the IoM, but declares the IoM to be part of the Customs Territory of the UK. So moving a doll already in the UK to the IoM wouldn’t be caught. That’s why we have production, rather than importation, for drugs.


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