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Prostate cancer


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2 hours ago, Lilly said:

I do wonder if l should change this post title to Men's Health?  

Leave it but you might want to look at the spelling. It's a bit 'flouride in the water' type thing

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2 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Leave it but you might want to look at the spelling. It's a bit 'flouride in the water' type thing

Hahaha sorry didn't notice my predicted text has taken over my life:D plus might help if l actually put my glasses on. 

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  • Lilly changed the title to Prostate cancer
11 minutes ago, Lilly said:

Hahaha sorry didn't notice my predicted text has taken over my life:D plus might help if l actually put my glasses on. 

I've changed the spelling on the Title, think l will leave the rest, you can all have a giggle at my expense :) 😘 

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3 minutes ago, quilp said:

I’m not sure that nuclear medicine, with injected isotopes and stuff, is still carried out on the island.   Link to gov website suggests that it’s done in Liverpool…

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11 hours ago, Lilly said:

Apologies it's being 

Sorry l should said could, it's been used for trials at university hospital which has been successful in diagnosis of early curable cancer. I will edit my post. 

The point is if we use MRI screening we will save mens lifes.  My husband died screening would have saved his life. These early prostate cancer are missed by PSA blood tests. 

I am sorry to read of your husband's experience and of your bereavement, Lilly.

I think that men are generally better at getting health issues checked out than they used to be. Speaking for myself, friends and acquaintances compared to our fathers, this is definitely the case, although I am sure there is a long way to go with education about male body self-awareness.

I'd always understood that the case for screening for, diagnosis of, and treatment of prostate cancer was not as straightforwardly positive as it is for, say, breast or cervical cancer. It was seen, even by cancer charities, as something of a curate's egg. As you say, the PSA test would miss some cancers, but at the same time it would put some men in the awful situation of being told they had cancer when their particular cancer was unlikely to harm them and would be better left alone. The biopsy procedure can be unpleasant in its long term effects, as can the treatment, with side effects such as continence issues and erectile dysfunction.

It is known that mammography leads to unnecessary surgery for a proportion of women, but it has long been thought that the positives outweigh the negatives. This has been much more nuanced with prostate cancer procedures, as so many men die with it rather than from it. Perhaps the advent of MRI screening will tip the balance in favour of screening and save many lives, but there will still be a number of patients who, no doubt, will suffer the heartaches of the dreaded cancer diagnosis of something that ultimately would not have harmed them, and also will go on to suffer damaging treatment.

It's all about whether the new procedure can tell the 'aggressive terrible' from the 'slow developing not so bad' far more often than not, although nothing can be 100% perfect in this regard. Prostate Cancer UK, who were not in favour of PSA test screening seem to think it can. There is a wealth of excellent content on their site. https://prostatecanceruk.org/

More specifically to the thread: https://prostatecanceruk.org/about-us/news-and-views/2023/02/our-new-research-shows-the-uk-may-finally-be-ready-for-prostate-cancer-screening


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