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MGP 2023

La Colombe

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52 minutes ago, Max Power said:

He had been awarded the MBE quite a few years ago.

That's fairly true, although the number of races has been cut to five from seven. Not being able to have the contingency is a problem, as was seen on Monday. The lack of officials after the Monday has knocked that on the head.

Thanks Max

I did not know about the MBE

Well deserved.

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38 minutes ago, Blade Runner said:

Thanks Max

I did not know about the MBE

Well deserved.

There is a well circulated photo of Kipper dropping his TM Honda at QB - what is less known is that the TM bike ahead of him was a high ranking Tory politician who was doing an “accompanied” lap without permission from Margaret Fascist of Downing Street- said politician also binned it on his incognito TM bike at Braddan Bridge- battered & bruised made it to the Commons the following day.

From Kipper himself that one - so possibly true 

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5 hours ago, Max Power said:

It doesn't really matter if they are wrong or right, the main gripe is the shortening of the event. Many of the comments are ill informed but it's obviously what they believe. It's impossible to run the event with insufficient marshals and medics, the TTMA and Motorsport Medical Services have stated that they can't provide sufficient people after the bank holiday. It is therefore impossible to run the racing. The only alternative is to cancel the MGP. 

Perhaps some non racing activities could be organised during the week following the event, a festival of some sort? 

There is a strong perception amongst acquaintances of mine, visiting and local (and I have sympathies with a lot of them) that the programme is no longer being organised by enthusiasts for enthusiasts. Everybody is aware that many of the former organisers and knowledgeable businessmen whose businesses went hand in hand with the event have been "ousted", moved aside, services no longer required.

What has replaced them are civil servants and their "preferred" mates in business (many of whom of either will have never have chucked a leg over a motorcycle) with one simple aim - revenue for Govt; and it shows in the running and programme for the whole shebang.

Fortunately, those enthusiasts still exist and are determined that the former nature of the event should continue as long as possible; even to the extent of being a thorn in the side of Govt "plans" for the event. Long may they continue, too.

Incidentally, I have had further contact with my German friends who were turned away from the boat at Heysham. They point out that their homestay host is now £850 down on where they should have been. The Steamie have apparently offered the visitors = €60 compo for their experience. They are less than impressed and their return is now doubtful after 36 years. Happy to supply excerpts from the email if anybody doubts it.

Edited by Non-Believer
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2 hours ago, CrazyDave said:

I saw that yesterday and considered a comment disagreeing with those who had posted.   Many of whom seemed to not be bike fans or people who have recently moved here.

I decided it wasn’t worth the aggro and suspect lots of others glanced at the comments, disagreed, decided it wasn’t worth the hassle and scrolled on.

As a family we all enjoyed the event as did our visitors and people I speak to at work.

People who moan are always more vocal than those who are happy.  Look on any local forum in Britain for evidence.

That’s exactly what I was thinking!

I got involved in the arguments with the same crew last year in FB, around the same subject, a waste of time. Most only read comments which agree with their own point of view. Others resorted to personal insults. Those who thought the event was good were called idiots!


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The NPM this morning had a report which looked at growing the MGP, some good points raised by @Max Power calling for more marshals and medical cover. Sadly the island can’t look after its own medical needs. The idea of paid marshals was mooted, something I have suggested. Possible idea - have a system of paid volunteers working like Homestay, tax free allowance so it’s tax advantageous. Those coming from across to marshals given financial incentives like free travel and accommodation assistance? as for social media and people put off by criticism, fair comment but it’s booking a holiday, event or attractions trip advisor is a useful tool in order to gauge information. People will always find ways to get their criticism across. 

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The Monday event was certainly strange? Was it a 'contingency' add on?

\most people would regard Sunday to be the end of their stay?

There have surely always been changes, the Clypse course, down Whitebridge hill and right at the Manx Arms, did that use the Conrennie road???? A challenging road even now.

\could it be used again? Of course, if it's still a road course and dangerous \i could not support it!

Had a ''Walker', |Murrays dad? commenting in the garden, Schneider having a cup of tea after retiring but that was a childhood memory, the facts of the danger and our greed for the quids are more a recent realisation!

If the TT course could be made safe then \i would not have a problem!

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11 hours ago, 2112 said:

The NPM this morning had a report which looked at growing the MGP, some good points raised by @Max Power calling for more marshals and medical cover. Sadly the island can’t look after its own medical needs. The idea of paid marshals was mooted, something I have suggested. Possible idea - have a system of paid volunteers working like Homestay, tax free allowance so it’s tax advantageous. Those coming from across to marshals given financial incentives like free travel and accommodation assistance? as for social media and people put off by criticism, fair comment but it’s booking a holiday, event or attractions trip advisor is a useful tool in order to gauge information. People will always find ways to get their criticism across. 

For God’s sake will you please stop saying NPM and give the source its proper name. 
Every time you do that I have to work out whether you are referring to a particular newspaper, Manx Radio or some arm of Government.

Its not big and it’s not clever.

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The DOI has come in for criticism this morning on the National Propaganda Mouthpiece (NPM!) masquerading as Manx Radio. It’s workers who clearing ‘course equipment’ from the mountain section advised marshals that they had to remove personal possessions from the shelters and if they weren’t removed they would be left outside. Needless to say the marshals are not too pleased. You would have thought there is joined up thinking and collaboration between all these government, or non government bodies, without the need to wind them up, or piss them off, thereby destroying any remaining goodwill? 

Edited by 2112
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1 hour ago, Gizo said:

Milntown joining the growing list of businesses that see no benefit to these death races. 


it was busy most times the roads were closed hosting hospitality.

Even if it wasn’t, and my one who setup business there and didn’t factor the closures into their plans was never going to succeed.

There is no way the road closures are a significant contributor 

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