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3 hours ago, jackwhite said:

I know you're a troll and are out to get a reaction so well done. 

But these are friends of mine. What has their marriage got to do with Manx current affairs or you, for that matter. You really are a said little man. 

You are the ultimate troll as there is no way you'd say that sort of thing in public to the face of these people. 

As for others who accept you and seem to think it's alright and even funny, they should be taking a look at themselves too. 

It's an indictment of this forum that this sort of thing is allowed to go unchecked on here. No wonder this forum is considered a joke by people. 

For the record, I liked his comment because he wished them the best.  In defence of Kopek, he is by no means the worst on here, and I tend to regard him with a degree of sympathy.  I don't think he means ill, just not very good at expressing himself, particularly after about 10 pm. 

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I find this whole saga rather strange. A new bar concept was planned and many people had genuine questions about it  as it was unlike anything most had seen before. 

This topic has taken up 9 pages where the business could have used space to endear itself to it's potential customers. Instead the spokesman for it spent 9 pages alienating just about everybody. 

People wonder why no signage., why such a mess when you look in. Why no company name or Designated Official name to he seen, why no alcoholic strength shown on price lists, etc etc. Things that we have got used to in other licenced premises. Jackwhite has belittled everybody and some of these people have much experience in many sections of the licenced trade. So I'm afraid he has done nothing in my eyes to help this business in its launch stage and I doubt he is even half of the expert he claims. 


Edited by emesde
One word changed to clarify meaning.
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3 hours ago, jackwhite said:

As I said wouldn't say it to their face or mine but can hide behind his keyboard.

Actually Jack, if I were talking to this couple, I would mention the stress this can put on a marriage!

In simple terms, working together can lead to work arguments as well as the normal  domestic tiffs, during the launch the strain can be large.

Wish them well.

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Jack White, Manx forum is also full of kind,  caring individuals.  As in life,  you always get a mixture of personalities.

During Covid, l was struggling to even get groceries, etc., with the dire situation l was in at the time. I was inundated with offers of help from Manx forum members, including one of the member offering not to do shopping but actually pay for the groceries, l declined of course.  I felt humbled by such acts of kindness. A willingness to give up their annomonty to support another member. 

I didn't quote you deliberately but l felt sad at your reaction to the forum. I do also understand that when you post stuff it's always open to a discussion whether you like it or not, so clearly it opens up your life to scrutiny by others unknown to yourself.   

I wish you and your friends great success in their venture. 



Edited by Lilly
Finish word
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49 minutes ago, emesde said:

I find this whole saga rather strange. A new bar concept was planned and many people had genuine questions about it  as it was unlike anything most had seen before. 

This topic has taken up 9 pages where the business could have used space to endear itself to it's potential customers. Instead the spokesman for it spent 9 pages alienating just about everybody. 

People wonder why no signage., why such a mess when you look in. Why no company name or Designated Official name to he seen, why no alcoholic strength shown on price lists, etc etc. Things that we have got used to in other licenced premises. Jackwhite has belittled everybody and some of these people have much experience in many sections of the licenced trade. So I'm afraid he has done nothing in my eyes to help this business in its launch stage and I hope he is even half of the expert he claims. 


Exactly. Something that could have been an opportunity to shout positivity about the bar has turned into trashing its potential customers. 

my original post was genuine interest, given he is a share holder in the business, I rather spend my money elsewhere now. The island is too small to taking such a negative approach to running a business. 

Jack may claim to be an expert of the trade, although acts very differently 

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47 minutes ago, emesde said:

I find this whole saga rather strange. A new bar concept was planned and many people had genuine questions about it  as it was unlike anything most had seen before. 

This topic has taken up 9 pages where the business could have used space to endear itself to it's potential customers. Instead the spokesman for it spent 9 pages alienating just about everybody. 

People wonder why no signage., why such a mess when you look in. Why no company name or Designated Official name to he seen, why no alcoholic strength shown on price lists, etc etc. Things that we have got used to in other licenced premises. Jackwhite has belittled everybody and some of these people have much experience in many sections of the licenced trade. So I'm afraid he has done nothing in my eyes to help this business in its launch stage and I hope he is even half of the expert he claims. 


From the comments being made It’s reminiscent of those interactions in “Dragons Den” where the Dragons ( stupid name) say “I like the product, but unfortunately I can’t invest in you, So for that reason, unfortunately I am out”

Obviously it’s different because no one on here is being asked to invest in the venture, and it’s not Jack’s business ( although he himself has invested in it) but it’s that sort of thing. If you know what I mean

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Just now, The Voice of Reason said:

From the comments being made It’s reminiscent of those interactions in “Dragons Den” where the Dragons ( stupid name) say “I like the product, but unfortunately I can’t invest in you, So for that reason, unfortunately I am out”

Obviously it’s different because no one on here is being asked to invest in the venture, and it’s not Jack’s business ( although he himself has invested in it) but it’s that sort of thing. If you know what I mean

I feel bad for the main shareholders who are trying to make a success of this. They have obviously asked the wrong person for advice. 


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7 hours ago, Blade Runner said:

Philistine it should always me mixed with diet Pepsi

A work colleague is a self-confessed expert on single malts. He likes his whisky 50-50 with water. He's a smart and clever guy and can't be told.

Here's Ralfy on water in whisky. And just so you know, he is talking about adding only - literally - drops of water.


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