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8 hours ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Like serving it in Glencairn glasses?

It's pomp and nonsense to serve whisky in a Glencairn glass?

One guy wants fancy glassware, you're suggesting this because it's served in the right one. You see what I mean about how you can't please everyone, hence why hospitality businesses should avoid doing so.

The glass is specifically designed to enhance the aroma and taste of the liquid. It's the same with many other alcohols and glasses. Would you accept your Timothy Taylor in anything other than a pint glass?

1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

Who is getting cross? Merely an observation on the thread called 'firm closing ' and that to best avoid closing, it makes sense that people know what you are and what you offer.

They're all over social media and have a sign in the window which has their logo which has 'craft beer and spirits' on it. Then there is another in one of the other windows stating they do these along with their other products. How much more specific can they be? A sign above the door isn't going to do anything else. I'm not saying you've said this but others have. It will simply be the same logo but in a metal format above the door. Someone said put their name above the door. What would that tell other than the name of the place? Does O'Donnells sign or building frontage tell you what they provide? Henderson & Glass?

I'm not going to engage the troll but you can't argue this is different from anything else offered on the Isle of Man currently. There may have been places that sold craft beer, cigars, a range of whisky or rum, but there hasn't been anywhere that's done so all under one roof. 

19 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:

More alcohol. That's what we need on the Isle of Man.

Hi Ian Paisley, I thought you'd passed away. Yet here you are alive and well on Manx Forums. Or is that Victor Meldrew?


52 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

£9/pint is an interesting concept. 

It's a fruit sour beer. It's bloody expensive to make, hence expensive to buy for trade, hence expensive for the public.

They do use some 100 kg of fruit in every brew. 

This bar doesn't set the market price for it. But there is demand for it. As I said, they've sold a 30 litre keg of the stuff, so there are people happy paying that. Again the simple point I made earlier, your comment, and others you've made in the past imply you're a certain demographic. You don't want that sort of thing and won't pay that price. That's fine. Marketing 101 is that then they're not marketing to you. 

I don't get that people don't realise it's very simple. Take me for example. I won't drink in many of the pubs on the Isle of Man. That's because they don't offer what I want. There's the odd one or two that I will go into. They offer a compromise that I'm willing to make. When I'm back in the UK or abroad I'm looking for somewhere that does craft beer, good spirits and even better if I can have the odd cigar there. I'd happily pay a premium for it. There are still certain places that are overpriced but that's usually for a reason (high rent/it's just the market they are). I can assure you that's not the case here. I know the prices they're paying and what the mark up is. It's a standard industry one that the rest of the Isle of Man are making. It just so happens that the base cost of their products is higher. 

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22 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:

More alcohol. That's what we need on the Isle of Man.

Actually, l had a great night out to a band on Saturday night.  l drank zero zero, not my usual tipple, but l was driving, and it was an organised by my female friends in a bid to let's get her out again.  It was fabulous!  Wow, who would have thought you could have so much fun sober?

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1 hour ago, Andy Onchan said:

£9/pint is an interesting concept. 

Where I am working just now in UK has a real ale pub. The most expensive being £12/pint, and is 14%. Perhaps  more like a barley wine, but whatever. 

They sell the real ale in thirds and a third I had. It was beautiful and more to be sipped than quaffed. I had 4 thirds during the evening whereas I would normally have 4 pints. Had just as good a night.

Back on topic, I visited Hops and thought it was just fine. A pleasant relaxed place to enjoy a decent and interesting beer. 

I like the place. 

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23 minutes ago, jackwhite said:

It's pomp and nonsense to serve whisky in a Glencairn glass?

One guy wants fancy glassware, you're suggesting this because it's served in the right one. You see what I mean about how you can't please everyone, hence why hospitality businesses should avoid doing so.

The glass is specifically designed to enhance the aroma and taste of the liquid. It's the same with many other alcohols and glasses. Would you accept your Timothy Taylor in anything other than a pint glass?

They're all over social media and have a sign in the window which has their logo which has 'craft beer and spirits' on it. Then there is another in one of the other windows stating they do these along with their other products. How much more specific can they be? A sign above the door isn't going to do anything else. I'm not saying you've said this but others have. It will simply be the same logo but in a metal format above the door. Someone said put their name above the door. What would that tell other than the name of the place? Does O'Donnells sign or building frontage tell you what they provide? Henderson & Glass?

I'm not going to engage the troll but you can't argue this is different from anything else offered on the Isle of Man currently. There may have been places that sold craft beer, cigars, a range of whisky or rum, but there hasn't been anywhere that's done so all under one roof. 

Hi Ian Paisley, I thought you'd passed away. Yet here you are alive and well on Manx Forums. Or is that Victor Meldrew?


It's a fruit sour beer. It's bloody expensive to make, hence expensive to buy for trade, hence expensive for the public.

They do use some 100 kg of fruit in every brew. 

This bar doesn't set the market price for it. But there is demand for it. As I said, they've sold a 30 litre keg of the stuff, so there are people happy paying that. Again the simple point I made earlier, your comment, and others you've made in the past imply you're a certain demographic. You don't want that sort of thing and won't pay that price. That's fine. Marketing 101 is that then they're not marketing to you. 

I don't get that people don't realise it's very simple. Take me for example. I won't drink in many of the pubs on the Isle of Man. That's because they don't offer what I want. There's the odd one or two that I will go into. They offer a compromise that I'm willing to make. When I'm back in the UK or abroad I'm looking for somewhere that does craft beer, good spirits and even better if I can have the odd cigar there. I'd happily pay a premium for it. There are still certain places that are overpriced but that's usually for a reason (high rent/it's just the market they are). I can assure you that's not the case here. I know the prices they're paying and what the mark up is. It's a standard industry one that the rest of the Isle of Man are making. It just so happens that the base cost of their products is higher. 

Well @jackwhiteI speak as I find. I walk past there nearly everyday. I never noticed it. I dont do social media. If I wasnt on MF I wouldn't know it even existed. If there had been a sign outside the door then I would have noticed it. No doubt whatsoever. 

I was talking to a couple sat outside at Henderson and Glass. I asked them where this new place was. They said "it's just there, although it doesnt look like a bar". Its red and black. I wandered down and there is was. They were right, it didnt loom like a bar. It looked like a shop that was being fitted out. Didnt go in as we were just passing.

I am only giving you my honest opinion. You might want to think I am trolling. I'm not. I dont that. 

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Jeez, what a load of fuss about a new business opening. 

It's meeting a need. If it's not your thing or you don't like the look of it then go somewhere else that suits. 

For a business that's just opened its doing well. Its catering to the needs of its clients. If you don't 'get it' or think it's not fancy enough then go somewhere fancy and just let them get on with their business in their own way. Time will tell whether its a success or not but looking at the google reviews, it certainly seems to be hitting the spot with many of its customers.

Jack, you seriously fucked up by talking down Manx business. It's your opinion, fair enough, but man, it's OK for us to diss the Manx, but you're an incomer and you've just about signed your death warrant now. I would wager most of the negative posts are being made by people who didn't like what you said. It's personal. It's MF. You trying to assuage their demands and field off their questions will be a never ending story that you'll never get to the end of because these people have not intention of listening to you or the story. Pick your battles matey,

Anyway - good luck with it. I like the look of it, I like the colours and the old furniture. It's suits their brand. I wish them all the very best. 

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4 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Jeez, what a load of fuss about a new business opening. 

It's meeting a need. If it's not your thing or you don't like the look of it then go somewhere else that suits. 

For a business that's just opened its doing well. Its catering to the needs of its clients. If you don't 'get it' or think it's not fancy enough then go somewhere fancy and just let them get on with their business in their own way. Time will tell whether its a success or not but looking at the google reviews, it certainly seems to be hitting the spot with many of its customers.

Jack, you seriously fucked up by talking down Manx business. It's your opinion, fair enough, but man, it's OK for us to diss the Manx, but you're an incomer and you've just about signed your death warrant now. I would wager most of the negative posts are being made by people who didn't like what you said. It's personal. It's MF. You trying to assuage their demands and field off their questions will be a never ending story that you'll never get to the end of because these people have not intention of listening to you or the story. Pick your battles matey,

Anyway - good luck with it. I like the look of it, I like the colours and the old furniture. It's suits their brand. I wish them all the very best. 

It's the way society is. Moan moan moan. People seem to think their opinions matter and have this belief that they must be heard.

I blame the Internet at least beforehand these people would just be sat in a corner somewhere mumbling to themselves.

Personally good luck to the people running this place and I wish them success

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6 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Well @jackwhiteI speak as I find. I walk past there nearly everyday. I never noticed it. I dont do social media. If I wasnt on MF I wouldn't know it even existed. If there had been a sign outside the door then I would have noticed it. No doubt whatsoever. 

I was talking to a couple sat outside at Henderson and Glass. I asked them where this new place was. They said "it's just there, although it doesnt look like a bar". Its red and black. I wandered down and there is was. They were right, it didnt loom like a bar. It looked like a shop that was being fitted out. Didnt go in as we were just passing.

I am only giving you my honest opinion. You might want to think I am trolling. I'm not. I dont that. 

I didn't say you were trolling. Others in here are certainly happy to do so.

There are a number of bars opening currently that 'don't look like a bar'. There's a bar in there that is visible from the door. It may be different for the Isle of Man. It's not elsewhere. 

I hear your opinion but there are signs there. If they put one above the door then people will say, 'oh but it doesn't look like a bar despite what the sign says'. There will always be folk who just want to whinge. 

If they did as one person suggested with fancy surroundings and a 'walk in' humidor (excuse me whilst I try to stifle my laughter again) then some people would say 'it's trying to be too fancy, who do they think they are?'. If they made it look like every other bar, then someone would complain their drinks are too expensive, that they don't have what they want, that the toilets are too far away. I'm sure you get my message. Some people just want to moan.

Here we have some people implying they should have a sign/it doesn't look like a bar. There have been others in the place who have said they really love the place and like the vibe of it being hidden. 

As I've said before a hundred times, you can't please every one so don't try to. Just concentrate on pleasing those coming into the bar and growing it on social media. 

On the flip side of all of this, they have had people walk in off the street after seeing the sign only to take one look at the beer board and go 'not for me'. Regardless of what you do people will complain. One guy actually came in and said he didn't like the beer types, complained loudly, then went home and did the same on social media. I'm mystified as to why he felt the need for the latter but don't live my life with a negative mindset.

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9 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Jeez, what a load of fuss about a new business opening. 

It's meeting a need. If it's not your thing or you don't like the look of it then go somewhere else that suits. 

For a business that's just opened its doing well. Its catering to the needs of its clients. If you don't 'get it' or think it's not fancy enough then go somewhere fancy and just let them get on with their business in their own way. Time will tell whether its a success or not but looking at the google reviews, it certainly seems to be hitting the spot with many of its customers.

Jack, you seriously fucked up by talking down Manx business. It's your opinion, fair enough, but man, it's OK for us to diss the Manx, but you're an incomer and you've just about signed your death warrant now. I would wager most of the negative posts are being made by people who didn't like what you said. It's personal. It's MF. You trying to assuage their demands and field off their questions will be a never ending story that you'll never get to the end of because these people have not intention of listening to you or the story. Pick your battles matey,

Anyway - good luck with it. I like the look of it, I like the colours and the old furniture. It's suits their brand. I wish them all the very best. 

I get it but personally I couldn't care. If people are choosing not to go to a place because they don't like my persona on here, it says more about them. I've made it clear my take on the way things are done here. It's completely personal but if you get that upset about what a guy on the internet says, then you've probably got bigger problems. 


6 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

It's the way society is. Moan moan moan. People seem to think their opinions matter and have this belief that they must be heard.

I blame the Internet at least beforehand these people would just be sat in a corner somewhere mumbling to themselves.

Personally good luck to the people running this place and I wish them success

I'm a big fan of having to have a licence to use the internet. That said I'd probably be at the stage I'd be stopped from even applying for it. 

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59 minutes ago, jackwhite said:

It's pomp and nonsense to serve whisky in a Glencairn glass?

One guy wants fancy glassware, you're suggesting this because it's served in the right one. You see what I mean about how you can't please everyone, hence why hospitality businesses should avoid doing so.

The glass is specifically designed to enhance the aroma and taste of the liquid. It's the same with many other alcohols and glasses. Would you accept your Timothy Taylor in anything other than a pint glass?

They're all over social media and have a sign in the window which has their logo which has 'craft beer and spirits' on it. Then there is another in one of the other windows stating they do these along with their other products. How much more specific can they be? A sign above the door isn't going to do anything else. I'm not saying you've said this but others have. It will simply be the same logo but in a metal format above the door. Someone said put their name above the door. What would that tell other than the name of the place? Does O'Donnells sign or building frontage tell you what they provide? Henderson & Glass?

I'm not going to engage the troll but you can't argue this is different from anything else offered on the Isle of Man currently. There may have been places that sold craft beer, cigars, a range of whisky or rum, but there hasn't been anywhere that's done so all under one roof. 

Hi Ian Paisley, I thought you'd passed away. Yet here you are alive and well on Manx Forums. Or is that Victor Meldrew?


It's a fruit sour beer. It's bloody expensive to make, hence expensive to buy for trade, hence expensive for the public.

They do use some 100 kg of fruit in every brew. 

This bar doesn't set the market price for it. But there is demand for it. As I said, they've sold a 30 litre keg of the stuff, so there are people happy paying that. Again the simple point I made earlier, your comment, and others you've made in the past imply you're a certain demographic. You don't want that sort of thing and won't pay that price. That's fine. Marketing 101 is that then they're not marketing to you. 

I don't get that people don't realise it's very simple. Take me for example. I won't drink in many of the pubs on the Isle of Man. That's because they don't offer what I want. There's the odd one or two that I will go into. They offer a compromise that I'm willing to make. When I'm back in the UK or abroad I'm looking for somewhere that does craft beer, good spirits and even better if I can have the odd cigar there. I'd happily pay a premium for it. There are still certain places that are overpriced but that's usually for a reason (high rent/it's just the market they are). I can assure you that's not the case here. I know the prices they're paying and what the mark up is. It's a standard industry one that the rest of the Isle of Man are making. It just so happens that the base cost of their products is higher. 

Call me old fashioned but I'm a spit and sawdust pub ale (not lager!) drinker. I tend to find the customers have character in places like that. It's not just the ale/alcohol, it's the craic as well. 

Sadly many of the characters who frequented the North Quay pubs in Douglas in the past have moved on to the 'Cheers' pub in the sky!  

Each to their own.

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2 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

Call me old fashioned but I'm a spit and sawdust pub ale (not lager!) drinker. I tend to find the customers have character in places like that. It's not just the ale/alcohol, it's the craic as well. 

Sadly many of the characters who frequented the North Quay pubs in Douglas in the past have moved on to the 'Cheers' pub in the sky!  

Each to their own.

I understand that.

I do think there's a market for a micro/real ale pub in Douglas. Maybe even Ramsey and in the south too.

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1 hour ago, jackwhite said:

It's pomp and nonsense to serve whisky in a Glencairn glass?

One guy wants fancy glassware, you're suggesting this because it's served in the right one. You see what I mean about how you can't please everyone, hence why hospitality businesses should avoid doing so.

The glass is specifically designed to enhance the aroma and taste of the liquid. It's the same with many other alcohols and glasses. Would you accept your Timothy Taylor in anything other than a pint glass?

They're all over social media and have a sign in the window which has their logo which has 'craft beer and spirits' on it. Then there is another in one of the other windows stating they do these along with their other products. How much more specific can they be? A sign above the door isn't going to do anything else. I'm not saying you've said this but others have. It will simply be the same logo but in a metal format above the door. Someone said put their name above the door. What would that tell other than the name of the place? Does O'Donnells sign or building frontage tell you what they provide? Henderson & Glass?

I'm not going to engage the troll but you can't argue this is different from anything else offered on the Isle of Man currently. There may have been places that sold craft beer, cigars, a range of whisky or rum, but there hasn't been anywhere that's done so all under one roof. 

Hi Ian Paisley, I thought you'd passed away. Yet here you are alive and well on Manx Forums. Or is that Victor Meldrew?


It's a fruit sour beer. It's bloody expensive to make, hence expensive to buy for trade, hence expensive for the public.

They do use some 100 kg of fruit in every brew. 

This bar doesn't set the market price for it. But there is demand for it. As I said, they've sold a 30 litre keg of the stuff, so there are people happy paying that. Again the simple point I made earlier, your comment, and others you've made in the past imply you're a certain demographic. You don't want that sort of thing and won't pay that price. That's fine. Marketing 101 is that then they're not marketing to you. 

I don't get that people don't realise it's very simple. Take me for example. I won't drink in many of the pubs on the Isle of Man. That's because they don't offer what I want. There's the odd one or two that I will go into. They offer a compromise that I'm willing to make. When I'm back in the UK or abroad I'm looking for somewhere that does craft beer, good spirits and even better if I can have the odd cigar there. I'd happily pay a premium for it. There are still certain places that are overpriced but that's usually for a reason (high rent/it's just the market they are). I can assure you that's not the case here. I know the prices they're paying and what the mark up is. It's a standard industry one that the rest of the Isle of Man are making. It just so happens that the base cost of their products is higher. 

You seem very anymore any feedback?

The signage is currently an issue.  I literally walked past the place and I had gone down specifically to seek it out!!  A decent sign potentially catches the eye of people walking past and piques their interest. My feedback is that there is absolutely nothing about the outside or windows of the place that make it stand out or in anyway enticing.  That’s potential customer feedback, take it as you will.

You mentioned last night figures suggesting 5 percent of people are cigar smokers?  I would be revisiting my research.  I doubt even 5 percent of men aged 45 plus as regular cigar smoker, never mind the population in general.

Good luck to them but a new business really needs to be open a lot, and taking on board feedback good and bad.

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