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Katie Hopkins backlash..

Manx Bean

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.......and people (eg @HeliX ) who consider there is only a handful of immigrants arriving in the  UK? Whatever a person's thoughts are on immigration, a good starting point would be reality.

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7 hours ago, Amadeus said:

I haven't really seen any European country that got asylum right yet. Germany screwed up by just flinging open the borders and the UK are just doing populist rubbish to appease rightwing tory voters. Sweden tried to be nice until nice didn't work, Denmark the same. Hungary seems to hate everyone not Hungarian, the Greeks are illegally pushing boats back and killing people (while the EU closes its eyes and pretends not to see it), and the list goes on.

The tricky part seems to be the differentiation between what we like to call "genuine asylum seekers", i.e. those fleeing because their lives are in danger, economic (largely unskilled) migration and skilled immigration. All countries want skilled immigrants when it comes down to it and things like the NHS would collapse without it. But you can't just ignore the other two categories, especially not if European weapons are often contributing towards the wars they are fleeing from and western politics and powerful industries keep other countries poor. 

One thing that will always stick in my mind was how the IOM didn't even want to talk about potentially taking on asylum seekers some years ago, but was suddenly all too happy when the Ukraine situation came along. Always felt a bit odd, to put it politely. 

I would agree that Europe struggles with immigration but I was talking specifically about the UK.

The UK has effectively closed all safe and legal routes for genuine asylum seekers and then wonders why people keep arriving "illegally".

Somehow though the UK gets it right for Ukrainians and those from Hong Kong.

The UK Government would find it much easier if it spent money on having effective legal routes into the country via overseas processing centres and embassies.  That would give genuine asylum seekers a safe place to go and apply.

The non genuine ones will still come by whatever means they can but because there would not be a huge backlog they could be processed quickly and returned. 

Equally why not set up schemes like the Ukraine one that pays people to take an asylum seeker into their home? 

Also worth pointing out that the UK has a lot of vacancies for unskilled roles (fruit and veg pickers, cleaners etc) following Brexit.  There is no reason why an unskilled asylum seekers could not do that work.

7 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Ukranians are white, Syrians aren't, and that's all there is to it sadly. 

Yes, exactly.  There are, however, Syrians already in the UK who would be happy to house other Syrians under a similar system to the Ukraine one.

5 hours ago, Barlow said:

.......and people (eg @HeliX ) who consider there is only a handful of immigrants arriving in the  UK? Whatever a person's thoughts are on immigration, a good starting point would be reality.

There is definitely more than a handful but the UK does not effectively process or deal with them but politically this hard stance goes down better with those who vote Conservative or UKIP or Reform UK.

The current approach causes more problems than it solves.

What is also true is that the UK accepts less asylum seekers than many other EU countries. 

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16 hours ago, 2112 said:

Didn’t the Corpy own the Villa Marina at one point. Years ago, they booked the likes of Bernard Manning, and usually during TT Chubby Brown. These comedians these days are cancelled due to their ‘act’. 

Yup, Bernard appeared there many times - and the Villa manager made off with all the money. 

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I'm resigned to it now.

She was ridiculed, hated and cancelled when she was on the TV for her extreme views, so it made good business sense for her to move onto doing her own thing. If there's no-on there to challenge her anymore she has free rein to do and say what she likes.

She's very like Trump in her approach and gives a huge percentage of the population as opportunity to think that their right wing views are quite acceptable. She hates everyone they hate - and - just like Trump, it draws them ever closer to her. Also, like Trump, she has charisma, one can't help but be drawn to what she says even if what she's saying is abhorrent and extreme.

This is the woman who felt extreme joy when immigrants drowned and who wants to see the introduction of 'euthanasia vans' in the UK to kill off the old people because there are too many of them.

I remember, as a child learning about the world wars and the persecution of the jews, the romany and the disabled and we used to ask, why didn't people stand up against it. Why did people allow it to happen? But here we are, allowing it to happen all over again, encouraging it even.

It's coming back and there's nothing we can do about it.

Frank. You're very foolish, and @thommo2010's right, that picture will come back to haunt you. For someone who, in the past has become visibly and mentally affected by the amount of hate directed toward you I would truly have thought that you would have developed a sense of self preservation, given that you've demonstrated time and time again how much the hatred affects you.  It's up to you, of course, but professionally and personally, given the divisive nature of the Katy Hopkin's opinions, I think you've dropped an absolute bullock there.


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Some daft buggers on here. Katie Hopkins gives the wokies what they want and makes a living out of it. It's an act. The lefties love it when Jo Brand dishes it out - but that's O.K. That picture with Frank is the real Katie Hopkins. Let me know if you see any jackbooted stormtroopers goosestepping past the town hall today. Fifty quid is yours. Now grow up.

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2 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Some daft buggers on here. Katie Hopkins gives the wokies what they want and makes a living out of it. It's an act. The lefties love it when Jo Brand dishes it out - but that's O.K. That picture with Frank is the real Katie Hopkins. Let me know if you see any jackbooted stormtroopers goosestepping past the town hall today. Fifty quid is yours. Now grow up.

Lol, nice trolling. 

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10 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Ukranians are white, Syrians aren't, and that's all there is to it sadly. 

Hong Kongers aren't though. 

11 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

There will be many of these asylum seekers, who are currently not allowed to work, that could fill many of the skills gaps in the UK workforce (which may or may not have been caused by Brexit).

Look at the success of the scheme to house Ukrainians.  Why could that not be replicated for other asylum seekers?

I keep thinking this when I hear about all the labour shortages in the UK, when they have literally hundreds of people in rubber boats arriving on their shores.  "Can you drive a truck?  Brilliant, come on in.  You're a builder?  Excellent, come this way."

55 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I remember, as a child learning about the world wars and the persecution of the jews, the romany and the disabled and we used to ask, why didn't people stand up against it. Why did people allow it to happen? But here we are, allowing it to happen all over again, encouraging it even.


You could add lockdowns to that.  How the hell did we allow that to happen?

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