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Katie Hopkins backlash..

Manx Bean

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6 minutes ago, HeliX said:

You sound pretty triggered tbh

In what way? Quite like him so was surprised to see the comments above about trolling but it’s a statement of truth that it’s almost impossible for anyone to interact him with an opposing view without totally triggering him. Andrew Bentley seems to have had the right idea to just go on holiday and not even dignify anything with a reply. She’s in that whole Farage, Brexit, GB News, Darren Grimes et all mould of professional trolls who do it for a living and who do it so often they know every button to press and Devon has reacted exactly as they intended him to react. 

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42 minutes ago, Hoops said:

While I don't agree with watson's stance in the first place, I think it's right that he responds if lies have been told about him.


However, it would have been far better for him to have written his response in draft and asked someone else to rewrite it for him to take out the emotion and point scoring.

His hot headedness is his biggest handicap and it negates any serious comment he tries to make.

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Well whoever you are it’s probably hard to take jests about tissues lying in your mums spare room and having a tired left hand ( most people are right handed though I believe) so I can understand Devon’s ire.

Yes the good advice would be to ignore her but how many of us could do that given the nature of unproven allegations about us? Hiring rent a mob etc

Where I do think Devon has got it wrong is to accuse her of being a multi millionaire bully.
She is obviously not a multi millionaire by dint of having to perform her tawdry little show in  front of a couple of hundred people.  No offence to the Legion but it’s hardly the 02 is it?

But she is by all definitions a bully. Something she seems to revel in.

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Devon has just been banned for kicking off in the Douglas bin group. Unfortunately it seems to have been felt that a member of a council that openly lied to ratepayers over what they were going to do at a public meeting might not be the most reliable contributor source regarding claims that Hopkins lied. 


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1 minute ago, Ringy Rose said:


Of course he had to respond. See the deranged witterings above from Cueey Lewis/offshiremanxman/broadcasterman/whoeverthefuckelseman.

You’re not even funny. This forum and the sad has beens that inhabit it seem to take itself far too serious and just regurgitate the same old lies and rubbish. As the group moderator seems to have said who would trust the word of any member of a council that openly lied to a whole hall of people about what they were going to do? 

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