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Katie Hopkins backlash..

Manx Bean

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He got off on the self defence claim which by American standards seems acceptable. You have to be a proper idiot to do what that guy did in a country with more guns than people. Lucky for him he survived. 

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Last weekend, The Sunday Times published a piece on how various famous "extremists", who have been banned from mainstream social media platforms (e.g.; Twitter/ X and Facebook), are making a stunning and personally enriching comeback. This piece mentioned Hopkins two-hour "comedy show" which she is currently touring around the UK. Apparently, the IOM is not the only place where she is finding a large appreciative/enthusiastic/cultish audience. She has been performing to full houses around the UK, where her extremist views are very popular among ultra right-wingers. These are the same right-wingers who whine on about 'woke-ism', cancel culture, anti-racism, anti-multiculturalism, anti-immigration, the feminisation of men, the mainstream elites, etc, etc. Even though today’s mainstream elites are mainly Tories, who have been in power in the UK for the last 13 years, according to Hopkins and her ilk, they have not been sufficiently right-wing. I expect Laurence Fox will be kicking off his tour soon; playing the victimhood card for being ‘cancelled’ by the nasty establishment.

Anyway, it appears that Hopkins tour is making her very well-off, especially on the back of personal donations from her adoring fans. Hopefully, HMRC (the rumoured persecutors of single mothers and disabled people when they forget to declare £100 of income but are willing to let the billionaires off the hook) will keep a very keen eye out for Hopkins future tax returns. On the other hand, if she wants to minimise her taxes she could always move here. She could register herself as a company and move into the neighbourhood of Baroness Bra. The IOM establishment seemingly can’t get enough of these types of people.

Edited by code99
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1 hour ago, code99 said:

Last weekend, The Sunday Times published a piece on how various famous "extremists", who have been banned from mainstream social media platforms (e.g.; Twitter/ X and Facebook), are making a stunning and personally enriching comeback. This piece mentioned Hopkins two-hour "comedy show" which she is currently touring around the UK. Apparently, the IOM is not the only place where she is finding a large appreciative/enthusiastic/cultish audience.

Because it’s all a conspiracy and being banned by Twitter or Facebook adds to the conspiracy that doesn’t and didn’t exist in the first place. These people know exactly what they’re doing and are professional Pied Pipers of post covid idiots looking for more conspiracies. Which makes people like Watson look even dafter for trying to take them on in the first place as it just adds to their notoriety and gives them free publicity having a load of wokes screaming that they’re all Nazis! 

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I'm pretty centrist these days but it amuses me that anyone who isn't a socialist is instantly branded 'extreme right' like they're part of the Ku Klux Klan. I've only watched a few Katie Hopkins clips and whilst she revels a bit too much in her attempts to be seen as outrageous, most of what she says simply appeals to the silent majority.

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15 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

she revels a bit too much in her attempts to be seen as outrageous

Indeed: she’s a professional contrarian.   I doubt she believes in much of what she says, as long as it attracts enough attention - of any sort.   One or two of those on the site, actually!

16 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

most of what she says simply appeals to the silent majority.

Difficult to prove, but probably not correct - how can you build a career being outrageous if the majority aren’t outraged?

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What people don’t seem to get is that people like her or Farage are just grotesque self-created media or social media caricatures. If they make you angry then you’re the idiot as their sole role is to solicit attention for themselves by making idiots angry. There’s not even any need for them to pay for advertising an event if they can just rock up in a town (like here) and put one small post out on social media saying their doing a show and get 2,000 screaming bellends kicking off on X or Facebook about what nasty bastards they are all over the place. I’d have thought people would have learned by now. Clearly not. As an example Farage seems to actually be doing ok on I’m A Celebrity making a particularly joyless and miserable up her own arse woke so called influencer look like a complete fool without even breaking into a sweat. And I say that as someone who absolutely hates Nigel Farage. 

Edited by Mouthpiece
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5 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I'm pretty centrist these days but it amuses me that anyone who isn't a socialist is instantly branded 'extreme right' like they're part of the Ku Klux Klan. I've only watched a few Katie Hopkins clips and whilst she revels a bit too much in her attempts to be seen as outrageous, most of what she says simply appeals to the silent majority.

So then in your opinion Tommy Robinson and Geert Wilders appeal to the ‘silent minority’. Interesting to know what the ‘silent minority’ think of that. I guess we’ll never know ; but you do so you can let us know.

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5 hours ago, Anyone said:

So then in your opinion Tommy Robinson and Geert Wilders appeal to the ‘silent minority’. Interesting to know what the ‘silent minority’ think of that. I guess we’ll never know ; but you do so you can let us know.

well the fact Wilders was voted in I think shows it's the silent majority rather than the minority 

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