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Katie Hopkins backlash..

Manx Bean

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Well what about these "Tory cunts" that the vast overwhelming vocal majority keep talking and shouting about? They keep getting voted in to Government.

Tory cunts they are, and some fuckers keep voting them in to Government.

Tory cunts. I literally don't know anyone who votes for them, Tory cunts.


Edited to add:

They won't get in next time, of course, obvs.

Hey but everybody, and I mean everybody, said that last time. And the time before.


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Tory cunts, That's all they are, 

And they lie and do stuff too.

Edited by Barlow
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1 hour ago, thommo2010 said:

did he get more votes than his opponent?

It's like the pop charts. 

Joe Dolce sold more records than any other record one week. But that doesn't make him the choice of the Silent Majority. The majority of record buyers bought wide range of other records that week and many people didn't buy a record at all. I suspect the silent majority wished he join them in silence and Shutuppa His Face. 

That's fine for a popularity contest, but a government should represent the views of the majority of people, not just the largest minority. 

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5 hours ago, thommo2010 said:

well the fact Wilders was voted in I think shows it's the silent majority rather than the minority 

There needs to be an honest debate on immigration that is in the public domain in most EU countries. The UK let xenophobia fuel Brexit, the Dutch are now seeing the same thing, Ireland looks to be going the same way after the recent stabbing and even formerly tolerant places like Vienna have now banned the illegal immigrants. You can have the debate in a non divisive way that is separate to the race debate where people can at least express their views on how inclusive their society should be. A lot of the things fueling the likes of Wilders shouldn’t be brushed under the carpet as they appear to be real issues experienced by real people that are more to do with rising crime and wider societal inbalances and instability than just “There’s too many of XYZ people coming here now”. 

As in Ireland when you have non Irish people of any nationality in the streets openly stabbing small kids really you should be questioning whether immigration is being managed properly. Rather than shouting down your own people and claiming that anyone questioning the immigration policy is “un-Irish” 

Edited by Cueey Lewis And The News
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There is a worrying trend in the world at the moment and that's coming through in some of the election results. 

Argentina and now the Netherlands have elected people considered right wing. Other nations such as Italy, Finland and Sweden also have far right parties in control. Neither has enough power to make a functional government though. On the flip side, at least their people have some choice over their leader, but that's a debate for another day.

People like Robinson and Hopkins are gaining popularity. Why is that? 

Well the internet is a big part of it. Far easier access to this sort of stuff. 

People with more time on their hands. Despite technology, people are becoming more disconnected. Not dating as much. Not going out as much. So they sit and look at screens of various sizes, constantly consuming this sort of thing. They've become disengaged and disenchanted with the world and feel they can resonate with some of these people. 

Covid. A lot of the people mentioned above found themselves on their own for long periods, without any human interaction whatsoever. They saw people on a screen, again. That was as close as many got. It's still having a knock on effect on the mental health of many. 

Now they've been given more of their platform back with being allowed back on X/Twitter and they have a team of people around them who know how to manipulate the people of today. 

It's become increasingly difficult to have a reasonable discussion with people now. This forum is a good example of that. There are a handful of long time users who are very capable of holding a debate and make you see another side of the conversation, as well as accept the views of others. Now they are in the minority. People seem to revel in holding polar opposite views. One extreme or the other. Things to them have to be black or white. Often there seems to want to be the first to be 'right' too, so things are very quickly either written off or highly praised. Even if they get it wrong, they won't admit it. I've been to a few places where I haven't loved it. I've given it another go though, to see if there was a reason for that. There often is. I won't necessarily know that reason at the time of my original visit. I can suspect. In the case of a newly opened bar or restaurant, it's just them getting used to it. There may be something not quite right with the service or something. But if they have good, open minded customers, they get feedback and, assuming they are also the same, act on that. Then my next visit might be vastly different. Some people though want to pass that suspicion off as confirmed knowledge and won't change their opinion, regardless of what they are presented with, to the contrary. It's the fallacy of debating on a forum like this. No one is going to change their mind. The odd person may go and find out more and change it somewhere later.

It's not just online though. I was party to a conversation with a new business setting up yesterday and their supplier had lost out on some very exclusive stock for them. The order had been placed early for the exclusive stuff with another for standard to follow. The original order wasn't processed and the exclusive stuff was gone by the time it was finalised with the standard stuff. The person handling the order wouldn't accept that they had been guilty of an error for their client, regardless of the fact it was clear. 

I do agree that it's coming to a head in a lot of places and I don't think the world will be better for it, when it does. I think people of this nature will continue to grow in popularity and there will become a time when they are perhaps even in the governments of the world. Trump is the obvious one where there appeared to be a watershed moment. I'm sure there have been many more before though, that I haven't mentioned. 




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21 minutes ago, Cueey Lewis And The News said:

As in Ireland when you have non Irish people of any nationality in the streets openly stabbing small kids really you should be questioning whether immigration is being managed properly. Rather than shouting down your own people and claiming that anyone questioning the immigration policy is “un-Irish” 

Wasn't it also an immigrant who stopped it.... A Brazilian delivery driver if i recall, along with a trainee Chef from France.

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44 minutes ago, Manxweegie said:

Wasn't it also an immigrant who stopped it.... A Brazilian delivery driver if i recall, along with a trainee Chef from France.

Yes that’s exactly my point. The issue shouldn’t really be about immigration in isolation as it will blow out of proportion by the right wing but maybe how does a country get more public spirited immigrants like them in and less dangerous stabby in the street ones and then the immigration debate largely goes away outside of right wing circles. I think legitimately though Ireland has some questions to answer and those asking the questions are asking reasonable questions and being fobbed off as poor Europeans or being un-Irish. Even in reasonable and tolerant countries like Sweden people have had enough because crime and sexual violence statistics are well up. You should be able to ask those questions without being accused of being racist. 

Edited by Cueey Lewis And The News
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20 minutes ago, Cueey Lewis And The News said:

Yes that’s exactly my point. The issue shouldn’t really be about immigration in isolation as it will blow out of proportion by the right wing but maybe how does a country get more public spirited immigrants like them in and less dangerous stabby in the street ones and then the immigration debate largely goes away outside of right wing circles. I think legitimately though Ireland has some questions to answer and those asking the questions are asking reasonable questions and being fobbed off as poor Europeans or being un-Irish. Even in reasonable and tolerant countries like Sweden people have had enough because crime and sexual violence statistics are well up. You should be able to ask those questions without being accused of being racist. 

That's the thing unless you say everyone is welcome you're branded far right, or a bigot. Immigration should be welcomed but it should be people who want to come to a community, integrate and contribute. 

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6 minutes ago, thommo2010 said:

That's the thing unless you say everyone is welcome you're branded far right, or a bigot. Immigration should be welcomed but it should be people who want to come to a community, integrate and contribute. 

Thats basically what the Irish PM has done. Accused anyone expressing an opinion on it as racist. But when you have defenseless kids openly being stabbed in the street then you can’t brand everyone who objects racist as it simply shouldn’t be happening and you can’t just put your fingers in your ears and accuse people of just being racist when it does. 

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