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Katie Hopkins backlash..

Manx Bean

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13 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

If you have something worth saying its easy to put over in a few pages, only cranks and nutjobs witter on for 3 hours.

An unintentional yet succinct appraisal of what's wrong with the world today. All soundbite and no substance.


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26 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

He is not a fucking scientist, he is a fascist making stuff up and cherry picking and distorting figures for money.


People are so fucking stupid, they fall for it all the time.

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33 minutes ago, Moghrey Mie said:

Read it and you will find Paul Burgess named.

It names him as a climate change denier. Does that make him a fascist?

23 minutes ago, HiVibes said:

He is not a fucking scientist, he is a fascist making stuff up and cherry picking and distorting figures for money.

Out of interest who paid for his trip over to the Isle of Man, has the 'Iom Covid Support Group' anti vax, nut jobs just  become the  'dads army black shirts'

He claims to be a scientist. Listen to the radio programme. The residents group apparently paid for his journey. He says he doesn't get a fee.

Surely though, the thing to do is to subject the data he offers to scrutiny. It seems very strange if the IOM is claiming 3 times more yield from the proposed wind farm than anything being achieved in the UK as per the published records as alleged by Burgess on Manx Radio. If this is the case it demolishes the already flimsy rationale for going down this road. It will cost a fortune and it will do no good.

As @HiVibes is constantly telling us, the young have a raw deal. They're going to get a raw deal from this too, aren't they? So why should the old chuffs even bother? If all of the calculations are wrong, and this is going to cost you hundreds of millions, wouldn't you rather stop and take a beat before you commit to destroying your future? It doesn't really matter if the information is delivered by the devil himself if it happens to be right. And if it's wrong he made a monkey of himself and you lost nothing by debunking it.

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17 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

People are so fucking stupid, they fall for it all the time.

Indeed so, but this is easily verifiable/deniable so we'd be nuts not to examine it. Goodness knows we haven't exactly covered ourselves in glory with our actions on capital projects and where we've been led by salesmen and consultants. Get this baby wrong, and it could be the disaster to end them all.

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11 minutes ago, woolley said:

He claims to be a scientist.

Honestly, there are young people walking about being accepted for their identity as a queer scooby doo.

If he says he's a scientist, he's a scientist, you fascist!!!! 🤣


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2 minutes ago, woolley said:

Indeed so, but this is easily verifiable/deniable so we'd be nuts not to examine it. Goodness knows we haven't exactly covered ourselves in glory with our actions on capital projects and where we've been led by salesmen and consultants. Get this baby wrong, and it could be the disaster to end them all.

This Burgess fella is chatting shit woolley, he is not to be trusted at all. You should be able to see that man, its massively obvious. This is a grifter, plain and simple.


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41 minutes ago, woolley said:

An unintentional yet succinct appraisal of what's wrong with the world today. All soundbite and no substance.

Length is not the same as substance.  If it was all those tedious IOMG reports filled with hundreds of pages of vague jargon and vaguer aspirations would be useful - and they're not even meant to be useful.

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21 minutes ago, woolley said:

It seems very strange if the IOM is claiming 3 times more yield from the proposed wind farm than anything being achieved in the UK as per the published records as alleged by Burgess on Manx Radio.


As per visitor figures, train and tram users, profits from film industries, T shirt sales...

Time to be very careful.

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12 minutes ago, HeteroErectus said:

Honestly, there are young people walking about being accepted for their identity as a queer scooby doo.

If he says he's a scientist, he's a scientist, you fascist!!!! 🤣


If he isn't this should be easily confirmed.

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17 minutes ago, woolley said:

Indeed so, but this is easily verifiable/deniable so we'd be nuts not to examine it. Goodness knows we haven't exactly covered ourselves in glory with our actions on capital projects and where we've been led by salesmen and consultants. Get this baby wrong, and it could be the disaster to end them all.

Absolutely.  I am not a climate change denier or someone who thinks that we shouldn't move to be more aware of the effect on our environment and take steps to lessen the impact.


1. The IOM does not need to be at the vanguard, it is not necessary for our 'survival' nor will it make any impact globally.

2.  As you say, we have not covered ourselves in glory in large projects, even the prom, (which is really old tech, a road ffs).  Does anyone have any confidence that any large government project will go well? 

3.  We should facilitate Crogga gas, without government investment, and ring fence any revenue for transition, not least to help the general population make their homes more energy efficient.

4.  This should not be reduced to a slanging match.  Both sides have the same objective, you would hope, and that is the wellbeing of the IOM and its population, now and for the future.  It is not about being right, but about being right for the IOM. 


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13 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

This Burgess fella is chatting shit woolley, he is not to be trusted at all. You should be able to see that man, its massively obvious. This is a grifter, plain and simple.


A grifter cons people out of money. I don't see what he has to gain financially from coming here and doing this.

You don't need to trust him though, and this is the whole point. Check out his data instead. Did you listen to the stuff he was saying before condemning him? Lamara had no counter argument at all. In fact she kept saying his information was out of date, but that was nonsense because he was merely quoting the maths of the physics involved, and asserting that they cannot achieve the base loads they are claiming because they are 3 times what anyone else is getting. He went on to allege that the IOM also commissioned a report in 2010 which confirms what he is saying now. All of this must be available for scrutiny, and then we'll know. It's not like we are betting the Island on what he is saying, but we might well be betting it on what persons unknown are telling us.

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2 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Absolutely.  I am not a climate change denier or someone who thinks that we shouldn't move to be more aware of the effect on our environment and take steps to lessen the impact.


1. The IOM does not need to be at the vanguard, it is not necessary for our 'survival' nor will it make any impact globally.

2.  As you say, we have not covered ourselves in glory in large projects, even the prom, (which is really old tech, a road ffs).  Does anyone have any confidence that any large government project will go well? 

3.  We should facilitate Crogga gas, without government investment, and ring fence any revenue for transition, not least to help the general population make their homes more energy efficient.

4.  This should not be reduced to a slanging match.  Both sides have the same objective, you would hope, and that is the wellbeing of the IOM and its population, now and for the future.  It is not about being right, but about being right for the IOM. 


I always take it as a fun challenge not to get into slanging matches on here. Sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't!  🤣

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5 minutes ago, woolley said:

A grifter cons people out of money. I don't see what he has to gain financially from coming here and doing this.

You don't need to trust him though, and this is the whole point. Check out his data instead. Did you listen to the stuff he was saying before condemning him? Lamara had no counter argument at all. In fact she kept saying his information was out of date, but that was nonsense because he was merely quoting the maths of the physics involved, and asserting that they cannot achieve the base loads they are claiming because they are 3 times what anyone else is getting. He went on to allege that the IOM also commissioned a report in 2010 which confirms what he is saying now. All of this must be available for scrutiny, and then we'll know. It's not like we are betting the Island on what he is saying, but we might well be betting it on what persons unknown are telling us.

You're falling for it. It's like that John Campbell guy from covid.

I have absolutely no doubt the IoM gov figures are total shit btw.

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