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Katie Hopkins backlash..

Manx Bean

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Just now, TheTeapot said:

You're falling for it. It's like that John Campbell guy from covid.

I have absolutely no doubt the IoM gov figures are total shit btw.

I'm falling for nothing, but I do have an open mind. So if they are total shit, and by drawing attention to it this exercise makes a difference then it has performed a service to us worth hundreds of millions.

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Just now, TheTeapot said:

You're falling for it. It's like that John Campbell guy from covid.

I have absolutely no doubt the IoM gov figures are total shit btw.

But that is the real point, the basis on which they are proposing a huge amount of money has been called into question and needs to be examined and fact checked. 

I have no doubt that a move to a more sustainable way of living has to be found, but let's get it right this time, eh? 

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33 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Length is not the same as substance.  If it was all those tedious IOMG reports filled with hundreds of pages of vague jargon and vaguer aspirations would be useful - and they're not even meant to be useful.

Indeed, but this does not devalue my point. The young are used to having a few key words hammered into their brains repeatedly. It's because those in authority assume they are stupid and lacking the capacity to absorb comprehensive information. It's become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

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15 hours ago, Roger Ram said:

What has that got to do with his views and his explanation about the figures surrounding the wind turbines?

Why focus on it when it’s not relevant to the discussion.  Maybe try debunking what he is saying or coming back with some facts to counter it rather than just blab on about something unrelated?

It's a good question, though you may not like the answer.  It's to do with whether someone has shown themself to be "acting in bad faith".  We can all make mistakes or misunderstand things, but when someone consistently distorts or even makes up evidence and ignores other easily found information, then it becomes clear that they are acting in bad faith and shouldn't be believed.  And that means they can't be relied upon on anything

Even if they do make a valid point you end up ignoring it because there's simply not the time to sift though all that shit in the hope of finding a useful nugget.   Brandolini's Law as HeliX pointed out after Chinahand went through the misinformation in one of those videos means that it takes much more effort to disprove something made up or distorted that it did to make it up in the first place.   So if you find someone is repeatedly producing untruths, it's more productive to simply ignore everything they say.  No one is obliged to waste their time listening to 

The same applies to engagement in particular groups that are shown to have a record of such bad faith behaviour, like the various right-wing groups being discussed - even it relates to other topics such as immigration.  Especially if someone tries to conceal such connections.  They're basically revealing  themself as untrustworthy.


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2 hours ago, woolley said:

It names him as a climate change denier. Does that make him a fascist?

He claims to be a scientist. Listen to the radio programme. The residents group apparently paid for his journey. He says he doesn't get a fee.

He claimed on Manx Radio to have no affiliation with right wing groups yet a very simple google search reveals he was a spokesperson for a fascist group, so that tells you all you need to know about his integrity And yes he was paid for coming over and for the video, which is why Juan Turner needs to ask for permission to broadcast, it was not the free public event it was trailed as. 

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I'm tempted to let these assholes have their windmills. It's their generation and the next that'll have to pay for them and they'll learn a really hard lesson for their stupidity. Paul Burgess has spelt it out for them but they're not listening. The Craine woman is a laughing stock in Ramsey.  

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42 minutes ago, Shake me up Judy said:

I'm tempted to let these assholes have their windmills. It's their generation and the next that'll have to pay for them and they'll learn a really hard lesson for their stupidity. Paul Burgess has spelt it out for them but they're not listening. The Craine woman is a laughing stock in Ramsey.  

What he's spelled out was largely incorrect, as Chinahand showed. The cost of wind farms is not worse than the cost of continuing our current energy generation strategy, and it gives us some resilience against fluctuations in fuel price, and it gives us less reliance on the UK.

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The problem is who to believe, figures can be made to fit any proposal ask a good accountant.   The public are suspicious of anything the Government are involved in and who can blame them they seem to make up things up as they go along everything they have done  recently has cost far more than has been estimated it is hard to have confidence in any venture they are planning.   

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9 minutes ago, Radiolistner said:

Yes let’s believe some anonymous bloke on an Internet forum instead. That makes total sense.

He cited all his sources, it's not like it was an opinion piece.

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With respect to Chinahand's posts on this (He's a very knowledgeable and thoughtful poster), the climate science has virtually nothing to do with it. It's the economics and politics of the whole idea. What's the most efficient and best VFM for the Island, then making sure the right decisions are made and followed through on. That's all that matters.

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8 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

Do people not have internal alarms? Someone speaks and your brain goes "shithead speaking crap, be aware"? No wonder the world is so fucked.

I would say the exact opposite.

I never judge an opinion or viewpoint on who is making it, but on what they are saying.

Just because I might have wildly different views to someone else on one or more topics doesn’t mean I would automatically disregard their opinion on anything.

If people do that. No wonder the world is fucked.

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