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Katie Hopkins backlash..

Manx Bean

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20 hours ago, HiVibes said:

He claimed on Manx Radio to have no affiliation with right wing groups yet a very simple google search reveals he was a spokesperson for a fascist group, so that tells you all you need to know about his integrity And yes he was paid for coming over and for the video, which is why Juan Turner needs to ask for permission to broadcast, it was not the free public event it was trailed as. 

He said the video cost him money, but none of this really is important in the matter of are we throwing hundreds of millions of your taxes away on a fool's venture.

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On 6/22/2024 at 7:35 AM, Roger Ram said:

What has that got to do with his views and his explanation about the figures surrounding the wind turbines?

Why focus on it when it’s not relevant to the discussion.  Maybe try debunking what he is saying or coming back with some facts to counter it rather than just blab on about something unrelated?

What if he was a Liverpool supporter, would that make his comment and opinion worthless as well.


22 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

It's a good question, though you may not like the answer.  It's to do with whether someone has shown themself to be "acting in bad faith".  We can all make mistakes or misunderstand things, but when someone consistently distorts or even makes up evidence and ignores other easily found information, then it becomes clear that they are acting in bad faith and shouldn't be believed.  And that means they can't be relied upon on anything

Even if they do make a valid point you end up ignoring it because there's simply not the time to sift though all that shit in the hope of finding a useful nugget.   Brandolini's Law as HeliX pointed out after Chinahand went through the misinformation in one of those videos means that it takes much more effort to disprove something made up or distorted that it did to make it up in the first place.   So if you find someone is repeatedly producing untruths, it's more productive to simply ignore everything they say.  No one is obliged to waste their time listening to 

The same applies to engagement in particular groups that are shown to have a record of such bad faith behaviour, like the various right-wing groups being discussed - even it relates to other topics such as immigration.  Especially if someone tries to conceal such connections.  They're basically revealing  themself as untrustworthy.


Oh, come on. This is risible. You mean there is no time to check a few calculations and ask questions about a report from 2010 before we spend hundreds of millions? Absolute nonsense.

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1 hour ago, HiVibes said:

As if a professional produced that shit.

No. I don't mean he had someone do it. I mean he did it with his own time and materials. There is obviously a cost to that, which he claims is unremunerated. But again, what does that matter? Just check his figures before you jump of the edge of this very expensive cliff.

Edited by woolley
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One of his other complaints in that video is that the average wind speed reported for Earystane (10.3m/s) is meaningless because it's doesn't show where the bulk of the speed is. Did a bit of fagpacket maths because the Earystane wind data is available, using the wind speed at 100m and assuming Mr Burgess is right that under 3m/s = no generation and over 30m/s = no generation:

Excess of 30m/s: 0.06% of the time

Between 25m/s and 30m/s: 0.8% of the time

Between 20m/s and 25m/s: 4.9% of the time

Between 15m/s and 20m/s: 18.5% of the time

Between 10m/s and 15m/s: 36.8% of the time

Between 5m/s and 10m/s: 29% of the time

Between 3m/s and 5m/s: 6.5% of the time

Under 3m/s: 3.2% of the time


The dataset is here if someone else can be arsed loading it into Pandas to work out whether those wind speeds line up with useful times of day...


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14 hours ago, woolley said:

Oh, come on. This is risible. You mean there is no time to check a few calculations and ask questions about a report from 2010 before we spend hundreds of millions? Absolute nonsense.

I didn't say that, as the quotes you highlighted show.  I said there's no time to go through everything he says in the hope that some of it might be true.  The effort of doing so means that direct examination of the plans by the public can get waylaid or that they just give up because everything so muddied by all the misinformation that working out what is true becomes too time-consuming. 

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4 hours ago, HeliX said:

One of his other complaints in that video is that the average wind speed reported for Earystane (10.3m/s) is meaningless because it's doesn't show where the bulk of the speed is. Did a bit of fagpacket maths because the Earystane wind data is available, using the wind speed at 100m and assuming Mr Burgess is right that under 3m/s = no generation and over 30m/s = no generation:

Excess of 30m/s: 0.06% of the time

Between 25m/s and 30m/s: 0.8% of the time

Between 20m/s and 25m/s: 4.9% of the time

Between 15m/s and 20m/s: 18.5% of the time

Between 10m/s and 15m/s: 36.8% of the time

Between 5m/s and 10m/s: 29% of the time

Between 3m/s and 5m/s: 6.5% of the time

Under 3m/s: 3.2% of the time


The dataset is here if someone else can be arsed loading it into Pandas to work out whether those wind speeds line up with useful times of day...


Obviously this is salient. Also the time of year and wind direction.

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4 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

I didn't say that, as the quotes you highlighted show.  I said there's no time to go through everything he says in the hope that some of it might be true.  The effort of doing so means that direct examination of the plans by the public can get waylaid or that they just give up because everything so muddied by all the misinformation that working out what is true becomes too time-consuming. 

"Even if they do make a valid point you end up ignoring it because there's simply not the time to sift though all that shit in the hope of finding a useful nugget."

Of course you said it - as above in your own words. It was reasonable to assume in the context of this discussion that you were referring to relevant material. Obviously, you don't need to include everything he says about goodness knows what. You only need to concern yourself with the specifics relating to the Isle of Man. There is very little effort involved when ranged against the hundreds of millions this is going to cost that we don't have and for marginal/questionable benefit.

The character and beliefs of a person does not necessarily exclude them from contributing something positive. The development and personnel of the German Nazi rocket technology program carried us to the moon, and made possible many of the spin-offs of modern living we now take for granted.

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4 hours ago, woolley said:

Obviously this is salient. Also the time of year and wind direction.

I've not been arsed to break it down because I've forgotten how to use Pandas frankly, but the average wind speed recorded for all dates in times between 6am and 2pm (first peak period according to Manx Utilities) was 11.63m/s, and the average recorded for all dates in times between 4pm and midnight (second peak period according to Manx Utilities) was 11.67m/s. So in both cases higher than the unfiltered average.

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Alright I did it for the breakdown too:

Percentage over thirty: 0.089%
Percentage between 25 and 30: 0.89%
Percentage between 20 and 25: 4.94%
Percentage between 15 and 20: 18.43%
Percentage between 10 and 15: 36.59%
Percentage between 5 and 10: 29.42%
Percentage between 3 and 5: 6.47%
Percentage under 3: 3.16%


So broadly the same as the totals data spread.

Edited by HeliX
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