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Katie Hopkins backlash..

Manx Bean

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4 minutes ago, Amadeus said:

Heroes on the water and I can't remember the name of the second one, sorry. 

Thank you for that. I have seen on FB that Heroes on the Water asked to be disassociated with this event and not be collected for. A wise decision not to be tainted by association with that particular individual.

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27 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Who were these charities? 

No one reads a thing I write:

Whether the Legion realised who they were getting is another matter.  The booking wasn't made by them and say its a "private non-profit making function which is supporting two veteran charities on the island, Heroes on the Water and Rock2Recovery".  Only the first of these is a Manx charity (the second is based in Exeter) and I assume it's those people at Port Soderick, though I couldn't find much to link them to this event.

The locals have now disassociated themselves:

We would like to clarify the position with regards to an event being held this evening, Wednesday 13 September, where we were chosen as the nominated cause for fundraising.
As a charity, we are entirely reliant on donations and from time to time we are fortunate enough to be supported with collections, and as was the case this evening, this is generally arranged by the organiser with no direct involvement from us.
As such, we have no affiliation with the events or their organisers.
After receiving several questions about our involvement with tonight’s event, we have made the decision to ask the organisers to drop plans to collect money for us but thank them for considering us.

But it does seem that their involvement was oddly minimal and rather than the event being entirely in their benefit as seems to have been suggested, at most they were getting a bucket collection.  It explains why, while they are fairly active on Facebook, there was nothing promoting the event as you would normally expect with fundraising.  Which makes you wonder exactly who was organising this and for whose benefit.

This sort of khaki-washing seems fairly common among those claiming to be patriotic, but how much money or benefit actually gets to veterans or whatever is often another matter.

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46 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:


I think he already is

It seems half the online population is now hating on Devon and Andrew and the other half on me. Equilibrium has been restored. 

Would I pay to watch her? No. I stayed a few minutes and am still wondering why she's touring as a comedian. Not my type of gig or person to follow. Do I agree with the things she says? Nope. She hit on EV drivers two minutes in. Then just played to her audience and their world views. Do I realise she lives off her infamy and uses the media and the rage mob to stay in the public eye and earn a living? Yes. Did I take the pic just to get a reaction? Yes, and safe to say it worked. 


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24 minutes ago, Hoops said:

Presumably the buckets would have been for people to put money in as they entered the venue?

But in that case it makes no sense to say that the collection was stopped because of 'threats', because they wouldn't be effective inside.  Now we know the real reason was because at least one of the charities didn't want their name used to justify something to which they had little association.  It's all rather murky.

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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Alledgely threatening what exactly?

No idea but guessing the odd facebook message or iomtoday comment, although that comment section seems to be 50/50 between Burn Her! and She's Great! right now: https://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/club-defends-hosting-hopkins-show-638278 

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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

Imagine if the UK Government actually spent money processing the asylum applications rather than creating this huge backlog which then requires them to spend money on healthcare and housing. 

At the same time the UK Government chucks money at daft "stop the boats" initiatives that have absolutely no effect. 

There will be many of these asylum seekers, who are currently not allowed to work, that could fill many of the skills gaps in the UK workforce (which may or may not have been caused by Brexit).

Look at the success of the scheme to house Ukrainians.  Why could that not be replicated for other asylum seekers?

I haven't really seen any European country that got asylum right yet. Germany screwed up by just flinging open the borders and the UK are just doing populist rubbish to appease rightwing tory voters. Sweden tried to be nice until nice didn't work, Denmark the same. Hungary seems to hate everyone not Hungarian, the Greeks are illegally pushing boats back and killing people (while the EU closes its eyes and pretends not to see it), and the list goes on.

The tricky part seems to be the differentiation between what we like to call "genuine asylum seekers", i.e. those fleeing because their lives are in danger, economic (largely unskilled) migration and skilled immigration. All countries want skilled immigrants when it comes down to it and things like the NHS would collapse without it. But you can't just ignore the other two categories, especially not if European weapons are often contributing towards the wars they are fleeing from and western politics and powerful industries keep other countries poor. 

One thing that will always stick in my mind was how the IOM didn't even want to talk about potentially taking on asylum seekers some years ago, but was suddenly all too happy when the Ukraine situation came along. Always felt a bit odd, to put it politely. 

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2 minutes ago, Amadeus said:


One thing that will always stick in my mind was how the IOM didn't even want to talk about potentially taking on asylum seekers some years ago, but was suddenly all too happy when the Ukraine situation came along. Always felt a bit odd, to put it politely. 

Ukranians are white, Syrians aren't, and that's all there is to it sadly. 

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1 minute ago, Gladys said:

How have you linked them to this event?  It is not listed under their Upcoming Events page. 

As Roger says, all a tad murky. 

I saw some anti vax fruitcake flyers there, which seems to be in line with that site? Can't remember if the flyers had that website address on it though. 

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